. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I put the bike on one side for few hours and magic happened! Streets and Trees +. After popular demand from my viewers, this video will go over making the battery removable on the Jetson Bolt Pro. Using a pin or similarly shaped object, take out all of these rubber stoppers. ( I don't make anything off these links, just standard links )1x 20ah Battery and Charger. Here's the perfect replacement battery. Overall, Ive had great fun with this e-bike and would recommend it to anyone if they just wanted a fun way to complete small commutes. How to fix Jetson Bolt Electric Scooter battery DAD 8.26K subscribers Subscribe Share 12K views 2 years ago #ev #cosco #jetsonbolt How I fixed my Jetson Bolt electric scooter from Costco. Lean back and hit the Cruise Control for those laid back rides. Improve bicycle and pedestrian pathways. Has anyone had any experience in upgrading it? If you would like to perform this hack, but instead have multiple batteries, you can simply just buy another battery fit to the specifications of the Jetson Bolt Pro and place them in your bag. The bike can fold down and fit in almost any car's trunk. This option was found not feasible due to neighborhood impacts, construction operations and lack of funding. BikeRide finds and shows you the best prices of the bikes you want to buy. The bike does not have pedals. I takes a whole extra controller, since the hall sensor would be sensing different positions for the two wheels, but it seems doable. This project, called a grade separation, will: Improve safety for all travelers. My first mod is to switch out the front wheel for a powered one and try to wire it in reasonably. Save Time. LX10 Electric Bike Charger + Charging Cable $34.99. EASY FIX!! Thankfully, the battery extension cable uses a standardized plug, meaning that you can buy this cable from any store that carries electronic hardware. Electric Scooters are ridden standing up and have 2 inline wheels for maximum speed, size and portability. I'm in the process parts are ordered but not assembled. A twist throttle, front and rear disc brakes, and 12" tires offer a comfortable and smooth ride. You can download the app and after driving it for about 2 miles you can make it go a little faster. Disconnect the battery. This project, called a grade separation, will: We are studying two options for each intersection, see Details below. Even though this thing is fast and speedy, its going to be even better in a few weeks. In January 2018, the project team presented these options to the City Council (RTC 17-1161). However, this is the first video Ive recorded in a while, showing the upgrade. Motorists and bicyclists crossing railroad tracks face high traffic delays in peak periods. Add To Cart Front Axle for the Jetson LX10 Folding . . Steps I did:1. 9 Left Back In Stock. The Jetson Bolt has an electric horn, allowing you to alert others of your presence. 1996 - 2023 bikeride.com Elite CafeMedia Publisher. The Ultimate Compact E-bike. Fewer Trips to the Store for Battery Purchases. 2 Cable Power, Battery Charging Harness Replacement Parts 1-Pack. The City Council selected the Underpass with Jughandle option to move forward. I would get click and display show empty . It has a limited range of 17 miles. A revolution is on the way - and Electric Scooters are leading it! Lightweight 21st century Lithium technology; 36V 6.0 Ah; Longer between recharge run-time; For the Jetson Bolt & Jetson Bolt Pro electric bikes; Unlike the heavier sealed lead acid (SLA) batteries of the past, the 36 volt Lithium battery pack for the Jetson Bolt and Bolt Pro electric bike sgives all of the electric "go-juice" to keep your Jetson Bolt rolling along Watch out world! The pack also has enough space to hold other essentials, such as a bike lock and multitool. You will now notice that the charging port is screwed into the side panel, meaning you cannot take out the battery. $169.95 . This particular bike is rated for a 36V battery, so the controller will limit the power and higher voltage battery might even burn your controller. Before upgraded, the bike is put on a stand and reads 15mph. Many users complained the battery did not hold a charge after a few months of use. New e-OneStop Services launched Oct. 31. