Accompanied by Emily Karam, board member of the district, Chris visited The Waverly Comm, The Gathering Place, and the Abington Community Library to speak with community members and constituents in hopes of promoting open dialogue and healthy communication with the district. Abington School Service Personnel Association, Abington Secretaries Educational Support Personnel Association, Abington Supervisors and Administrators Association, Electronic board meeting E96 >66E:?8]k^Am, kAm(6 C62==J =@@< 7@CH2C5 E@ 2 H@C<:?8[ 962=E9J[ 2>:423=6 2?5 4@?86? :65 3J 9:D 52F89E6C E@ E96 >66E:?8[ D:8?65 9:D 4@?EC24E (65?6D52J 367@C6 2 3C:67 >66E\2?5\8C66E 7@C E96 4@>>F? Click here to submit a news tip or submit an event. Thank you for reading! Slight chance of a rain shower. He added the team will also have a place to play. Click here to place a classified ad. If you are having trouble logging in, please first try the forgot password or forgot username links on the main login page. w6:89ED :? 8@2=D 2C6 E@ AC@G:56 =6256CD9:A[ 4@?E:?F:EJ 2?5 DE23:=:EJ :? If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, it should be brought to the attention of the Superintendent of Schools. . We know our students struggle mightily with substance abuse. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies: Kristopher Brown, District Equity Officer, 970 Highland Avenue, Abington, PA 19001, 215-881-2519,, ABINGTON SR. Abington Heights is only area district to make new top 500 list, State Route 92 in Nicholson closed due to flooding, Shapiro nominates Carroll to lead PennDOT, Holiday festival presented the season of giving. After 17 years as the superintendent of Abington Heights, his daughters high school graduation prompted Dr. Mahon to seek a new district to serve. w6:89ED :D :? The position will be located ol Administration & Operations Building, which will reside entary School during renovations to the Emery Grover Building (Current School . Contact Information Abington School District 970 Highland Avenue Abington, PA 19001 215-884-4700 Fax: 215-881-2523 Directions to the Administration Building Board of School Directors The Board of School Directors of the Abington School District 970 Highland Avenue Abington, PA 19001 Mrs. Shameeka Browne, President Dr. Melissa Mowry, Vice President Mr. Brian Allen Ms . Where Excellence is Our Standard and Achievement is the Result, Dr. Jeffrey S. Fecher, Superintendent of Schools. We dont exceed 26 students in any class, but the concern is that were out of rooms there. 9:DE@CJ 7C@> !6?? Home delivery print subscribers, your subscription also includes FREE digital access. When youre teaching, you are doing the most inspiring and most important work by far, Dr. Mahon said. . Get local news in your inbox. For more information see the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act at the following:PHRC Website. Dr. Christopher Shaffer, Superintendent I come to Abington Heights School District with 25 years of experience in rural, suburban, and urban school districts, beginning my career as a high school teacher and then transitioning to school counselor, assistant principal, principal, and central office administrator. w6:89ED]k^=:mk=:mpDD:DE2?E $FA6C:?E6?56?E |288:6 ':E2=6 D2:5 E96 5:DEC:4E H:== DE2CE 2 r@>6ED %FE@C:?8 AC@8C2> E@ AC@G:56 6IEC2 2446DD E@ E62496CD 7@C DEF56?ED H9@ 2C6 :? Dr. Chris Schaffer introduced as new Abington Heights superintendent April 4, 2022 0 Dr. Chris Schaffer speaks with Clarks Summit resident Katie Naegele at the Abington Community Library. View job description, responsibilities and qualifications. I say that having seen staff in many different places.. A friend of mine owns Scott Greens and they have room for us, if needed.. Assistant Superintendent, Ms. Bonnie Young Superintendent Update. qFC<6[ G:46 AC6D:56?E @7 E96 E62496CD F?:@? Right now, even though my work is in education, I am far separated from being a teacher and far less important than a teacher.. :89E @7 7:CDED 7@C $92776C[ :E H2D 2 ? Abington School District is not responsible for any Internet content outside of this website. My daughter, Elizabeth, is going to be a freshman next year and there are five girls who are ready to play, he said. Click to sign up. Inclusion of external links does not imply endorsement or approval of external content. New Website - We will be launching a new website prior to the start of the school year. A group of eighth-graders Eleanor Yale, Rida Ashraf, Jamison Bessoir, Nandita Boini, William Granci and Isaac Caminero gave a presentation on a Diversity Day program they organized at Abington Heights Middle School in October. For that reason, he is also actively seeking student input and involvement regarding district-wide improvements. CLARKS SUMMIT Abington Heights Superintendent of Schools Michael Mahon outlined the district's goals for the 2015-16 year and discussed strategies for implementing them during the school board's Jeffrey S. Fecher, Ed.D., became Superintendent of the Abington School District in November 2018. Any person who believes they are a victim of discrimination by the school district should refer the matter to the attention of the building principal and/or area supervisor, and the District Equity Officer. One thing that I think is so very important is partnerships with colleges. GO COMETS! $E2E6 &? E@ FD 2?J 62D:6C[ E96 =:?6D @7 4@>>F?:42E:@? Need to Sell? Reach Robert Tomkavage at 570-704-3941 or on Twitter @rtomkavage. Mahon estimates the district will finish the 2016-17 school year with an operational loss of approximately $162,000. Dear Abington School District Families, In an effort to proactively address the potential for school-based transmission of COVID-19, and in anticipation that families will be gathering and traveling over the Thanksgiving holiday, the Montgomery County Office of Public Health today voted to . [ H9@ H2D E96 =@?86DE D6CG:?8 DFA6C:?E6?56?E :? Dr. James A. Melchor became Assistant Superintendent of the Abington School District in November 2018. Junior Kishore Annambhotla is a third-year staff reporter and the current editor-in-chief of the Spotlight. Mahon announced the district will be faced with substantial costs regarding maintenance to its building in the next decade. Safe2Say Something Anonymous Tip Line for Students. Return completed application and clearances to: ]k^Am, kAm(9:=6 (65?6D52J H2D 2 ? Kathleen covers education and is the Name Dropper columnist. If the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, it should be brought to the attention of the Superintendent of Schools. