For more detailed information, please seeGeneral Order 2021-09 In re: END TO CARES ACT AUTHORIZATION TO USE VIDEO CONFERENCING OR TELEPHONE CONFERENCING FOR CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. If you have misplaced or never received your summons form or have other questions/concerns regarding your jury duty, please call the Jury Assist Line at (800 . In Norfolk, Virginia, efforts to resume jury trials during the pandemic stalled recently because roughly nine out of 10 possible jurors weren't showing up in court, The Virginian-Pilot reported. In late December, Maryland's top judges moved to halt new jury trials when it became clear that . The Jurors must accept and follow the law as instructed by the judge even though they may have a different idea about what the law is or ought to be. AndreyPopov/iStock. General Order 2020-17 updates the Court's temporary restrictions regarding entry to the Courthouses in our District during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Order does. TEXT your badge number to 707-204-0289 to use our interactive text service. For more detailed information, please see General Order 2021-15 In re: UPDATED MASK POLICY. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. In conjunction with yesterdays General Order 2020-08 (see below) the Clerks Office counters are closed to the public until further notice, to minimize personal interactions. Your summons will tell you if you should report to the Juanita Kidd Stout Center for Criminal Justice at 1301 Filbert St., or City Hall. Depending on the excuse, you may also be instructed to send proof. If you do not respond, you could be found in contempt of court! For more detailed information, please seeGeneral Order 2020-15In re: CESSATION OF THE U.S. All non-case related outside events and gatherings are postponed until further notice. During jury selection in a case last October, court . (804) 646-0802. "Deliberation" is the process the jury uses to reach its verdict. If you're represented by an attorney, you should contact your attorney about the status of your case. I still live in Fairfax County but I moved to a new address, what should I do? Cindee Crosby was summoned to jury duty during the COVID-19 pandemic, which required her to meet remotely over Zoom for several months in Oakland, Calif. Marissa Leshnov for NPR To get. When the person denies receiving the summons, the caller asks for verification in the form of date of birth, social security number, place of employment, or even a credit card number. If you are selected, you serve for the duration of the trial. If a person is sick, particularly with COVID-19 symptoms such as fever . If you have any questions relating to jury duty, you may contact the Sheriff's Office (804) 646-6501. . What happens after the closing arguments? In light of the Courts prior authorization of the use of video or telephone conferencing for certain criminal proceedings, the Court now authorizes the U.S. Do not wear shorts or halter tops. In criminal cases, the Sixth Amendment provides that "the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury." 1 In civil cases, the Seventh Amendment guarantees the right of trial by jury on certain claims. Courts throughout America are allowing prospective jurors worried about COVID-19 risks to delay their jury duty or get out of it entirely. %%EOF If you are not selected for a trial or the trial finishes in one day, your service is complete. The questionnaire is the beginning of a screening process for prospective jurors. (dated May 14, 2020) issued in Case No. For more detailed information, please seeGeneral Order 2020-21In re: CARES ACT REAUTHORIZATION TO USE VIDEO CONFERENCING OR TELEPHONE CONFERENCING. The Court has adopted an updatedmasking policy which continues to be Division-specific. General Order 2020-16 outlines the anticipated timeline for the phased expansion of Court Operations in our District, which is expected to begin on June 11, 2020. So even though several trials are scheduled for a certain day, the court doesn't know until that morning how many will actually go to trial. Indicate on the paper questionnaire that the family member is deceased and return it to the Jury Department. Fraudulent emails are also being sent to the public indicating that they must report for jury duty on a federal case. Men and women 18 years of age and over, and from all walks of life have an equal opportunity to be called for Jury Service. Marcus Alert. The final jury will have 12 members. The person chosen to preside takes part in deliberations and votes on the verdict along with everyone else. For locations where masks are required, the following rule will be in place: All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear a well-fitting respirator (N-95, KN-95, etc.) Will this happen to me? After cross-examination, the plaintiff's attorney may reexamine some of the witnesses. eJUROR: Jury Information Form and Qualification Questionnaire, Home | Contact Us | Employment | Glossary of Legal Terms, Honorable Mark S. Davis, Chief Judge | Fernando Galindo, Clerk of Court, E-Filing Registration for Government Attorneys Pursuant to Local Rule 83.1, Central Violations Bureau (CVB) / Violation Notices (Tickets) / Traffic Docket, After Hours Emergency Contact Information, Norfolk/Newport News Criminal Justice Act Panel. The policy is Division-specific. Over the phone. Norfolk/Newport News Specific General Order, Continuing Matters Set for from May 4June 10, 2020, to July 6August 12, 2020, Continuing Matters Set for May 7, 2020, to July 9, 2020. . General Order 2020-24makes the findings necessary to reauthorize the use of video conferencing, or alternatively telephone conferencing, in this District for an additional ninety days, unless terminated earlier. 