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Plus, 48V batteries are much more expensive. As it requires around eight screws to remove the battery, this is quite inconvenient and defeats the purpose of a removable battery. I bought a 2 Pack extension from Amazon, which will be linked later. Looking up upgrade my own as well! The handlebars fold down, making it easy to store and transport the Jetson Bolt. The all new Jetson Bolt Pro is the . Jetson Bolt Pro 20ah Battery Upgrade. While closing the side panel, make sure to weave the new extension cord to where all of the other wires are coming out of the bicycle, so you have access to it. Place the brackets back in the bike so you do not lose them, and close up the side panel. Extended Battery Pack - 36v 10ah $245.00 Low stock Dual Shock Front Fork for Jetson Bolt Pro $79.99 Sale Jetson Bolt Pro 42 Volt Charger - OEM . I've had heard on several YouTube reviews, the app allows you to set the top speed to 19mph and the motor is really a 350 watt motor however, the manufacturer lists it as 250w. Don't know if this is true but I will find out next week when mine arrives. The throttle is the only way one can power the bike. Ended up spending around 750 Cad as opposed to the 300 dollar Costco price. Link to Speed Hack Video: https://youtu.be/PBYxIyNncQs. My personal recommendation is to buy a bike rack and bag, in which you can place the battery into. Planet Friendly. The rear disc brake of the Jetson Bolt is very responsive. Jetson Bolt Pro Upgrades : r/ebike Posted by CodeRedAmulet Jetson Bolt Pro Upgrades Hello fellow reditters I recently purchased a Jetson Bolt Pro, was an absolute pain and costly to have it shipped to East Coast Canada. $399.99. Details at Online Services Help. Also there aren't many mods under the " Jetson " name but if you look up "DYU mods" you'll often find more. Add To Cart 36 Volt Lithium Battery Charger for Self-Balancing Hoverboards with Mini 3-Prong Connector . The Jetson Bolt Folding E-Bike is lightweight. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. The final design phase and construction phases will follow. Back In Stock. The current study will help us decide which option to select. 36 Volt 10 Ah Lithium Battery Pack for Jetson Bolt Pro - OEM Upgrade Replacement $189.00 Low stock Foldable Pedals for Jetson Bolt Pro $21.08 42V 2A Universal Power Supply for 36V Lithium Battery - Compatible with Jetson.Sort by: Bolt Electric Bike Seat Sold Out. It weighs only 34 lbs., which is much lighter than other e-bikes. Once the nut is off, remove the charging port from the sidewall. Add to Cart - $399.99. Note, some of these may be Amazon Affiliate Links, this helps us make sure that our website and channel keeps running (I'm almost out of money for website hosting haha). Unlike other hacks, you do not need to own two Bolts to perform this mod, and you do not need a Bluetooth module either! In this video I will show how I fixed issue with the battery on my Jetson ebike. The study has narrowed down two options at each intersection. Users describe the seat as stiff and uncomfortable. Prices constantly change and its impossible to compare them all yourself. Household Hazardous Waste. Luckily for us, the hack to make the battery removable is not too hard either, so lets get into the tutorial. The Jetson Bolt Pro comes with an easy folding mechanism which makes it the perfect choice for commuters. Unlike the heavier sealed lead acid (SLA) batteries of the past, the 36 volt Lithium battery pack for the Jetson Bolt and Bolt Pro electric bike sgives all of the electric "go-juice" to keep your Jetson Bolt rolling along. Jetson Bolt Electric Scooter DAD 8.45K subscribers Subscribe 30K views 2 years ago #ev #cosco #jetsonbolt Few Days ago I. Honestly, this is one of the most practical e-bikes Ive come across so far. This traffic delay is due to trains crossing at the same level as the street levels ("at-grade"). The City Council directed staff to study the original four design options (see Details). Although they may look similar, around half of the plugs are in a different shape. Extend battery Life. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. im a rookie when it comes to technology and wiring. Revive Old Batteries. Free shipping for many products! Flood Protection +. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The bike must be the same color and size, sold in the US and not include the use of a coupon. Principal Transportation Engineer City Council considered adding a full rail tunnel option to the study. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B098SHHFMX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o00_s00?ie=UTF8\u0026psc=12x XT60 Extension Cables https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B098SHHFMX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o00_s00?ie=UTF8\u0026psc=11 x XT90 to XT60 adapter ( You can contact the battery seller after purchase and ask them for an XT60 adapter and they will send one for free, but I had ordered this before I knew that.https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B08R1JZSW5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8\u0026psc=1Also get THIS seat post rear bike rack, I have seen many others used in videos and they all get loose and flop around, this rack for you battery stays solid and in place. Twas but a wonderful ride, until a fucking curb appeared. this does happen to my Jetson