For example, there are times when the deck bulges, and you step on it, and it pops down. Sharp looking boat!! If you notice any leaks, its important to take care of them right away. Take Vexus everywhere you go with our complete line of Vexus Gear. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon. Wish them well. Many people have issues with the decking near the front of the boat, where it tends to blow up. If you dont take care of your boat, the gelcoat will start to peel and flake off. Read More: Robalo r160 problems and solutions. A few complaints involved the hull crack issue, but we had enough pointers to suggest that Vexus was quick enough to address the issue. It's going to take a long time to catch up to market inventory levels as Skeeter and Ranger that have been making boats for 40+ years and likely 40% of them are still being used. This is after some years of running. I saw a Vexus on Lake Fork about a month ago. VEXUS Raised Vinyl Dome Decal $20.00. The only explanation I was given by Vexus was they found gravel in the hull. Common Vexus Boat Problems. While there are keel guards, they do not stay fixed in place on the aluminum keel of Vexas Boats. These include well-established brands like Evenrude, Mercury, and Yamaha. Got to see the new Vexus at the ISE in Sacramento. Vexus Avx1880 boats for sale Back To Top Boats Engines Clear All Vexus avx1880 Location By Zip By City or State Condition All New Used Length to ft. Year to Price to Price Drop info Class Power Power-all-power All Power Power-Aluminum Fishing Aluminum Fishing Power-Bass Bass Power-Freshwater Fishing Freshwater Fishing Power-Other Other There are a few real reasons behind the boat not reaching its top speed. They're most likely 20" transom height. You can use Epoxy to fix any gaps or holes. Here we will be briefly covering boats from two of the most well-known brands, Vexus and Avid. These new boats are superior to any other aluminum boats I have ever been around. Theyll be able to diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs. Vexus boats for sale on Boat Trader are available for a variety of prices, valued from $28,085 on the moderate end all the way up to $127,294 for the most extravagant models. This can lead to damage to the hull of your Vexus boat if you hit something in the water. Why would you pay 80-100k for a boat that has not established a name yet, when you can go buy a FXR for the same dang price??? I agree that it is too early to call them a flop. Vexus Boats is a company that designs and manufactures aluminum and fiberglass bass fishing boats. Boatworld dropped Triton ranger to be a skeeter caymas dealer. Es ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Vexus Boats offers a warranty to the first retail customers only when a boat has been purchased from an authorized dealer. Required fields are marked *. Read What Experts Say! As the inner parts heat up, the battery is not left alone. Our local support team is here to help. As you can see, there are a number of common problems with Vexus boats. While many Vexes boat owners enjoy the amount of storage on their boat and think it has a good layout, they are missing tackle dividers. Some people dont mind the way the Vexus looks, but if youre looking for a good-looking boat, the Vexus is probably not for you. The key to a long-lasting boat is to clean it with fresh water after every use, to avoid hitting any objects, and not to push your boat and the engines too hard. To prevent this from happening, be sure to wash your Vexus boat regularly with fresh water and mild soap. If you're still having problems resetting your password, Mercury - 2.0/ 2.4/ 2.5 Liter High Performance, Mercury - 3 Liter & 3 Liter High Performance, Wanted to Buy - Other Than Fishing Tackle. With a little bit of knowledge, you can avoid these problems and enjoy your Vexus boat for many years to come. Although I've yet to see any on the water, I do see them for sale somewhat regularly. The Vexus boat range comes in four types: Glass infused Aluminum deep vee, Glass infused Aluminum hybrid design, fiberglass design, and fiberglass multi-species. Many boat owners have noticed that condensation forms on the lids of the storage boxes. Paying for it would be my concern. On the other hand, acquiring some necessary products can help you: With these products, you can do the work yourself without any hassles. Owning a Vexus boat is a dream come true for many people. Vexus unveiled its state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in August 2017. Do you have any other tips for avoiding Vexus boat problems? As a result, some models have been recalled because there is a potential for fuel leaks. If you have any problems with your Vexus boat, you can give them a call and they will be more than happy to help you. Some Vexes boat owners have had some serious problems with fuel leaks. There is a tendency for this to happen in metal boats, and Vexas is aware of the problem. In this article, we will share the most common concerns faced by boat owners. If you notice that your Vexus boat is starting to crack, it is important to take action immediately. One issue that Vexus boat owners have reported is that the boat is slippery at low speeds. First, make sure you use good quality paint. Including professionals and technicians, you must be