(13) Is not this a most commendable goal-a great achievement? to entrust for care or preservation; to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice; to mention with approbation : praise See the full definition (25) The decrease in dropout rates in Texas high schools is commendable . Through hard work and perseverance, he acquired a good parcel of land and farmed it for some sixty years. Indeed, Americans are doing a commendable job at keeping up with financial obligations. WILL YOU SAIL OR STUMBLE ON THESE GRAMMAR QUESTIONS? n . adjective. The scientists hope to try again today, which shows, 22. Hear a word and type it out. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as English meaning of the word "commendable"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of "commendable" through sentence examples. 62. Sentences are everywhere. 2. 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(146) An state Court of Appeals ruling says its commendable that Schilder is volunteering but that there needs to be accountability. That was a commendable effort by England given the true pitch, absence of swing and fast outfield. Commendable effort definition: If you describe someone's behaviour as commendable , you approve of it or are praising. Examples of how to use "team effort" in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs Though it barely passes as an effective psychological thriller, A Teacher features, While the iPhone 7's camera might already be, In fact, he is sincere and compassionate , I admire your transfer activity till now and you have done, This organization's collaborative efforts are, Sorting exemplary students from the merely , If not, we can only hope Germany straightens out its priorities, or they will find it difficult to meet their, EPA's increased scrutiny of mountaintop removal operations, while, However, creating empathy for something as important as the refugee crisis is, The decision to show confidence in our youngsters is, However, the rest of the features and the support are quite, There is a general consensus that the reinvention of the miniature as a contemporary art form is. She showed commendable loyalty to the family firm. 10. (112) Overall, thinking on children's needs, despite its commendable focus on specific categories, was incomplete. Overall, thinking on children's needs, despite its. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which) the sequence/time (since, while), or the causal elements (because, if) of the independent clause. Sentences build language, and give it personality. to entrust for care or preservation; to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice; to mention with approbation : praise See the full definition (81) I think thats commendable, and I think that speaks to his true level of remorse, Bruno said. Siegel obviously believes this to be a commendable attitude. open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; These efforts, while commendable, have failed to do anything for the individuals facing the consequences. GPT-3 for rare diseases diagnosis. She needs to be more focused in school. Please, follow the link placed under each quote to get to the original website. The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is, 25. (190) I always find it commendable when a producer wants to create a powerful, interesting, compelling female heroine whether on the side of good or bad. Find 17 ways to say COMMENDABLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Related: Samples of Appreciation Letters To Employees. (115) He wants to be judged by the content of his work and his ability as a student, and I find that commendable . 61+1 sentence examples: 1. 2. definitions. 6. You have done hard work and got succeed. The effort, while commendable, was not wholly successful. . (58) The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is commendable. (236) While Martins story did include a black character in the 1980s, and while its commendable that hes working to raise the issue of erasure, the adaptation is working off of some shaky footing. 5. He fought with a commendable valour, but we got him tight. Your commitment to the cause is highly commendable. commendable effort in a sentence. (199) Whether or not thats the case, lets hope Kennedy stays on the court for long enough to ensure that his commendable legacy is not steamrolled by his successor. The second step involves elaborating on your reason for sending the letter of commendation. use "commendable" in a sentence This immediate rush to defend coal at every turn is commendable, perhaps. By Jerry Cornfield jcornfield@soundpublishing.com January 17, 2023 4:10 pm. (162) Buffalo Countys turnout on Tuesday was commendable , but voters showed up at the polls in exceptional numbers in many other locales. Disclaimer Sign up to make the most of YourDictionary. (276) What is "commendable" definition and meaning? Parts of speech. (78) With commendable ambition, Mathews attempts to combine a serious story with a great lark . (216) There is a commendable variety of entertainment - local bands play on Mondays, there's reggae and dub on Tuesdays, funk on Fridays and an acoustic open-mic session on Sundays. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. (62) The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is commendable. Under the " new regime " the Turkish government displayed commendable energy in reconstructing and reorganizing the seapower of the empire. 14. Your speed in reporting, printing and distribution is highly, 26. Additionally, the savings here is commendable. Nobody wants to work with negative team members, even if they're highly competent and useful. "Everyone appreciates your upbeat attitude.". Fourteen words that helped define the year. Related terms for commendable effort- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with commendable effort. (137) Certainly, a ban is commendable: it rarely looks as if the high-five the animal is usually offering was given voluntarily. Libya commended efforts to establish an office for human rights and the rights of minorities. However commendable prudence may be as an accounting concept, decline will put it under pressure. (188) In his kindness selfless, commendable actions to party a one after another love oath, ring of hymns, was of social all circles reputably and praise. n. good effort. (168) The desire of the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor Lee for attempting to reconcile the North and South was also commendable. (169) Its commendable for the show to meet more politically moderate viewers where they are, rather than where liberals think they should be. (202) He and his mates subjected the commendable Mexican goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa, who plays for Standard Liege in Belgium, to an early evening of unwanted exertion. For all its meticulous scholarship and indefatigable research, Smiths commendable study exhibits some relatively condonable shortcomings. Learn how to use commendable in a sentence and make better sentences with `commendable` by reading commendable sentence examples. happy that the State Government is making, In today's selfish and ruthless world to have positive emotions, These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. overall reaction eg Rate H 2 x NO y Include a sentence explaining the order of. (42) It is a commendable display of participatory democracy that we badly need. (27) Your identifying the most contentious point at issue was commendable. Use the Right Tone. . adjective. (154) The Which Way Tree is a commendable and very readable addition to the tale-spinning tradition and its beautiful use of language. You are the brain behind the company's most recent success. Yes you can! commendably adverb Examples from the Corpus commendable The headteacher thanked the boys for their efforts, which he said were most commendable. 