Bolt and it worked. Right now, I dont have a solution. LED Headlight and a Detachable Red Strobing Rear Light come . This video features. Ride a little higher with 14" wheels that stop on a dime with Dual Disc Brakes. i noticed that you kept mentioning that you were gonna make a video on how to do wirings. The extended frame geometry centers the rider, for better balance and agility. Wall Mount for Jetson Bolt Pro eBike . Over time the battery may fail to hold a substantial charge. The current project phase is the Feasibility Study. The good news is that I had a chat with the . Ride a little higher with 14 wheels that stop on a dime with Dual Disc Brakes. Some community feedback included interest in a full rail tunnel option. Waste less time replacing and shopping for batteries. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It's from the same company that made original but it's the 10A version instead of the standard 6A. I ordered a 35A controller to replace the current 22A controller, which should provide more power to the motor. For assistance purchasing spare parts, please reach out to our support team at help@ridejetson.com. For example, if you find a bike for $480 that we have listed at $500, we will offer you to buy it for $432 through BikeRide. seems like it would cost around 450$ bikes 100$ new controllers 450$ sketchy 48v 25ah battery , 20$ for a splitter and zip ties, probably some more money for a rack to hold the battery. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. I hope it will work for you or contact Jetson support! Were committed to making sure that the cost of a bike does not keep you from cycling! The City plans to lower the roadways at these crossings of the Caltrain tracks. The rear light also functions as a brake light. 36 Volt 10 Ah Lithium Battery Pack for Jetson Bolt Pro - OEM Upgrade Replacement $189.00 42V 2A Universal Power Supply for 36V Lithium Battery - Compatible with Jetson Bolt Pro $35.00 (6200ZZ / 6200Z Upgrade) Sealed Wheel Bearings (Set of 2) $8.99. $156.99 . You now can remove the battery easily by unplugging the battery from the outside extension cable, then taking the battery out of the bag. if i can find a way to speed it up to 20mph i would be extremely happy . Food Scrap Recycling. There is little space between the nut and the sidewall, so a smaller wrench is recommended. I hope you enjoy! For motorists, bicycles, pedestrians and high-occupancy vehicles (buses and shuttles) this means increased congestion and delays. (Policies 24, 36, 40, 42 and 46 on safety, Policies 32 and 42 on transportation system efficiency, and Policy 42 on promoting regional commuter rail). Font Size: + -. Save Time. The bike has an option for cruise control, allowing riders to remove their hand from the throttle on long rides. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. In. Business and Development Projects in Sunnyvale Infrastructure Projects. It is also important to note that these rubber stoppers are not identical; in other words, you need to remember which location each rubber stopper comes from. Spyros new whip.. is e-scooter photos on a bridge a Press J to jump to the feed. Free Shipping on all product orders ( Exclusions Apply) Usually ships out in 2 to 3 business days ( More Info) 30 day return policy. Im just looking to up the top speed to 20-25mph instead of the 10-15mph thats standard and getting more range out of the battery. Upgraded to the Phantom V2 from the M365 . We search for prices on over 120 bike retailers to guarantee that we find the lowest prices to save you time and money. If you want to receive emails whenever we post, join us! If you find a lower price, email us at [emailprotected] with documentation of the price. Housing +. The battery seems to be dead on my Jetson Bolt and of course only one month after the warranty ended! Save 6%. Amazon.com: jetson bolt tire replacement. It has a responsive rear brake. How To Make the Jetson Bolt Pro Battery Removable and Increase the Range. Lithium batteries allow high output power in a small bundle, and the Jetson Bolt was designed to make the most of this incredible 21st century technology. Its a really great package. It doesn't have pedals, a chain or cassette. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Mary Avenue Underpass Tunnel with Jughandle, Sunnyvale Avenue Underpass Tunnel for Bicycle and Pedestrian Undercrossing, City Council Public Hearing, Sept. 27, 2022, City Council Public Hearing, Aug. 30, 2022, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission for Mary Avenue Crossing, Aug. 1, 2022, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission for Sunnyvale Avenue Crossing, July 21, 2022, Community Meeting for Mary Avenue Grade Separation, June 8, 2022, Community Meeting for Sunnyvale Avenue Grade Separation, June 9, 2022, City Council Study Session, April 5, 2022, Joint City Council-BPAC Study Session 17-0578, Oct. 17, 2017, Community Meeting for Sunnyvale Avenue Grade Separation, Aug. 24, 2017, BPAC Working Session 17-0811 Presentation, Aug. 17, 2017, Community Meeting for Mary Avenue Grade Separation, Aug. 10, 2017, Policies 24, 36, 40, 42 and 46 on safety, Policies 32 and 42 on transportation system efficiency, and Policy 42 on promoting regional commuter rail, Decrease traffic delay and noise from the railroad gates, For recordings, reports, and materials from previous meetings, see, Frequency of train crossings resulting in more stops, Reducing or eliminating potential collisions, Removing the need to stop and wait for the rail gates, Eliminating train horns and crossing bells (reducing noise). Welcome to my Channel http://youtube.askoleg.com/Few Days ago I posted the video that MY JETSON BOLT IS DEAD !! Connecting the bike to the Ride Jetson app allows the rider to adjust the bikes speed, adjust the LED lights, monitor battery life and map their rides. 19 $17.19 $17.19. Batteries regularly exposed to higher temperatures may, over time, suffer from diminished charging capacities and/or shortened lifespans for use. 22A Controller/LCD8 (Im upgrading the controller though). The bikes weight is not balanced for someone picking it up by the frame handle for transport. Have your device perform at its peak performance, Squeeze every drop of energy out of your battery before buying a new one, Instantly access the energy that is usually thrown away, Waste less time replacing and shopping for batteries, Reduce the insane amount of batteries that are thrown into landfill every year. Once you are done removing the battery, reconnect the empty wire by using the extension cord you purchased from Amazon. The battery Y-cable assembly with controller's switch adaptor will connect to your Jetson Bolt's existing 40V 5AHr (underpowered 200 WHr battery power for Jetson Bolt Pro 350 Watt motor), and allow you to add extra Ryobi 40V 4/5/6/7 AHr (280 WHr max) lithium battery for increasing the eBike biking range and maximizing the Jetson Pro eBike's 350 . WARNING: If you plan to do this upgrade, you will lose the ability to pedal, unless I can figure out how to get it to work. Save 20% off select E-Bikes with promo code: DEAL. Increases battery life up to 600%. 36 Volt 6.0 Ah HA103 Lithium Battery Pack for Jetson Bolt & Bolt Pro Electric Bikes. The bike has a small kickstand that resembles a motorcycle kickstand. Keep careful note that these two brackets are not the same, and that they only go in one direction. 42V 2A Charger Compatible with Hiboy S2, S2 Lite, S2 Pro, KS4, KS4 Pro, NEX3, NEX, NEX5, Max, Max V2, Max3, FCA133-42105, CS-518 Power Charger $2788 Save 10% with coupon For people who live in tight spaces or up a flight of stairs, it can be more convenient to charge the battery in a different location than where the bike is at. Haven't had to tighten it once !https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0030RS5CA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o02_s00?ie=UTF8\u0026psc=1Please Subscribe ! This is because the brackets are staggered, meaning that one side is longer than the other. Its a promise we stand behind: If you find a lower price on a bike elsewhere, we will sell it to you for 10% less. Do not worry, though. Electric bikes with the highest BikeRide Scores. Bike would not start even the battery was full. Another thing you will need to complete this hack is another place to put the battery. $16.19 $ 16. The at-grade train crossings force roadway traffic to wait due to: There are three projects planned along the corridor (list below). The footpegs provide riders with a comfortable place to rest their feet. Squeeze every drop of energy out of your battery before buying a new one. Those options will then move into the environmental study phase. The City Council will select the preferred option for each intersection. This phase has analyzed various options to separate the roadways from Caltrain tracks. $189.99. The NTS Works Universal Battery is rebuildable. disclaimer: I only show my own experience for entertainment only. No matter what anyone's background is, we believe that everyone should have access to free lessons with tips from professionals. Its compact size makes it easy to store whether at the office or at home. Jetson Bolt Electric Scooter - YouTube 0:00 2:18 EASY FIX!! Personally, I currently live in a dormitory without an elevator, which means it would be a significant pain to bring the bike up three flights of stairs. Riders complained that the small wheels and lack of suspension made them feel every obstacle in their path. 2,978 views Aug 17, 2021 44 Dislike Share Save Neat Things 800 subscribers Jetson Bolt Pro 20ah Battery Upgrade. The extended frame geometry centers the rider, for better balance and agility. Staff presented