2. Federal employees with building access may use the drop boxes during the evening or weekend hours as well. 2021-187, Arizona Supreme Court, COVID-19 Information & Updates, Arizona Judicial Branch, Arkansas Supreme Court Statement on Novel Coronavirus Outbreak and the Courts, Emergency Rules Related to COVID-19, California Judicial Branch, Judicial Branch Emergency Actions, COVID-19 and the Courts, California Judicial Branch, COVID-19 Important Announcements, Colorado Judicial Branch, COVID-19 Updates, State of Connecticut Judicial Branch, The Delaware Judiciary Response to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), Order, District of Columbia Superior Court, COVID-19 Information & Updates, Florida Courts, Notice of Expected Termination of Statewide Judicial Emergency, Supreme Court of Georgia, News and Information on the Coronavirus for Georgias Judiciary, Fifth Amended Order Regarding Entering Judiciary Facilities, Supreme Court of Hawaii, COVID-19 Information, Hawaii State Judiciary, State Judicial Emergency Orders, Idaho Judicial Branch, COVID-19 Responses and Resources, Indiana Judicial Branch, COVID-19 Information and Updates, Iowa Judicial Branch, Administrative Order 2021-PR-020, Kansas Supreme Court, Administrative Order 2021-PR-048, Kansas Supreme Court, Administrative Order 2021-PR-100, Kansas Supreme Court, Guidance for Conducting Jury Proceedings, Kansas Supreme Court, Kansas Courts Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), COVID-19 and the Kentucky Courts, Kentucky Court of Justice, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources, Louisiana Supreme Court, Post-Pandemic Management Order, Maine Judicial Branch, Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Information, Maine Judicial Branch, Third Amended Administrative Order, Court of Appeals of Maryland, Maryland Judiciary Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates, Order, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Massachusetts Court System Response to COVID-19, Judicial Branch Response to COVID-19, Michigan Courts, COVID-19 Information, Minnesota Judicial Branch, Emergency Administrative Order-21, Mississippi Supreme Court, Order, In re: Revised COVID-19 Directives, Supreme Court of Missouri, Procedures for Jury Proceedings During COVID-19 Pandemic, Supreme Court of Missouri, Updated Judicial Branch COVID-19 Protocols, Chief Justice of Montana Supreme Court, Administrative Order, In re: Novel Coronavirus and COVID-19 Disease, Supreme Court of the State of Nebraska, Judicial Orders Regarding COVID-19, State of Nebraska Judicial Branch, Nebraska Judicial Branch Emergency Status Information (COVID-19), Filings, Administrative Case ADKT 556: In the Matter of Limited Jurisdiction Court Administrative Orders Related to the Coronavirus Emergency, Filings, Administrative Case ADKT 555: In the Matter of District Court Administrative Orders Related to the Coronavirus Emergency, Filings, Administrative Case ADKT 554: In the Matter of Supreme Court Administrative Orders Related to the Coronavirus Emergency, FAQs About the New Hampshire Courts Return to Full Operations, New Hampshire Judicial Branch, COVID-19 Updates and Resources, New Hampshire Judicial Branch, Order No. General Order 2021-09 explains thatthe Court's CARES Act authorization has come to an end. A doctor's note could be required if you receive a summons for jury duty. State law allows people to be exempted from jury duty for a variety of reasons, including if: they are older than 70; have legal custody of a child younger than 12 if serving on the jury leaves . Although Fairfax Circuit Court rarely sequesters a jury, in an extremely unusual case, a jury could be "sequestered" during the trial or during the jury's deliberations. The clerk of court, also called the clerk, maintains the court files and preserves the evidence presented during the trial. POLICY ON BUILDING ENTRY / ACCESS Individuals who are currently diagnosed, and remain ill, with COVID-19, or who have symptoms of COVID-19 and are within the applicable quarantine period, shall not enter the building. After the judge decides that all potential Jurors are qualified to fairly and impartially hear the case, the bailiff will give the list to the attorneys. For more detailed information, please seeGeneral Order 2021-10In re: DISCRETIONARY DISTANCING POLICY DURING JURY TRIALS AND GRAND JURY PROCEEDINGS. Courthouse in Newport News to serve as the Emergency Judicial Center for the District, as was previously directed by General Order No. State your reason for the postponement. Yes. Norfolk/Newport News Specific General Order Continuing Matters Set for from May 4June 10, 2020, to July 6August 12, 2020Richmond Specific General Order Continuing Matters Set for May 7, 2020, to July 9, 