surrounded by some real people. You can post now and register later. Now, who doesnt love a happy fish! After reading more, i soon learn that a lot of the interior is fiberglass (nothing fiberglass about the boat itself, just used to make sterage bins/cooler/console/step) Is it the use of fiberglass on the inside that makes it that expensive? However, if the tank is damaged, it will need to be replaced. I went to a Caymas this year. The Vexus line of boats includes the following: Generally, the boats have been well-received by their new owners, who mostly sing their praises on the various fishing and boating social media platforms. Mercury Optimax 115, 150, 225 Problems [With Solutions]. They are well known for customer support and loyalty to their customers. Check out our growing inventory of new and pre-owned boats. His grandson, Keith Daffron, joined the company in the early days and became the vice president of sales and marketing for Ranger Boats. Bitte Einzelheiten im Warenkorb ansehen. Did you find wrong information or was something missing. I just dont think Vexus brought much to the table that wasnt already available in a time proven package. However, being aware of some common problems can help you with maintenance. I have been eyeing the Vexus AVX2080 for what seems like forever. Raptor wireless stomp buttons are provided so that you enjoy hands-free control of your Minn Kota shallow water anchor. He also said Vexus was building him a replacement which is good. You want to look for corrosion when you are cleaning them. The right solutions come by acquiring the best products in the market. You can think of this structure as very similar to that of a car windshield setup. They do not care for the pickle fork bow style. Do They Still Make Parts For Older Models? The main problem is that the deck of my bow between the trolling motor foot pedal and the seat post hole is sort of bulging and when I step on it, it pops down like the lid of an oil can or kind of like a metal jar lid after you break the vacuum. There is no dents in it that would cause that to crack.Vexus should give him a new hull.The scratches should not have caused it nether .This really looks bad on Vexus.If I was them I would make this right a fast as I can . In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common problems of Vexus boats and how to avoid and solve them. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. These boats are well-known for their quality and performance on the water. Dealing with the vexus boat issues is not a difficult task. 4. Be sure to check that your drain plug is installed correctly and that there are no cracks or gaps in the sealant around the plug. How Long Do Vexus Boats Last When Compared to Similar Brands? They are one of the best fishing boats out there. The seat pole tends to bulge out and cause the deck to warp. But, its probably best that he doesnt. Contact. The necessary solutions are these: These steps can help you out in resolving the issue. Copyright 2000-2020 BassBoat Central Inc. All rights reserved. 2022 Vexus Boats AVX1980 (NEW FEATURES) Weight and speed ratios are specified, and the team at Vexus Boats is on hand to help you decide the best options for your boating or fishing purpose. Mar 18, 2019. Pasted as rich text. Its boxy, and the fiberglass version is especially bad. What evidence are they following? Vexus boats come with aluminum or fiberglass hulls, large decks, and spacious interiors. The port rod storage and standard rear casting deck has me leaning towards the Vexus since I am a smallmouth fisherman. Read More Phoenix Bass Boat Problems: 4 Issues and FixesContinue, Read More Robalo R160 Problems 3 Reasons And SolutionsContinue, Read More What Happened To River Hawk Boats?Continue, Read More How To Install Hot Foot Throttle? The old bow switches are not water resistant, which is why water is getting in them. That's huge. The real deal? You haven't seen many, because there isn't many out there. Any boat is going to last longer with better care from the owner. However, this is not specific to Vexus Boats, as any boat brand can have problems. Make sure you have the correct part name and model number noted before the search. The Vexus VX21 is our flagship bass boat. . $107,995 Seller J&K Marine - Detroit Lakes 23. This can make it difficult to organize your tackle and keep it from getting tangled. Vexus Boat Problems: What to do When Your Boat Vibrates, Has Water Leaks, and More Cracking Welds. Their specialty is bass boats with center consoles. I had the G3 HP200 before this boat and the difference is night and day. Second, make sure you properly prepare the surface before you paint it. In almost half a century of the history of vexus boats, this has been recognized recently. 