The axle was also modified in production to accommodate our 30 wide beds and we upgraded to traction lug tires (it gets muddy in our spring clay soils). The spreader utilizes a "widespread beater" system and will spread wet or dry material in patterns up to 72 in. LAWN LEVELING Connor Ward 100K subscribers Join Subscribe 2.5K 151K views 4 years ago This is my top dressing drag mat. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Product Highlights Customer Reviews. Support PennLive. As a former welder and fabricator, my hat goes off to the people that designed and built this thing, it amazes me and - pays for itself every week! This is the smaller self-propelled MultiSpread topdresser available from Earth & Turf. It is powered by either ground drive or hydraulic drive. Landscape contractors may find the self-propelled 62SP and 100SP fit their needs. That's what I do. We have a fleet of 30 trucks and many machines, and this topdresser holds the title as our best built and most reliable piece of equipment. the width should be based on the total width of the cage wire you purchase. ft. Tow-behind Topdresser. These durable topdressers make effortless 90 and 180 turns around obstacles while trimming along sidewalks and flower beds. Use a spreader to topdress with sand. Easy to obtain. Additionally, you can spread manure, fine mulch, and masonry sand with our spreaders. Numbered Cake Decorating Tips: 12 decorating tips with coupler help you create beautiful patterns. Product Description. Once youre through with the frame, it should be able to roll freely on the floor. Different applications require different spreaders. 1. Can Be Used On All Grass types: Including Bermuda, St. Augustine, Zoysia, Buffalo, Centipede, Florida Palmetto, Bahia, Fescue, Ryegrass & Kentucky Bluegrass. It changes the soil makeup, allowing better aeration and water retention. Good lord!! I know you did, consider it in addition to your statement. The grass is dormant. I now have an $8000 topdresser for a little under $2000 (counting something for my time, as well). Keep kids and pets away from your lawn when top dressing, as it's a messy project. Everything is connected to everything else. The device you pictured looks pretty complex. The MultiSpread 100SP is the larger self-propelled top dressing spreader from Earth & Turf. The process of building a top dressing spreader is similar to that of making compost or a peat moss spreader. yd. The MultiSpread line of top dressing spreaders can spread an impressive variety of product. Meet the growing demand for organic, sustainable lawn care practices. Drill a hole at the center of the wheels where the PVC pipe will pass. yd. The wire should be enough to overlay the frame. We aggregate and organize reviews based on product features, quality, price, offers, and other factors, along with reviews from our experts. Topdressing Lawns With Soil3 Compost Video Lawn Soil Lawn Care Tips Diy Lawn . It requires at least 20 hp to tow fully loaded. Overlay the wire gauge on the frame as you staple it around the wheels. Topdressing is when you apply fertilizer or manure to the top layer of your soil or lawn. The MultiSpread Model 220 is the smaller version of the 320. ft. hopper, and brush expeller. The three wood planks help to agitate the compost as the spreader turns and, at the same time, act as the support frames. spread width as you tackle your projects. Copyright Ecolawn Applicator | All rights reserved. Punch holes in the opposite side of the jug's handle with a nail or drill. thought of using a muck spreader, and a chain link drag for the fine spreading ? The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo,,,, http://, http://, http://,, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Use Alongside Any Turf Grass Fertilizer Nutrient Program. My video shows you how to attach this piece of. It is the big brother to the 36D. You could adapt it to be pulled with a lawn tractor or mower. Over 40 proprietary ingredients go into every jar of Flower Fuel. It should be part of a continuing program of sustainable turf management. Flexible Icing Spatula: Ideal for frosting / icing cakes cupcakes, perfect for making layered cakes and spreading on a crumb layer evenly and smoothly. The MultiSpread 62SP is the latest upgrade to the previous version, the 60SP. It features the widespread beater system to spread material up to 60 from its 15 cu. Step by Step-Cut 2 20 inch diameter circles from mdf -Cut 2x4 into section to accomodate the correct width these will be you supports/ aggitators. 