2020. General District Court COVID-19 Policies | General District Court Home General District Court General District Court COVID-19 Policies General District Court CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during regular business hours 8 A.M. to 4 P.M., Monday - Friday 703-246-3764 TTY 711 4110 Chain Bridge Road Fairfax, VA, 22030 Susan Madsen, Jury Info Jury Duty Scams PLEASE READ Increasingly, calls are being made to the public from individuals who claim to be an officer of the court, stating that the person failed to report for jury duty and a warrant has been issued for their arrest. If you don't think you can make a fair and impartial decision for any reason, you should tell the judge at this time. When all the defendant's witnesses and evidence have been presented, the defense will rest. All naturalization proceedings scheduled through May 1, 2020, are postponed. The person being sued in a civil case is called the defendant. Click on this link to get answers to frequently asked questions about jury service. %PDF-1.5 % Jury service is one of the most important civic duties you can perform. You can complete the questionnaire online at or you can mail it to: Fairfax Circuit Court - Jury Department, 4110 Chain Bridge Road, Suite 503, Fairfax, Virginia 22030. . September 4, 2020 Tenth Order Extending Declaration of Judicial Emergency . After the guilty verdict, however, the jury hears more evidence before deciding on the penalty. The Order does not further extend the authorization for remote felony guilty pleas or remote felony sentencings. COVID-19 PRECAUTION JUROR SUPPLEMENT. Youmay check the state court website ( for your case information or call the clerk's office. This General Order, and all prior General Orders associated with COVID-19, are available on PACER at Case No. In response to updated CDC guidance the Court has modified the entry rules for its courthouses and facilities such that members of the public will no longer be required to quarantine following a COVID-19 exposure. Clerk's Office staff will NEVERask you for this kind of personal information or summons jurors by email. State court systems across the country significantly altered their operations in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The judge considers each instruction and gives the ones that properly state the law that applies to the case. Clerks Office staff retrieve documents from the drop boxes at 9:00 AM each day that the Court is open.Location / Building HoursDrop Box Filing ProceduresDrop Box Information FormPayment InformationLocal Rule 83.1 (M) Certification for Pro Se Litigants. Do not even discuss the case with your fellow Jurors until you begin your deliberations. In re: TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF CLERKS OFFICE PUBLIC COUNTERS. (Staten Island Advance/ Jan. 3679 0 obj <> endobj As such, beginning on May 26, 2020, the U.S. 1) In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and to supplement steps previously taken by this Court to reduce the possibility of exposure to COVID-19 and to slow the spread of the disease, the Court finds it necessary and appropriate to adopt a face covering and social distancing policy for all Courthouse employees, contractors, and visitors. When a trial is ready to begin, the bailiff calls potential Jurors into the courtroom. In re: EXTENSION TO THE MODIFICATIONS OF COURT OPERATIONS: SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL ORDERS 2020-02 and 2020-03. 2) In response to recent developments, to include the Courts increased capabilities to conduct remote proceedings and thereby reduce the risk that all Courthouses in the District would be rendered unusable at the same time, the Court has determined that it is no longer necessary for the U.S. The Court remains open and is conducting necessary judicial business, is accepting filings and responding to inquiries. Six feet of distancing must continue to be maintained in all areas of our Courthouses/facilities, including courtrooms, whenever possible. In light of current pandemic conditions, ongoing vaccination efforts, and the end of the state of emergency in Virginia, the Court adopts a discretionary distancing policy applicable during jury trials and grand jury proceedings to provide additional flexibility and improve the efficiency of the Court. I received a questionnaire; does this mean I will get summoned for jury duty? In response to the increasing community spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant, and recent CDC and Virginia Department of Health updates to guidance regarding quarantine and isolation, the Court adopts updated public entry requirements for our Courthouses and Court facilities. What if I am a healthcare worker directly involved in the care of patients with COVID-19 or the testing of such patients? There is free Wi-Fi and a small library of books to read while you wait. BEN FINLEY. But your time spent waiting is not wasted - you are eligible to receive a 3 year exemption from jury duty service in the state of Virginia just by attending. It will be completely up to individual judges to determine whether or not a juror's concern about COVID-19 would warrant a legitimate excuse to get out of serving jury duty. 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