2) Vexus is going to release Glass models on day 1 of the Bass Masters Classic in Knoxville TN on March 15 (51 days). The vexus aluminum boats absorb more external pressure than many others. However, they are made from the highest quality aluminum and fiberglass, and it is believed that they will hold up well. Some of the Vexas models get slippery in current or wind, particularly at low speeds, such as when idling. They have a high satisfaction rating, especially when it comes to hassle free warranty work. Vexus Boats are dependable and designed for maximum comfort and convenience while providing a smooth ride. Your email address will not be published. So this covered compartment is a huge plus. One of the Vexus boat problems that you might face is your deck popping up. BBCBoards is the leading online community for Bass Boat connections. Although Vexus boats have a few common problems, most of them can be avoided or fixed relatively easily. Throughout the forums, there are postings relating to the paint concerns of many owners. I went in knowing 0 about online trading but Mrs Sandra walked me through every step of the process. In a short time, Vexas Boats has managed to build a strong reputation for durable and sturdy boats. If you are currently experiencing an issue with your Vexus Service, please fill out the form below to report a trouble ticket online. To extend the life of your battery, you should remove it from the boat to give it a full charge. The Minn Kota Ultrex boasts a heel-toe cable power steering, spot lock, lift assist, and the i-Pilot trolling system. Craftsmanship is revered. Glanced at this yesterday and not in market for a new boat, but what a harsh environment. This material may not be posted on another website. AVX. When it comes to dropping that much on a boat, I am not a pioneer. However, there are some general issues that can occur with both types of Vexus boats. Vexus has been contacted and they are going to replace the boat yet again, however, no timeline has been given. Vexus boats have a good reputation for customer care. Since Vexus makes fiberglass boats, Gelcoat peeling is a common problem. Vexus Boats is one of the few brands of boats to build both aluminum and fiberglass boats. They also added more rubber padding. The market will have to see how well they hold their value in the years to come. AirWave Pedestals for Driver and Passenger, Intensive Care Livewell System w/Oxygenator (Patent Pending), Trailer Upgrades - including Trailer Step - Two Steps w/out Removable Handle and Trailer Parking Brake Vexus boat builders are the most experienced and knowledgeable in the industry when it comes to constructing fishing boats. Tips & Tricks from Experts, Trolling Motor Wire Size Guide: Every Bit a Beginner Should Know, Motorguide Xi5 Reviews: Excellent Solution for Your Fishing Boat, Watersnake Trolling Motors Brand Review (2021 Comprehensive Guide), Lowrance Ghost Problems: How to Deal with Them, Minn Kota Terrova with Ipilot: The Best Trolling Motor for Your Money. Definitely not. But typical problems that have been reported on the boating and fishing forums include the following: Welds or hulls cracking Fuel lines causing leaks and need replacing Hang in there. Vexus Boats are quality boats that come in a variety of designs and features. North TX Marine sold 50+ in 2019. These boats are great in skinny water, but there is a tradeoff. Let us now look into some common problems of Vexus boats in more detail. This has been the case for the popular river hawk boats. It also makes it a bit challenging to launch from some areas, especially rocky ones. All handrails on boats are obnoxious, handrails are for stairs not boats. 3) . This is a very good speed considering being in the water. If you are not comfortable welding the cracks yourself, you can always take your Vexus boat to a professional for help. Vexus boats for sale 218 Boats Available. Most of the Vexus boats are available for customization. I believe that I should be able to put a 250 proxs since it is a 20 foot boat. Originally Posted by ogles824 (aka Lakewaydr50), I like bass cats, people make bad choices with the paint colors from time to time on them. #1. The reason being the owners are trying to speed faster. If you take care of your boat and have it serviced regularly, you should be able to enjoy it for many years to come. It's a little early to call the brand a flop. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is the outboards. Not for me. Over time, the welds start to loosen and that can cause problems. Buddy of mine is a salesman at our local dealer. Clear editor. 3) there are no rivets used in the construction of a Vexus glass-infused aluminum boat. You got that from beaching the boat in some gravel? (Do they depreciate faster than normal). I was thinking the same thing. This new team also included Randy Hopper, who held many leadership positions within Ranger, including plant manager, Vice President (VP) of Manufacturing, VP of Engineering, and finally becoming CEO. This can be caused by several things, but the most likely culprit is improper care and cleaning. It would also come with two Humminbirds on it. The windshields are tied directly to the deck superstructure increasing their strength and structural rigidity. I sold it to a buddy that was over there last weekend. They do have somd pro guys in them now so theres that positive. It is more commonly seen in the vexus dvx boat problems. Bout the same amount of Caymas boats right now. The Intensive Care Livewell System is installed on your boat so that your fish have a comfortable ride home and stay oxygenated during the trip. MODELS. They should just make a glass boat that looks like their tin boats, just make it a little larger. I doubt they make as many as Skeeter and Ranger per year, but also how many boats do you see that are older than 3 years old (or