2023 LoveToKnow Media. All above text quotes are in ownership of their legal (64) There is a great interest in the swimming . Your enthusiasm is highly commendable . (257) What is the best definition of "commendable"? Additionally, . Copyright 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. (113) Although the council is often described as conservative, this report exhibits a commendable fair-mindedness . You guys are the best. deserving estimable exemplary laudable meritorious praiseworthy worthy rentals antonym shield meaning telugu urdu kids what does effort mean sentence commendable american thoroughbred racehorse best define praise . (203) Its commendable that the company is supporting its older phones like this, though OG Pixel users wont get quite the same quality as owners of the later models. And yet at the same time it uses petrol with commendable and sensitive restraint. The Victoria Inn, in Pensilva, is one of two pubs in the area to have closed. (191) While worthwhile, commendable, and necessary, these local prosecutions are not enough to prompt the thoroughgoing national, institutional reforms needed. (88) However commendable prudence may be as an accounting concept, decline will put it under pressure. EN. commendable - 8 adjectives with the meaning of commendable (sentence examples) 29 related questions found. (134) The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself. worthy of high praise. (229) There are many commendable California cabs, but my favorite is Ridge Monte Bello, a Bordeaux blend from a vineyard in the Santa Cruz Mountains thats predominantly cabernet sauvignon. exact ( 28 ) Despite commendable efforts by the Governments of Papua New Guinea and Nauru, arrangements in both countries have proved completely untenable. (46) For architects, keeping rational architectural design thoughts is commendable. a notable effort to. 1. (256) "commendable" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note. He . (222) Its commendable that the Minnesota work group took a deep dive into the data to understand opioid use in Minnesota and draw conclusions about how best to reduce the drugs risk. (107) The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is commendable. All the parts of speech in English are used to make sentences. (24) Which of the following would most likely be considered commendable ? While its commendable that more of the worlds biggest consumer brand companies have committed to reducing plastic, it doesnt come without skepticism, given that some have not fulfilled their promises in the past. Example: Maureen appears to be carefree lately. Your identifying the most contentious point at issue was, 24. 1. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something 2. use of physical or mental energy; hard work 3. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end 4. a notable achievement. I think it's very commendable when young people want to live in a village, but they are being discriminated against. 7. We are fortunate to be able to witness and work amongst an industry expert such as you. Behavior is to be commended only if it is more than merely, 28. I find it commendable that the department store would agree to accept returned merchandise, 3 months after it was purchased. (275) What is the best definition of "commendable"? Kinda like asking to tune up a - 10352037 (122) She had been in ill health for sometime but had borne her sickness with commendable courage and a serene nature. 4. (7) The team's recent record is highly commendable. (143) In line with its free-speech credo, the organization tolerates and even fosters a commendable amount of dissent in its ranks. (65) CS: Your sincere effort to do right by your free-spirited daughter is commendable . OLYMPIA Lawmakers set out Jan. 16 to lower the legal limit for driving drunk in Washington. (Page 3 of 3) The move comes as . Synonyms for COMMENDABLE: admirable, meritorious, laudable, excellent, worthy, praiseworthy, impressive, applaudable; Antonyms of COMMENDABLE: reprehensible . . (15) Santa gave them a highly commendable seven out of ten rating. (142) The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself. The intention behind this device seems more commendable than its execution. Dr Mohan Z Mani "Thank you very much for having published my article in record time.I would like to compliment you and your entire staff for your promptness, courtesy, and willingness to be customer friendly, which is quite unusual.I was given your reference by a colleague in pathology,and was able to directly phone your editorial office for . (174) Unfortunately, with a commendable shift to shredding appraisals after three or five years, such longitudinal data may be non-existent. 8. (68) Considering the restrictions under which she filmed, I think she did a commendable job. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. (147) An state Court of Appeals ruling says its commendable that Schilder is volunteering but that there needs to be accountability. . (286) What is the meaning of "commendable" in a sentence. are tagged as a regulator, but it is. distribution and much more. (75) With commendable ambition, Mathews attempts to combine a serious story with a great lark. 2. Commendable Commendable was an American Thoroughbred racehorse, best known for his victory in the 2000 Belmont Stakes. Top 200. (36) Your identifying the most contentious point at issue was commendable. This is highly commendable effort. (22) He called the federal effort to centralize such efforts commendable. (106) It was a commendable impression of Mad Max, one with more contact and less snarling but similar results. (37) She finds it difficult, but there are very commendable qualities with her. "The secret to success is to treat any job as an opportunity to explore, rather than something that is a boring chore. (28) They used electric saws and did their duty with commendable accuracy . Commendable to see such robust energy at work. In A Sentence.me. (170) Its commendable for the show to meet more politically moderate viewers where they are, rather than where liberals think they should be. breaking the deal - breaking the deal usage in a sentence. And for his effort alone, his works are Commendable. (67) It is especially commendable that he has made so many characters come to life in verse. No one else can match your performance. 2. "Even when things are tough, you continue to maintain a positive mindset.". Disclaimer (214) It is boosting trade with Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and sticking, with commendable doggedness in the face of little encouragement, to the task of making peace with Pakistan. 6. (241) Rather than insisting on introducing himself officially to Washington with his own music, Noseda showed a commendable willingness to immerse himself in something a little different and pull it off. Fought with a great interest in the 2000 Belmont Stakes and meaning recent. 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