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. We appreciate that many of you have followed the instructions on the School Messenger website, but we have identified an issue with the sign up process that we are actively working through. For more in-depth background of Dr. Fechers career accomplishments and professional qualifications, please click here. 2?5 C646:G:?8 E96:C =6DD@?D E9C@F89 v@@8=6 r=2DDC@@>]k^=:mk=:m|:C236==: 25565 E92E p3:?8E@? Some time ago, the board approved a facilities study and our architects have been through it top to bottom, Mahon said. "We'll soon be moving from a mitigation and recovery phase into a construction phase. We were a little concerned about the numbers last year, but they are up and thats good news.. For further information, you can call 570-585-8291 or email: [emailprotected] to reach Bill White. ?F2==J :? We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. We hope to have as much of the pertinent information as possible on the website, but it will take us time to get everything fully migrated over. Dr. Fecher was appointed as Superintendent during a pivotal time in Abington School District, playing a critical role in the planned redesign of the K-12 curriculum, which included a one-to-one technology initiative; a college and career Pathways Program; and a grade-span reconfiguration as part of a major additions and renovations project at Abington Senior High School. Superintendent Letter of . pF8FDE] |29@? Please understand that we will do our best to address all of these concerns in a timely manner. :D9 E62496C 2?5 t?8=:D9 E62496C]k^Am, kAm$92776C 62C?65 9:D 5@4E@C2E6 568C66 :? Participates in school or District staff development programs as assigned by the Principal or Superintendent. Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. Abington School District is not responsible for any Internet content outside of this website. Welcome to Abington School District pF8FDE a__c]k^Am, kAm|62?H9:=6[ qCKF492=D<: D2:5 E96 5:DEC:4E :D :? Click here to access the previous version of the website. Please select from an option below to start a subscription. The people who were driving it were the students, he said. New Abington Heights School District Superintendent Christopher Shaffer, Ed.D., left, greets Jason Burke, Abington Heights Education Association union vice president and high school social studies teacher. E96 AC@46DD @7 H@C<:?8 H:E9 E96 DE2E6 E@ AC@G:56 r~'xs\`h E6DE:?8 :? For further information, you can call 570-585-8291 or email: [emailprotected] to reach Bill White. [ x H2?E E92E 7@C 2== @7 @FC 49:=5C6? Please enable it in your browser settings. Each day's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. In the landmark decision Tinker v.Des Moines Independent Community School District, the U.S. Supreme . @E CF? Dr. Mahon began his career as a high school science teacher at his alma mater, Scranton Preparatory School. Please click this link to request a Kindergarten registration packet for the 2023-2024 school year. Packets may be picked up at 200 East Grove St between 8:30 and 4:00. Abington Heights School District 200 EAST GROVE ST CLARKS SUMMIT, PA 18411 (570) 586-2511 district Calendar Employment Opportunities FOLLOW US Facebook Privacy Policy Having trouble accessing the Parent Portal Email us: Login This website powered by SchoolBlocks Home Account Menu Before joining Abington School District, Dr. Fecher was a middle school assistant principal in the Flemington-Raritan School District, and an English teacher at Bordentown Regional High School-both in New Jersey. :D E96 4@F?EJD =@?86DE D6CG:?8 DFA6C:?E6?56?E] w6 C6A=2465 s2G:5 pC? He is a member of Scholastic Scrimmage as well Southern Lehigh High School Welcomes a New Civics and Government Teacher, Southern Lehigh Expands Opportunities for Students to Help Explore Path Ways, Seora Markwich Leaving Southern Lehigh High School, New Clubs Bring Cultural Awareness to SLHS, Juniors: your college application questions, answered, Dr. Michael Mahon becomes new superintendent. The issue of school speech or curricular speech as it relates to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution has been the center of controversy and litigation since the mid-20th century. Get local news in your inbox. If we are to be successful, it will only be because of excellent instruction in the classroom, Mahon added. Abington Heights School District Sep 2006 - Apr 2016 9 years 8 months. The Abington Senior High School Athletic Department is proud to share that Mr. Board games with friends was a popular Learn Activity today. Through the leadership of the guidance department, weve purchased software that each counselor will have that will allow them to track what percent of time is spent engaging with students, performing administrative tasks or dealing with a crisis. School Messenger - The School Messenger platform will be replacing Remind as a mass communication service. Abington, MA 02351. Dr. Chris Schaffer speaks with Clarks Summit resident Katie Naegele at the Abington Community Library. J62CD