however old Vexus is). This can happen for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is poor maintenance. They were already shipping aluminum boats to a network of Vexus bass boat dealers just over a year after opening. This is to make the vexus boat reviews gain better perspectives. contact Mrs Sandra Billy FX, via. Many boat owners love the way their Vexas rides. One of the most important things to consider when buying a boat is customer care. Here are a few things that can be done: The solution cannot be reached with some handy products: With the best products out there, you are going to increase the boats lifespan. And third, make sure you apply a clear coat after you paint your boat to protect the paint job. If they arent selling them by the bushels in this economy, they are doomed in the future. You can get them decked out in your choice of color or materials; this also means youll get the exact boat that meets your needs. Im sure it is being noticed. If you do hit something, its important to get your boat checked out by a professional as soon as possible to avoid further damage. Vexus Boats are built with the best quality materials available to produce super strong, high-quality fishing boats. To avoid this, make sure you wash and wax your boat regularly. It would be best if you cleaned your batteries once a month by removing them and using a mixture of baking soda and water to clean the terminals. For aesthetics, gunnel handrails are provided for driver and passenger. It all began in 1968, when Forrest L. Wood, the world-renowned founder of the bass boat, started Ranger Boats. Meticulous, uncompromising craftsmanship Ceaseless innovation and a Team with centuries of boatbuilding experience. Copyright 1997-2023 The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide LLC All rights reserved. Residential Customers | Vexus Residential Business Internet Assistance Contact Us Check Email Help Pay My Bill Call or Text 800-658-2150 Internet TV Phone Customers Careers HERE TO HELP Need help with your Vexus Service? Hambys keel protector is provided. If you dont take care of your boat, the deck will start to sag and eventually collapse. The Revolution package comes with a Min Kota 112 MDI I- Pilot. I like the new Skeeter and the Caymas boats. With the talent and previous success of the industry professionals behind the new Vexus brand, theyre sure to continue to be a strong brand for years to come. Handcrafted excellence. To avoid this, make sure you wash and wax your boat regularly. However, that has been taking quite some time. MENU. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is poor maintenance. A rare feat during these difficult economic times. Upload or insert images from URL. A little early to call it a flop. It was not me Chance. I don't know anyone that owns a Vexus but it sure seems like a nice boat to me. Some models are fiberglass infused which gives these boats far more stability compared to their peers. MENU. Vexus Boats are fairly new, and as a result, there is not much data on their resale value. My buddy has the tin 2080 and has had SEVERAL issues with not only the boat but with their service. Here is how you can do it: There you have it! How Much Does A Vexus DVX19 Weigh? In this aspect, the similarities within problems appearing in the phoenix boat cannot be denied. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. But typical problems that have been reported on the boating and fishing forums include the following: There are complaints on other forums about the design and look of Vexus Boats, with some calling them just plain ugly, but that is more of a personal choice and not a typical problem with Vexus Boats. Many features on it I didn't like including the gap between the windshield and the console. Dealer network is growing every day. Vexus uses a wealth of knowledge and experience when building their boats, which helps them create some of the most stable fishing boats. Did you find wrong information or was something missing? Maybe go through insurance and have them Duke it out. " One thing to note here though is that Vexus made sure to take care of their customers by repairing the hulls for free, regardless of warranty. Vexus boats are made with top-quality fiberglass and aluminum, so you can be sure theyre going to hold up well. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is poor installation. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is hitting something in the water. It was a FLOP from the moment they posted pics of that UGLY stepchild of a boat. 1. This leaves a clear hole in the charging system. ADX190 GLASS-INFUSED ALUMINUM HYBRID DESIGN. Exploring the several vexus boat problems is a great idea when it comes to maintenance. I made $7000 in just five days of trading, Don't just recommend, I highly recommend. Parts for Vexus boats can be easily found over the internet or by contacting your local dealer. So Im in an 1880 and can say that everyone who has ridden in my boat has been extremely impressed with the ride and hole shot. They build aluminum and fiberglass fishing boats. With a little bit of knowledge, you can avoid these problems and enjoy your Vexus boat for many years to come. It can be really frustrating because you just spent all that time and money painting your boat, only to have it come off in the water. However, if your Vexus boat starts having problems, it can quickly ruin the fun. There are a handful of the aluminum rigs running around in Arkansas, few of the bass rigs. This mostly occurs becuase of the wear and tear of the boat. Referring to the wet candy gloss you only get with gel coat, paint just don't have the same effect. As a result,. 