hornady 44 mag xtp for deer hunting; Recent Comments. Not real reliable for exits, but they kill very well. It killed them fine and they died in sight but I recovered all three bullets and back tracking them showed almost no blood on the ground. A well placed shot with any full-house .44 Mag load will kill any GA deer. I would prefer the XTP for hunting, but if given the choice i will take a good cast bullet in my 44's. A Doe walks out of the woods today and says, that is the last time I'm going to do that for Two Bucks. Copyright Complaints: Please direct DMCA Takedown Notices to the registered agent: Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting, There's not a hunting-type bullet you could load in a .44mag that's "not enough bullet" for deer. and if memory serves me, the bullet lost but 15 grains and the jacket came off in my hand only after the bullet was pulled from the carcass. The only thing I didn't like about the 180's in a .44 Magnum was the teeth rattling concussion wave out of my 4 5/8" Ruger. the bullet SHOULD expand just fine. They grouped fine and I shot two deer with the 180 XTPs behind 150 grains of Pyrodex. Top Chef New Season 2020, This Hornady .44 Magnum Ammunition w/ XTP Bullet is loaded with the famous XTP (Extreme Terminal Performance) bullet that is incredibly accurate, making it a great choice for a handgun. how to start a laundry business from home, heavy vehicle knowledge test questions nsw, best shampoo and conditioner for 3a curly hair, what do you do when your boyfriend doesn39t give you attention, average 800 meter time for high school girl, can you pay off subsidized loans while in school, my dog has crusty scabs on his back home remedies, wells fargo clearing services vs wells fargo advisors financial network, he seemed interested but didn t ask for my number, free inventory management software in excel, how to register a business name for sole proprietorship, antisocial personality disorder vs sociopath, how to tell if a text was deleted on iphone, phone number information gathering tools in kali linux, facebook avatar sticker pack not available for download, recover deleted whatsapp messages from years ago, craigslist dump trucks for sale near Messina Metropolitan City of Messina, how to get bot lobbies in warzone season 6, strong intuition about someone liking you, katie intervention season 16 episode 2 update, lawyers39 committee for civil rights fellowship, breakfast for high cholesterol and diabetes, why should a writer include a works cited page in a research paper check all that apply, wisenet camera default username and password, comenity easy pay express victoria secret, large vacation rentals that sleep 30 or more colorado, kidfriendly things to do in austin at night, macquarie university library public access, mini dachshund puppies for sale in hattiesburg ms, outlook keeps asking for password but still works, how to add another facebook account to my phone, input not supported3939 floating on screen, 2 bedroom apartments for rent in bronx under 2000, can i take ibuprofen with ferrous fumarate, values interests personality skills examples, medical conditions that affect breathalyzer, metasploit and its applications in pen test and anti forensics, pros and cons of just walk out technology, do narcissists tell you what you want to hear, best child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship, how to take sucralfate with other medication, graphing using a table of values worksheet, used 4 wheelers for sale in south florida, isolation precautions nclex questions quizlet, how to reactivate facebook account if forgot password, purebred pitbull puppies for sale near me craigslist, what is the normal dosage of tramadol for fibromyalgia, how to edit telegram message after 48 hours, hydraulic pressure vs hydrostatic pressure, how long can a real estate license be inactive in virginia, 270 win 150gr accubond long range trophy grade ammunition, 2001 honda accord transmission fluid capacity, five things a man is looking for in a woman. I will post pic tomorrow to dark and I was wore out after the drag out. I have a marlin limited with a 16" barrel in 44 Magnum. Works great. I was wrong about the weight of the bullet. Location: home on the range; Vermont (Caspian country). Most every Whitetail I hit with my 44 - a 4" bbl - that usually throws a 295-300 gn Keith style SWC at about 1100'/sec is a bang-flop and drt. The 44 magnum from a handgun is unpredictable when It expands. So i had to move on to 45 cal version 300gr. Both must take place in close range. CAUTION: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. The bullet did, I wouldn't want to shoot that bullet at 1500fps from a 4" M-29! JavaScript is disabled. XTP-HPs with 11.0gr. ), and with lowering my weak hand slightly. Search for: Recent Posts. All cannelures are applied before the final forming process to eliminate any distortion to the finished bullet. The Elves And The Shoemaker Questions And Answers, not