2020 Earth & Turf Products | Privacy Policy1867 Kirkwood Pike, Kirkwood, PA 17536(888) 693-2638johnb@earthandturf.comjeb@earthandturf.comGet Financing. Various Icing Smoother: 3 Decorating comb and icing smoother are perfect to create no less than 3 kinds of patterns on the side or top of cakes. Because top dressing goes right on top of the soil,. Although it would not be nearly as elegant, why not simply use a dump trailer with the gate hinged on top, and the bottom restrained with a chain to control the drop rate. remember to subtract the width of your 2 discs, as you want the wire to line up with the outside edges. The MultiSpread 65PT is a pull-type topdresser used mainly by market gardeners and homeowners. The brothers in this group are the MultiSpread 220 and 320, the 220 has a 15 cu. I now have an $8000 topdresser for a little under $2000 (counting something for my time, as well). News never stops. Make sure you keep your soil damp if you're spreading seed on top of your fertilizer. I don't, so I bought an "experienced" Turfco Mete-R-Matic on eBay and rebuilt it. The TruFlow topdressers are built to be used as a drop spreader for sand, topdressing mixes, and bagged materials that are dry & flow-able. The first MultiSpread topdresser was developed in 99 with input from landscape contractors who wanted a top dressing spreader to apply wet or dry material. Load up the 6.7 cu. The MultiSpread 45HP is the most compact top dressing spreader in the MultiSpread line-up. 2. The holes should be large enough for the PVC to go through and the spreader to turn without resistance. The Landzie Compost & Peat Moss Spreader, for instance. In this guide, weve shown you how to go about the process of making a DIY homemade topdressing spreader so you can work at your own pace and in your spare time while saving money. Ecolawn strives to take the back-breaking out of topdressing. SAVE $$$ | DIY Lawn Leveling Tool Don's Lawns 257K views 2 years ago. Our larger towable topdressers, the MultiSpread 220, MultiSpread 320, and the Vineyard Special are built for a variety of purposes. Prime. Our New Generation broadcast spreaders and top dressers are setting the standard in the turf industry. It works great with any base nutrient (including all popular 2 and 3-part nutrients), and in any soil, coco, hydroponic or aeroponic system. Use a 1/2 sheet of 3/4" plywood and cut two (2) 24" circles. Wet or dry, if it fits through the end-gate, these MultiSpread machines can spread it! link to Can You Improve Soil Drainage with Compost? Another couple of years, and it will look like a fairway. Topdressing is in addition to those. Heavy Duty Top Dressers Built to Last. EzzDoo Compost Spreader for Lawn and Garden - Peat Moss Spreader Manure Spreader Top Soil Spreader - Durable & Anti Rust Lightweight Topdressing Roller for Spreading - 24 Inch Tool for Lawn & Garden. To be really efficient one needs a faster method of getting the compost in the spreader etc. I paid $7.49 per 40lb bag at Meijer a couple weeks ago. Make it sturdy as it will get a workout. We regularly update information for diy top dressing spreader, to ensure readers have the best and latest product. While you might have seen top-dressing spreaders on the market and wondered how youd be able to make one yourself, you should bear in mind that you can use the same tutorial as one thats for making a seed spreader. Years of innovation and field experience make our machines the best. Put a length of 1" galvanized pipe through the center and a couple of PVC spaced outside of the pipe and attach a tongue similiar to a push reel mower and you're finished. Dry and really fine potting medium might work, but anything damp and heavier is best dumped on the ground in small piles and then raked out. This allows us to drop compost exactly where we want it (in the beds, not the paths!). You can spread at an astonishing 7 miles per hour. This is the only push-type MultiSpread topdresser and it is ideal for spreading compost screened to 3/8s minus up to 45% moisture content. Receive timely notifications of our new articles, money-saving advices and more other shopping conveniences, *All images related to Amazon, logo, Amazon Prime are owned by, lnc or Amazon affiliates, the best product for eliminating kitchen ants, Use the Scotts Turf Builder EdgeGuard Mini Broadcast Spreader to apply Scotts lawn care products, Comes pre-calibrated and fully assembled with a fold-down handle for easy storage, Scotts exclusive EdgeGuard Technology keeps lawn product off landscaping, driveways, and sidewalks, Features redesigned hopper and agitator for smoother product funneling and consistent coverage, Holds up to 5,000 sq. After mowing, lightly rake the yard to expose and loosen the soil so the grass seed can make contact and take root. Earth & Turf Products proudly manufacturers some of the best towable topdressers and compost spreaders on the market today. They work well but I have nothing to compare them to other than the shovel, fling and bad back method. The front brush provides a quick adjustment for material spread depth. The brand new MultiSpread 415 SP is Earth & Turf Products premiere stand-on top dresser. It spreads great with my Earthway tow behind broadcast spreader. The topdressing is put directly on your soil so you dont have to first mix it with a trowel or shovel, which makes it further convenient to use a spreader. 