2. The most usual problems are low speed and damaged deck issues. Fiberglass boats to be out soon. The whole interior is fiberglass, with consoles, compartments, and everything inside the boat. It seems like people who had their boats for a long time started to see the problems with welds. This can happen for a number of reasons, but the most common cause is poor installation. By Even if you are really good with maintenance, lets say within 5 years, issues may arise. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. I have been eyeing the Vexus AVX2080 for what seems like forever. If you follow these steps, you should be able to avoid this problem. You should also avoid using harsh chemicals on your boat, as they can damage the gelcoat. Wear and tear may just happen with fluctuating motor speed. You should also inspect your deck for any signs of wear or damage. Sometimes, the problem can be fixed by simply tightening a few screws or replacing a hose. With the fxr and caymas coming out and imo being much better looking boats I'm sure that hurt them. In addition, if they have reported problems, Vexus Boats has been reported to be good with honoring any warranty issues. You can also enquire about the parts for your vexus boats through their website. I've seen 1 tin and no glass ones around rayburn. If you store your boat somewhere, like a garage, you want to keep the storage boxes open a little to ensure proper ventilation. However, no matter how well a boat has been manufactured, the overall reliability will still come down to how well the boat has been maintained. Clean the internal parts with baking soda, Replacing the propeller is essential to having, Make sure you get some new fuses involving. They definitely attract a certain kind of angler. Vexus Boats, founded by Forrest L.Wood in Flippin, Arkansas, produces high-end fiberglass and aluminum bass boats. Similar brands to Vexus Boats include Avid, Bullet, Ranger, and Skeeter all these other brands have been built over many years and have a proven track record. Store all equipment that is removable like seats, Trolling Motors, etc. They finally slapped a brand new hull on. Looks a little cramped in the cockpit. August 12, 2021 in Bass Boats, Canoes, Kayaks and more. If you don't take care of your boat, the gelcoat will start to peel and flake off. I have seen 1 aluminum rig at the lake and it sounded horrible slapping against the waves, maybe all aluminums do though, not sure. Thats it. Be sure to keep your Vexus boat well ventilated to avoid this problem. This new company opened a state-of-the-art facility in Flippin, Arkansas, where it has steadily expanded with an excellent team of boat builders and experienced craftsmen. I was blown away by the ingenuity and thoroughness of strategy. Save This Boat. Save This Boat. (PS: We read ALL feedback). In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common Vexus boat problems and what you can do to fix them. There was no impact damage, and no other damage besides the weld cracks. That is one of the fastest-growing brands of fishing boats in the US. Another issue is that there is a lot of condensation in the cabin. They provide a good warranty, and they honor it. Read This Before Posting! They suspect you hit something or from abuse. Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. 6 million in sales. Vexus Boats Accessories. By inspecting the problem closely, you can apply the necessary solution. Privacy Statement. The buyer may upgrade their Vexus Boat to the Victor Package when purchasing a new boat. Its a place where Innovation rules. Vexus. Keep an eye out for corrosion as well! A fuel tank may leak at any time. One of the problems is the faulty ignition system. (PS: We read ALL feedback). I have a friend with the 2080 tin model very well built boat, seen a red fiberglass model on Rayburn Saturday it may look ugly out of water but in the water it look good. However, they have a state-of-the-art purpose-built facility in Flippin, Arkansas. Also, for the guys saying it is an ugly boat, go back and look at a SK2000 Skeeter. VEXUS Mustang Accel 100 Fishing Vest $125.00. Vexus has developed many innovative ideas to protect its boats and strengthen them. Are there any things that I am unaware about? These are just a few of the potential Vexus boat problems that you should be aware of. All these types have one thing in common they are good-looking boats, available at very affordable prices. The answer is yes, they are. Phoenix Bass Boat Problems: 4 Issues and Fixes, Robalo R160 Problems 3 Reasons And Solutions. As Vexus Boats is a relatively new brand of boat that uses high-quality materials and the latest technology and building techniques, there is no reason why they should depreciate faster than other brands. Vexus doesnt look that good price wise or anything else. One of the most common problems with Vexus boats is a cracked hull. 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