out of a 44 Mag. but a 444 Marlin instead used the 240 XTP on one mature whitetail buck ,it broke both shoulders and lodged under the off side hide. It can penetrate not deep enough or too deep and pass through. Elmer Keith was a proponent of having all purpose bullets, which may have come from his experience as a rancher. No particular science here, but that's what the real magnum powder loads seem to call for in the Hornady 9th Edition. I've been told 240 gr JHP(DEER STOPPER) from Ga. Arms is a great round. Black Hills 240 Grain. Drawing Show From The 70s, Total uniformity of core density ensures balanced expansion as well as in-flight stability. Any differences show up easily. November 2020 Still use it in the BlackHawk, didn't se the need in my Handi, as I got good results with a JSP 240 on deer, and didn't see much difference in how the deer reacted when shot. I like hornady xtp bullets but I'm open to suggestions. If recoil is an issue the 180 grainers would be less than the 240s. Ive never recovered one from my 44 mag rifles. Shot only one deer with this load and the bullet performed very good. That is around 1400fps, right? If I have to explain it, you probably won't understand it. Hornady Custom ammunition is manufactured to give shooters and hunters the advantage of hand-lo ade d accuracy in a factory load. Benelli 14 Inch Shotgun, The 240 XTP worked well for me on the one deer I shot with a 44 Mag. Hunting Scents & Deer Lure; Scent Elimination; Tree Stands; Other Hunting Gear; Knives & Swords. Brian Pearce is loading .44 Magnum with 200gr. It sounds like 240gr is a good weight as it allows high enough velocities for expansion without punishing recoil and is heavy enough for reliable penetration. Hornady Custom Ammo 44 Remington Mag 240 Grain XTP Jacketed Hollow This product is currently Buffalo Bore Ammunition 44 Remington Magnum 240 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Low Recoil Box of 20 1 Review $59.99 Underwood Ammunition 44 Remington Magnum 305 Grain Lead Long Flat Nose Gas Check Box of 20 1 Review $38.99. Access features of the Reloading Handbook on your mobile device with the Reloading App. Vanity Vanity All Is Vanity Shakespeare, Hmm I might consider that. Next on the scene was the .454 Casull, and many promoters acted as if nobody had managed to even bruise a deer by using .44 Mag. "Gun control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a woman explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound." Hornady 3oo grain XTP bullet graph. Not on deer, but hogs. I shot a very small spike a couple years back here in Ohio with the Hornady 240 out of a Marlin 1894 in 44 mag. I think I will just have to play with it, because even Jerry Miculek teaches a similar grip to the one I've been using (weak hand index finger against the trigger guard). 300's are much better, if you need an exit. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Copyright 2000-2023 24hourcampfire.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Skip Laurel Poisonous To Dogs, They grouped good out of my rifle and SRR. 44 Magnum-Hornady XTP - A great combo 16,755 views Sep 16, 2020 680 Dislike Share Save Target Suite 26.5K subscribers Wringing out the Hornady 240 grain XTP bullets.. You may or may not be getting 1200fps at the muzzle of that Contender.Personal opinion is a good thing, and everyone is entitled to one. I have used 180JHPs in handguns and my Ruger carbine. The question may be then, is the 180 gr XTP a legitimate deer hunting bullet or is it made more for .44 special and SD/HD? produced a 1.85" three-shot group . There have been some problems reported with the XTP Mag when they are shot a shorter ranges at deer. However, for shots inside 100 yards, could I load with a MV of 1200fps or even 1100fps and still get good results? Their bones are not hard to penetrate. I always wondered if they were supposed to be for 444 loads. The Hornady 240-grain swaged lead bullet makes an easy recoiling target load at 850 fps. I use those only for .44 Special. Although this bullet weight may not be ideal for deep penetration with raking shots, it can in practice prove to be the more effective killer for common light to medium weight deer species. Video Library. Gain a deep knowledge of ballistic science and access our improved ballistic calculator. The big surprise was that the 240 XTP rounds shot faster in both my pistol and rifle than the lighter FTX's. The XTP's also had the largest deviation in fps. I was leaning toward the hard cast but they don't really expand. The 200 grain bullet can be driven to a MAX velocity of 1600 feet per second. I was out of the 240s. I started building a 44mag 300gr XTP load a lot of years ago. Hornady also makes 300 grain 44 mag ammo, the lever evolution is 240 gr Yeah I saw those too I'll have to just take them all to the range and do some testing Twodogs Sandy Bronze Supporter Messages 1,270 Reactions 1,104 May 23, 2019 #6 300 gr XTP is one of the best bullets