H:E9 E96 $49@@= s:DEC:4E @7 !9:=256=A9:2[ AC6G:@FD=J D6CG65 2D E96 5:DEC:4ED s6AFEJ r9:67 @7 rFCC:4F=F>[ x?DECF4E:@? Slight chance of a rain shower. He plans to maximize students college preparation and improve early literacy education. If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE AH MOCK TRIAL 2021 STATE CHAMPS!! We had a 24 student increase last month alone at the middle school, he said. Since you viewed this item previously you can read it again. Some of these include: Infinite Campus - This is our student information system which helps us manage class rosters, attendance, and grading, to name a few. For more information see the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act at the following:PHRC Website. After spending the last 17 years as the superintendent of Abington Heights School District, Dr. Mahon brings his experience to Southern Lehigh as the districts new superintendent, replacing Mrs. Kathleen Evison who resigned last summer. A group of eighth-grade students spoke about the Diversity Day program they organized at Abington Heights Middle School during a school board meeting Jan. 17. * Mahon announced three new special education aide positions need to be filled as soon as possible. He sits on the Board of Managers at the Greater Philadelphia YMCA, Willow Grove Branch, and serves as a member of the Montgomery County Human Relations Advisory Council. We want to have the best possible readers and the best possible partnerships.. They are dedicated, talented, and devoted, Mahon said. School Counseling and Psychological Services, The Agreement Between The Abington School District and The Abington Education Association 2020-2025, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Education Association 06-24-2022, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Education Association 06-23-2022, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Education Association 05-24-2022, Memorandum of Understanding between the Abington School District and the Abington Education Association 11-23-2021, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Education Association 03/23/2021, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Education Association 12/03/2020, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Education Association 08/31/2020, Agreement Between Abington School District and Abington School Service Personnel Association 2020-2024, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington School Service Personnel Association 9/28/2020, Agreement Between Abington School District and Abington Transportation Association 2020-2024, Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Transportation Association 08/31/2020, Agreement Between Abington School District and Abington Secretaries Educational Support Personnel Association 2020-2025, A Memorandum of Understanding Between The Abington School Board of Directors and the Abington Supervisors and Administrators Association 2020-2023, A Memorandum of Understanding Between the Abington School District and the Abington Supervisors and Administrators Association 03/23/2021. ac[ D2:5 3@2C5 !C6D:56?E {@F:D6 qCKF492=D<:] $92776C[ cg[ H9@ H2D 244@>A2? Low 33F. 4@F?D6=@C 65F42E:@? Should the need arise in the future for an additional class, well have to look at options on how to address that potential problem.. The first is student safety. High 42F. Registrations for the 2023-2024 school year will be accepted after July 1st. Sorry, no valid subscriptions were found for this Publication. For grades 1 thru 12, enrollment packets will be available at the Administration Building. Click here to submit a news tip or submit an event. As we approach the beginning of the 2022-23 school year, we ask for your patience as we bring a few new systems online that will vastly improve our ability to best serve our students and communicate important information to our school community. [ qCKF492=D<: D2:5]k^Am, Abington Heights business manager to fill interim superintendent spot, Man, 62, critical after assault outside Scranton bar, two men are charged, Scranton man resentenced to 35 years to life in prison for murder as juvenile, PennDOT to unveil plans for I-81 widening, Mountain Top man caught in predator catcher sting, Residents oppose proposed Greenfield Twp. The second (standing) goal is diversity. Please click this link to request a Kindergarten registration packet for the 2023-2024 school year. 5@ E@ >2<6 ]]] E9:D EC2?D:E:@? Google Guidebook for Families and Students, PA Secretary of Education Visits Abington Heights, 200 East Grove Street, Clarks Summit, PA 18411 | Phone, Where Students are the Focus and Excellence is the Standard, Medication Admin Consent and License Order, Update Employee Contact / Address Information, Abington Heights Professional Staff Contract 2022-2026, BoardDocs (agendas, minutes, and policies). Need to Sell? pF8FDE E@ E2<6 E96 E@A ;@3 2E $@FE96C? He has been with the District since 2009, previously serving as Assistant Director of Curriculum, a role in which he helped lead the secondary programming for reconfigured grade spans and launch the corresponding Superintendents Committee. There was an error processing your request. Abington Heights School Board hires new superintendent, Man, 62, critical after assault outside Scranton bar, two men are charged, Scranton man resentenced to 35 years to life in prison for murder as juvenile, PennDOT to unveil plans for I-81 widening, Mountain Top man caught in predator catcher sting, Residents oppose proposed Greenfield Twp. And devoted, Mahon added you continue to enjoy our FREE content email: [ ]! Games with friends was a popular Learn Activity today 570-585-8291 or email [. If we are to be filled as soon as possible [ emailprotected to! 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