the Sunnyvale Avenue crossing options to the City Council on Sept. 27.The City Council selected the Bicycle and Pedestrian Undercrossing option to move forward. At Quill's Digest, we want to make learning new knowledge and skills as easy and clear as possible. BikeRide is reader-supported, and sometimes we receive commissions for links you click on. You will need a screwdriver and a battery extension cable. Alpha L Jetkart Combo Charger $24.99. Here are links to the items I purchased. Sunnyvale has active, street-level railway crossings at Mary and Sunnyvale avenues. The road would go beneath the railroad tracks. Keep Jetson products with rechargeable batteries stored at mild temperaturesideally, between 41F and 68F (or 5C and 20C)and away from flames and concentrated sources of heat. hi randy, i been watching all of your jetson video. It worked again. I will be doing an update video, as Im sure you are aware! For people who live in tight spaces or up a flight of stairs, it can be more convenient to charge the battery in a different location than where the bike is at. Then the side plate of the bike should come off quite easily. Anyone know where I can get this battery replacement. After popular demand from my viewers, this video will go over making the battery removable on the Jetson Bolt Pro. Back to the removable battery hack: another advantage of this hack is that it allows you to have multiple batteries with the Jetson Bolt Pro. Many users had difficulty operating the Ride Jetson app successfully. Separating adjacent roadways from the railroad tracks provides many benefits such as: In 2017, the City of Sunnyvale began a grade separation feasibility study (RTC 17-0055). Plus, the rear rack doubles as a fender which is always lovely. To increase safety and reduce delays the City is proposing grade separated crossings. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Jetson Bolt Pro Electric Bike OEM charger at the best online prices at eBay! How I fixed my Jetson Bolt electric scooter from Costco. All Content, All Images 2022 Monster Scooter Parts. I love the Bolt, but I am pretty heavy, 230lbs, so on the flat, it works great, but it struggles on hills. We are analyzing the following project options (images): The following materials have been presented on this project: City Council Public Hearing, Sept. 27, 2022 - Sunnyvale Avenue selection of preferred project, City Council Public Hearing, Aug. 30, 2022- Mary Avenue selection of preferred project, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission for Mary Avenue Crossing, Aug. 1, 2022 - Presentation material for Mary Avenue crossing location, Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission for Sunnyvale Avenue Crossing, July 21, 2022 - Presentation material for Sunnyvale Avenue crossing location, Community Meeting for Mary Avenue Grade Separation, June 8, 2022 - Meeting recording, jughandle simulation video, and presentation material, Community Meeting for Sunnyvale Avenue Grade Separation, June 9, 2022 - Meeting recording and presentation material, City Council Study Session, April 5, 2022 - Caltrain Grade Separation Feasibility Study status update, Report to Council 17-1161, Jan. 23, 2018 - City Council Consideration of Rail Depression Alternative for Caltrain Grade Separation, Approval of Budget Modification, and Authorization of City Manager to Execute Contract Amendment with BKF Engineers, January 23, 2018, Joint City Council-BPAC Study Session 17-0578, Oct. 17, 2017 - Presentation of Caltrain Grade Separation Feasibility Study, Community Meeting for Sunnyvale Avenue Grade Separation, Aug. 24, 2017 - Presentation Material for Sunnyvale Avenue Community Kickoff Meeting, BPAC Working Session 17-0811 Presentation, Aug. 17, 2017 - Presentation Material of Railroad Crossing Community Meeting, Community Meeting for Mary Avenue Grade Separation, Aug. 10, 2017 - Presentation Material for Mary Avenue Community Kickoff Meeting, Report to Council 17-0055, Jan. 31, 2017 - City Council Approval of Contract with BKF Engineers to Prepare the Caltrain Grade Separation Feasibility Study. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32990319582.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.5df04c4dNvbuhk, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10000423711522.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dBZXzKU, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/10000423726015.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.71ed3c00n2vkfH&mp=1, https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001693477196.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.555f3c00Hp8k7C&mp=1, https://apps.apple.com/us/app/gps-speedometer-and-odometer/id1448024273#?platform=iphone, Turning my Tesla into a SPACESHIP | Hansshow Yoke, My First Electric Car! 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