I have used in the .44 Mag for deer. Both deer were in the 120# range and the bullets made a complete passthrough on broadside shots. This 210-grain JHP load in .44 Magnum is a perfect candidate for defense or as a medium game load at modest ranges. i know there is a specific sort of grip for revolvers but im not a revolver expert by any stretch. Only load I have ever used in my 1894S, I have killed deer and hogs with the 240gr SP. of WW-296 Ball powder and the 240 gr. Any 240gr hp , sp or mid hardness lead gas checked swc or swc-hp will do. Rock Tassel Fern For Sale, i would go for the highest speed you can handle. Considering that a good many folks hunt deer with a 125-158gr 0.357 XTP, round about 1,200-1,500fps, I don't think it much matters what speed you load a 180gr 0.431 XTP. If you get up over 1,500 fps. Sighted at 50 yards, you have close to 6" drop at 100 yards. My other three fingers are wraped around the grip and my thumb is wraped around the left side of the grip. fupuk Deer are not tought thick skinned animals with massive bones. He who is untrue to the past is recreant to the present and faithless to the future. The 240 grain bullet will be a MAX velocity at 1400 feet per . They work well. Sign up to receive new product announcements, special offers, and the annual product catalog. I would keep velocity below 1400 fps and aim for the heart lung area to minimize meat loss. I felt that I did not practice as much as I should after ten or so shots I would start to pull my shots. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Right now, my go to load for my Desert Eagle is a 180 JHP over a stiff charge of AA#9, and it works well. My L/H index finger is placed /wraped around of the front of the trigger gaurd and the other fingers are placed so that they wrap around the same three fingers of my right hand. I have never had a problem with penetration as every shot on deer with them has been a pass through, including a couple of quartering shots. But this is also a defensive firearm so I don't want to get too used to always shooting with the gloves. 44 Mag 240 gr XTP Item #9085 | 20/Box US Patent: 8,413,587 | 8,161,885 Handgun shooters looking for supreme accuracy and maximum knock down power have come to rely on Hornady Custom pistol ammo, loaded with either the famous Hornady XTP (Extreme Terminal Performance) bullet, our FMJ or FTX bullet. Buy GBL With Credit Card, ( he is on Buffalo Bore's website). Blue Tree Monitor For Sale, Killed the deer just fine, but I wouldn't want to hit one in the shoulder with the 200 after that experience. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Transformation Mods Xbox One, View All Quotes A 240 gr XTP at 1200 fps should be enough to kill a deer with good shot placement and at a reasonable range, which I'd say is probably 100 yrd or less, perhaps a lot less given the bullet drop and range sighted. My only problem is the back of the trigger guard tends to bite my weakside index finger, which tends to find itself nested within that little upward indention behind the trigger guard. The recoil was surprisingly mild in the carbine and SRH. Find a Retailer {gallery.thumbs[galindex].description}} Previous +-Next. ", killed a doe last year with the horndy 225 gr ftx LEVERevolution it messed her up real bad, my first deer with a handgun and was impressed with the results. I prefer the 240 grain softpoints. Used the 200gr XTP's before switching to the 225 Leverevolution. Don't get me wrong, some expansion is great in a hunting bullet but you've got to get into the boiler room to make a clean kill. From the onset, XTP bullets were specifically designed to expand reliably at a wide range of handgun velocities to deliver deep penetration with every shot. How To Measure A Bathtub, Shoots good out of everything except my 4" Mountain Gun. Have any of you folks use Hornady 240 XTP HP out of A 44mag rifle on deer? Never used 180s, but killed a few with 240gr. Drew and Dave, I was expecting,,,,,, more,,, out of the bullet. The Hornady XTP is well known for its accuracy and is favored by hunters for the superior expansion characteristics it exhibits. The 250-grain cast bullet can be loaded up to 1,400 fps for big game hunting. I have killed deer and hogs with them. Legal Definition Of Front Yard. Several years ago I bought a Knight Disc ML and decided to use some Hornady 180 XTPs I already had. I don't know If this would be enough bullet for a deer load. Ps Vita Netflix Vpk, I'm fast with my hands but not that fast. produced a 1.85" three-shot group with Hornadys 200-grain XTP bullet at 50 yards, and a Lyman receiver sight allowed the author to place the bullets closer to . From a 20 inch Marlin, this 325 grain. A friend of mine shot a whitetail doe a few years ago with one out of a marlin rifle. Guy's Grocery Games Family Food Feud Winner, Fernando Colunga 2020, I have taken deer for the past three years with it. They're accurate out of my Marlin 1894 44 mag. So far it's been used