With a fin that can be the size of the fish itself, it is a very nice fish to have in an aquarium, for the display! Well, I didnt. Some specimens may also have orange or red coloration on their fins and tail.Lyretail Mollies are easy to care for making them ideal for beginner aquarists. The tank waters parameters may be quite various since molly fish adapts to any new conditions perfectly. To get your fish to breed, you should feed them frozen or live foods as a treat. River Rock Large Stone as Aquarium Gravel? Be sure to feed them several small meals per day rather than one large meal.These fish are very easy to breed! When mother mollies give birth. There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the size of your tank, the species of molly you are keeping, and your own personal preferences. Especially lyretail mollies. They are easily recognizable by their long, specialized anal fin that is used to deposit eggs in females. MV Organizing: How Long Do Mollies Live in Captivity? Nevertheless, these bright, barrel-like fishes can variegate your tank and are quite popular. Ich and fungus cures are readily available in aquarium shops, but meds will be much more effective if all water parameters are healthy. Females are slightly smaller than males. Lyretail mollies are a popular type of fish for aquariums, as they are relatively easy to care for and provide a beautiful addition to any tank. At first I changed the water once a week but because of their clamped fin now I am changing 20% of water every alternate day. It is supposed that the variation was obtained based on the spotted Poecilia latipinna species. Generally, mollies are peaceful fish. $6.98. Anyone have a betta they cant house with anything? I'm just curious as to whether my molly is a male or female. Questions about my gold panda lyretail mollies and my Cory catfish eggs. Although babies are highly developed when born, they are quite small in size. Most of the time, the fish spends in upper and middle water layers. Pinky191. In my opinion minimum tank size for the successful keeping of a small group of molly fish is 13 US gallons (50 liters). Cory eggs? LOL, determining gender in livebearers is easy. You can also place the pregnant molly in a breeding box when she is close to giving birth. It is a very peaceful fish. You can often see how it scrapes algae and fouling from tank glass and decorations. Are clamped fins indicates any serious issue? Fancy molly fish types have long, flowing fins on males, and females have shorter fancy fins that are held close to their bodies but not clamped. I added a common pleco and now hes dead!!!! Females are typically smaller than males and have shorter fins. It has a switch installed with it, that allows water to flow out from the hose, and flow in through the hose. However, you can take a small number of vegetables when preparing your meal. Mollies are one of the coolest types of fish on the planet. I have a picture I could send you if you would like it. Acclimating your tank is an important aspect of sustaining the life of your fish. You just need to attach it to your faucet and pull water from your aquarium. By Emma, 6 years ago on Tropical Fish 2,903 Do I have two male Mollie's or is one a female ? The fishes are easy to care for and keep. However, this doesnt imply that setting up an aquarium tank is difficult. My dad picked one up with his hands and moved it to another tank then went nuts at the manager. Poecilia sphenops have elongated, solid, and flattened from sides body with a round well-developed tail fin. Riot platy breeding size OK. I have found it only when preparing this article. Female molly fish are almost always in some state of pregnancy, emphasizing their wider build that differentiates them from males. In general, tank mates have to be approximate of a similar size. Ive done all I can to make sure hes well taken care of, but an entire 30 gallon to himself?? Questions about my gold panda lyretail mollies and my Cory catfish eggs. Nitrate They are becoming more pale. It has a unique body pattern black spots and speckles on a white background that resemble the dalmatian dogs color patterns. Moreover, mollies are not an aggressive species. That is one sick looking fish. It is not encountered in the wild, and it was bred artificially. A gold dust molly fish is omnivorous. Gently release the fish into the aquarium. This is an omnivorous fish that eats all types of live, frozen, or artificial food. Many aquarists choose freshwater tanks. Moreover, some species, like mollies, can withstand both fresh and saltwater. How often the food should be given? Look at the anal fin - if there is a fin, it's a female, if it's a narrow "tube" it's a male. Also included in this genus are the platys. Also, a large tank would require extensive routine cleanings and larger filters. Female mollies are often larger than the males. What is your water change routine? They will survive with that. Thanks for replying. So thank you for telling me it wasn't lol now I know. When mating, the male fish uses its gonopodium, which has a tube to transfer ejaculate to the male fish, and hooks closer to the female when fertilizing her, which increases chances of successful fertilization. Sometimes, you can even see the eyes of the fry inside the female through the stretched skin of a light-colored belly. When they relax and extend their fins its easier to tell. As such, these are the smallest molly fish types. Most mollies that are sold are found in Central America and southern part of the United States. Therefore, you should only raise a small amount to fish. In general, feeding molly fish isnt complicated. $44.95 + $2.99 shipping . In large tanks, the fish will be too stressed. Feeding them with quality artificial food is the best option since this food is well-balanced, has all necessary vitamins, and digest well. Add to Cart. If you are housing a community fish, the first measure is placing enough plants in the tank, as hiding space. The shortfin are smaller and the sailfin are bigger. It is likely that the dalmatian or black molly were involved in the mix, and created the gold panda molly. Mollies are livebearers, i.e. Thanks for the ideas! Some fishkeepers cool aquariums to the lowest temperature in which fish aren't stressed to prevent unwanted fry. Typically, it needs algae alongside meaty foods. "10 Different Types of Molly fishCan They Mate, Live Together", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gold_panda_molly&oldid=1096933695, This page was last edited on 7 July 2022, at 16:00. I have done some research on internet about how to distinguish male and female and according to that I am sure it is male, I have added an image of it. For example, males are often aggressive towards each other, for the fight of dominance. Moreover, the vegetable is the major choice of plant diet in mollies food. Usually, lyretail mollies will grow quickly if you feed them well. For beginners, we recommend that you get a small tank. This creates an air pocket at the tip of the bag. It is important to provide them with a varied diet to ensure they get all the nutrients they need. How long does molly fish live? They can live together with barbs (tiger barb, cherry barb, Odessa barb, rosy barb); Poecilia velifera is the only exception the males long fins may be nipped in this case. Any other fish apart from the Mollies in the tank? But before keeping them it is also an interesting experience to know the molly fish gender. Reference samples of black molly fish dont have any glitter or spots on their body they are coal-black. Its body is silvery-yellow. Well, this will not harm the fish, but dont forget that this fish quite seldom inhabits without any tank mates, and the latter may not stand brackish water, or it could even be toxic for them. Moreover, avoid putting the same-sex of mollies in the same tank. I haven't changed filter and I am not using any heater. Molly fish are easy-to-keep aquarium fish. Lyretail Mollies are known for their bright colors and beautiful fins.They are also livebearers, meaning they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.Lyretail Mollies are easy to care for and make great additions to any aquarium. Female. 15. They even conduct genetic experiments (for example, glofish). Their main distinctive feature is their tail fin structure. Regarding the number of times to feed your molly daily, you can feed them twice per day. Female mollies have dull, Timid, and Demure color schemes thats why the bolder color variations of male mollies seem to be attractive. The colors of this fish vary depending on the region it comes from but they are typically some shade of silver, gold, or green with black spots on their sides. With 7 dalmation mollies, 2 scissor rasbora, 3 Pristella tetras, one monk tetra and a bristlenose in a 50 gallon what would be a good center piece fish my autistic son would appreciate? those are my Cory catfish eggs can you tell if they are alive or not? have considered the Latin name of the gold panda molly to be Poecilia sphenops more likely than Poecilia latipinna. It inhabits El Salvador waters. Mollies have been selectively breed by fish farmers from around the world to come up with many variation of colors and patterns. It may have some light-blue tint. Gold Panda Molly Regular Poecilia Mollies are very closely related to the guppies, and are both members of the same genus, Poecilia. I dont know the technical term but if the fin on the belly is straight down and comes to a point its a male. Description. Ive had at least 20 in my lifetime and never had one THIS aggressive. GOLD PANDA MOLLY regular. Quick View Add to Cart. Moreover, the quantity of food should not be more than what they can finish in five minutes. Quick view. $5.98. Mature females usually look larger than males and have a more rounded belly, while males tend to be slimmer with a flatter belly. The Lyretail Molly is a member of the Poeciliidae family and is native to Central America.They can be found in freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes. LOL, I had a feeling I had it backwards!! For Sexing Mollies, It is very important to keep male vs female mollies in a specific ratio. When it comes to breeding, males will also often build nests out of plants or other materials in an effort to attract mates. This is because, mollies are fin nippers, which may likely not be suitable for long-finned fish. The Lyretail Molly is a beautiful freshwater fish that is popular in the aquarium trade. Which in turn influences the number of fish in your tank. In the wild, males size is up to 5 in (12 cm). It is very useful when you just purchase your fish from a store. Also included in this genus are the platys. 2005-2019 Monsterfishkeepers.com. However, when you observe your fish well, you might likely notice this too. Your sexing fish by their an*l fins only works with livebearers. Let the molly fish fry grown up to mature fish for at least a few months. We consider ourselves to be the link between the world's best sources of fish and the world best customers. I know that the gold doubloon fish does not have a gonopodium, but it seems to be a very long and skinny anal fin could I have your opinion on the matter. Regardless, each has their preference. Your email address will not be published. Therefore, Id recommend adding some salt into the tank only if molly fish live alone or when they are in quarantine. The fish can live both in a common tank and separately. When it comes to breeding, mollies can be crazy about is. . They are undemanding that can dwell in a wide variety of water parameters. I have molly fish in a big glass bowl. As a fish keeper, you should bear in mind that, tank condition is a major contribution to the well-being of your fish. . However, this article focus is on the floating process of acclimation. Yes, in a roomy tank, it behaves very peaceful and calmly, but if the tank is small and crowded, the fish can show aggression towards its kind and sometimes to other fishes in the tank. We should also mention that molly fish can live in brackish water as well, and in some resources, they even recommend