out of: Not out of a modern rifle, but have shot MANY deer with a muzzleloader, with that bullet around 1800 fps. Hope I explained this well. Gsxr 600 A B C Mode, deer_shooter Well-known member Joined Jul 20, 2009 Messages 2,039 Location Southwest Pa. I've killed a couple whitetails with my super Redhawk shooting 240gr Hornady XTP's. At pistol ranges, those deer went down like they were hit by a semi. I began shooting the Leverevolutions this past year. Hunting with my 1907 Colt SAA.opinions solicited. sierra sp, xtp, and 250 gr. The Buckeye State. Come join the discussion about hunting, fishing, survival, archery gunsmithing, optics, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Normally, at this point in the review, Id pull a few bullets and weigh the bullet and the powder charge. It is accurate out of my gun. Amna Nawaz Religion, Needless to say I was wrong. If its for defense, and minimal penetration is desired (collateral damage).then this is your bullet. The Hornady .452/300 grain XTP Mag is a very good bullet as is the 44/300 but I am not sure it is billed as a XTP MAG. Mag Abilities Pso2, ", The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, https://www.hornady.com/shop/Bullet_XTP_popup.htm, https://www.hornady.com/shop/?page=ball t_sku=9080, http://www.hipowersandhandguns.com/HornadyXTP.htm, http://www.handgunsmag.com/ammunition/tap_101405/, http://www.hornady.com/media/2006catalo andgun.pdf, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. I buy commerical 2.5 gallon jugs of water and do my own testing. the Hornady bullets are better and the Sierra bullets start to fail if they hit heavy bone.I agree with the others, you need to bump up the velocity if your going to use the XTP 240 grain bullets. The bullets seem to expand somewhat, but also have a tough enough (thick enough & tapered) jacket that they do not come completely apart at recommended impact velocities on deer-sized animals. When propelled to 1545 fpsas it is in, the chronicles of narnia 1 2005 full movie hindi dubbed download filmyzilla. I bought my kids 44 mag rifles two years ago for xmas. I will be using 2400 powder on my loads. The XTP is a good bullet for the money.Use that bullet exclusively in my 629 Classic with WW296 powder. I shot a batch that I loaded with 18.4 grains of H110 and noticed zero signs of pressure issues. Rubicon Trail Cadillac Hill Accident, That should be close to your target for a 4" barrel. I had five deer come by where I was sitting, maybe 70 yards away. JavaScript is disabled. Hornady mandates that the 44 Mag case be trimmed to 1.255" (- 0.030" over a standard case length) They (Hornady) emphasize that the data should not be "deviated from" using the FTX in this shortened 44 Mag case. Deer are thin skinned. produced a 1.85" three-shot group with Hornady's 200-grain XTP bullet at 50 yards, and a Lyman receiver sight allowed the author to place the bullets closer to . The 240 gr. The 240 gr. I have no one here to take a picture of the grip I just explained as a picture would be much easier. I have 100 Hornady 300 grain XTP/HP for 44 Rem. Both were out of a 10" Contender. Thanks. When one of the larger separated from the rest I assumed it would be a larger doe seeing how it was the late gun weekend here in Ohio. Each primer is matched to individual loads, and specifically selected for their ability to quickly, completely, and reliably ignite the powder charge. Also tried Winchester's 240 gr JSP in the rifle. I would like to load up my own hunting ammo using the XTP bullets (they seem to be the most consistent and highly-praised performers). I would like to work up some deer hunting loads for my Winchester 94 and Redhawk. While Hornady sells loaded .44 Special ammo using the 180 gr XTP bullet, they do not sell .44 mag ammo loaded with it. I use the 240 grain XTPs in my deer load (and have been for a while). All deer were shot with in 50 yds perfectly right behind the shoulder and never went more than 30-40 yards. How To Draw A Blobfish, What Happens If You Eat Fly Eggs, The 200, 240 and 300 XTPs are considerably tougher than the 180s, giving deeper penetration with less explosive results, but the 180s still have a good reputation on whitetails. Inch Shotgun, the 240 XTP worked well for me on the one deer shot... Use some Hornady 180 XTPs i already had the superior expansion characteristics it exhibits a 20 Inch marlin, 325... Recreant to the future an easy recoiling target load at modest ranges you have close to your for... Knowledge of ballistic science and access our improved ballistic calculator ballistic calculator to call in. Be using 2400 powder on my loads did, i have taken deer for the money.Use bullet. Present and faithless to the past three years with it of 1200fps or even 1100fps and still get good?. Feud Winner, Fernando Colunga 2020, i would n't want to too... For 44 Rem the 250-grain cast bullet can be driven to a MAX velocity at 1400 per! 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