putting some salt into the tank water intentionally. How long has it been running for? However, the presence of salt might be helpful. The fry were mostly less bright in color and they didn't show the sailfin or lyretail at about less than an inch long. Live food you may add to the fish diet is bloodworm, tubifex, brine shrimp. This will ensure the absence of nitrogenous compounds of high concentration in the tank, such as ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Due to selective breeding programs, many new variations were obtained, with different coloring and body shapes. Did you know that the molly genus (in Latin Mollienesia) was abolished, and now all fishes from it are included in the livebearers genus (in Latin Poecilia). How to Identify Pregnant Dalmatian Mollies There are three signs which can help identify pregnant Dalmatian mollies. SILVER LYRETAIL MOLLY - Regular . The other features might vary from species but Anal Fin is the most specific part used to identify the gender. It appears to be the ich parasite, but I can't tell for sure from the picture. The higher is the temperature, the faster is the metabolism and the lifespan decreases. Their tails have rounded edges as well. The Lyretail Molly is a member of the Poeciliidae family which includes over 200 species of live-bearing fishes found in fresh, brackish, and salt water habitats throughout the world.Live-bearing means that the female gives birth to live young rather than laying eggs. I thought the Mollie on the left was a female. . However, the Dalmatian Molly has a pointed caudal fin (anal fin) which is larger on the male than it is on the female. The size of this fin will determine their mate, and also the rank among other Mollies. Females are smaller and a bit pudgier than males, I believe. Some fishes, such as tiger barbs, may nip mollys fins. This colorful fish is a favorite among aquarists because of its beautiful fins and tail. Its mouth is meant for eating food from the water surface and algae scraping. They look like theyre battling to the death which is literally what is happening. As any female specie can hook with the male gender. Gold dust molly male and female fry are all gold and black, for example, with no notable markings to tell the genders apart. The fish are playful and energetic but also peaceful hence make a lively addition to community . Is it normal or is it because of stress while adjusting to new aquarium. (5+ Signs to Know), Gender Indication Signs: Male vs Female Molly, Ultimate List of 40+ Molly Fish Types by Colors & Body Patterns, How to Care & Grow Molly Fish Fry (Best Tips). Mollies eat everything they can fit in their mouth, however. #8 Gold Doubloon Molly. you read and agreed to the. I have 2 bettas and they definitely hate each other. Lyretail mollies are a type of fish that can grow to be quite large. Golden panda mollies - gold panda molly hybrid care and info Uri Shasha 16.2K subscribers Subscribe 164 15K views 3 years ago this is a care guide for golden panda molly fish:. Whereas, in the long run starting with a small tank would result in spending more. This is a very old post, date in upper right corner, but I need to correct your information. Your mollies won't leave you wondering for long whether they are male or female. There are diagrams floating around that can really help diagnose the sexing differences. It's a little hard to tell in your photo, but pull up a reference and you can easily tell. maybe you have same sex attracted fish. Thats why its recommended to renew the water in the tank with juveniles more often than usual. You should be careful only with a balloon molly fish since, due to its curved shape, its lifespan is shorter than that of other molly species. In the wild, lyretail is omnivores, and they feed on algae, small invertebrates, and plant matter. However, usually, males in size are up to 3 in (7.5 cm), while mature females are up to 2.5 in (6.5 cm). All Rights Reserved. Then, add half a cup of aquarium water to the shipping bag containing the fish. they dont lay eggs. The males tend to be more richly colored, such as the charcoal black of the black lyretail molly or the vibrant orange tones of the gold dust molly. This is the largest molly, and its size may be up to 10 cm (4 in) large, while in the wild, it is up to 6 inches (15 cm). Assorted Male Guppy Guppies. My female cories are twice the size of the males, in length and girth . For Mollies. $ 7.65. Female mollies have dull, Timid, and Demure color schemes that's why the bolder color variations of male mollies seem to be attractive. Her baby often appears to be quite small. Golden molly fish is a tank fish with yellow-orange body coloring prevailing. A 20-gallon tank is the minimum size you should consider for a small group of lyretail mollies. i just wanna prove that male bettas can live and swim together in 1 tank.. so far no incident of them ever fighting.. they never attack any of the community fish that theyre with. This is a selective breed and quite a rare one. View All Close. Includes Heat Pack . First, these fish do best in groups of 3 or more so they feel comfortable and secure. Molly fish have good relationships within their group they almost dont show any intraspecific aggression. Most mollies that are sold are found in Central America and southern part of the United States. The description ws made by a French zoologist Achille Valenciennes in 1846 while working on his 22 books of Histoire Naturelle des Poissons (Natural History of Fish). You see mystery snails have large antennae and a betta fish thinks they are worms and will attack, some snail dont have antennae as long as mystery snails. Small invertebrates, and Demure color schemes thats why the bolder color variations of male mollies seem be! Feed your molly daily, you should feed them twice per day rather than one meal.These. Fungus cures are readily available in aquarium shops, but pull up reference... Used to deposit eggs in females are sold are found in Central America and southern part the! 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