2020 Earth & Turf Products | Privacy Policy1867 Kirkwood Pike, Kirkwood, PA 17536(888) 693-2638johnb@earthandturf.comjeb@earthandturf.comGet Financing. The process of building a top dressing spreader is similar to that of making compost or a peat moss spreader. You can get a bigger gauge for compost, but if youre spreading, 3 (2 by 2 inches) wood planks, 30 inches long wood screws, Mark on the circumference of each wheel three points, 120, If its tricky working with a protractor, print this. Susan Weigel Top-dressing a lawn with compost is best done by dumping small piles and raking them out. I'd be doing good to get 1.5 cubic yards in my current truck and trailer. B-MTD-2012. A 4 by 2 ft plywood or MDF (1/2 inch thin), A 33 ft long cage wire, 1 by 1/2 inch plug. Key features on this topdresser include a 10.5 hp engine, hydrostatic drive, 10 cu. The MultiSpread Model 220 is the smaller version of the 320. I use homemade compost and a wheelbarrow to spread it around the yard, then use a leaf rake to spread it out in a thin, even, quarter-inch layer. 23 Years of experience building the best top dressers on the market. The 65PT can be towed by a lawn & garden tractor or BCS style tractor. Balance the plastic bin on the hitch and tie it to the tractor. Cut two pipes (42 inches) and glue them to the elbows on each side of the wheels. ft. hopper while the 230 features a 27 cu. yd. The ECO 150 and ECO 250 models are lightweight and designed with an easy maneuverability like no other. We use it to compost or sand lawns and athletic fields and topdress our seed when planting new lawns. Years ago New Idea had an option for their manure spreaders to spread lime (nothing harder to get to flow through a spreader in my experience.). The TruFlow 54D is designed the same as the 36D, just on a larger scale. Cover the container with its lid. Without the flowers, your rose garden would be a waste of time and resources. A: Soil is too coarse and clumpy to go through broadcast spreaders very well. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Method One: Make a topdresser spreader out of a milk jug What you need: Milk jug Nail Drill (optional) Funnel Rinse out an empty milk jug that's about a gallon in capacity. 2023 Copyright WillItCompost | WillItCompost is reader-supported. We regularly update information for diy top dressing spreader, to ensure readers have the best and latest product. The spread is rather thin I think but a second crossway application gets it into the 1/4 inch depth. Liquid Soil Loosener Conditions Compact Soil. Composted manure, peat moss and vermiculite can . Or using the spreader during the rainy season because the excess moisture may cause the wood to rot. The 65PT was designed to straddle a 36 bed and drop an even amount of amendment to the bed at varying speeds. If you have a load of fabrication experience, building a topdresser might just work out fine. Top-dressing spreaders make your job easy with their large-capacity bins and ability to evenly distribute materials over wide areas. The wheels provide the power to the roller which dispenses topdressing material at a width of 54 inches. Our farm is 27 acres total, with around 10 acres in Organic Certification and 5 acres in transition to organic. Their versatility makes them the ideal machine for a variety of users. On each of the two circles attach a length of 2X4's extending 2" beyond the circles placed 90 degrees apart. Scotts Turf Builder EdgeGuard Mini Broadcast Spreader - Holds Up to 5,000 sq. Our Mini Top Dresser in action with a thorough description of the machine, its capabilities and results. I tried leaving a ton or so of dry sand indoors for a few months to dry it out and it did help a bit but still didn't flow like grass seed. Cut a 10"X10" opening an hinge and lock on one piece. The TruFlow 54D is our largest tow-behind drop topdresser. The modifications that we made to the 220 include purchasing the light material sides for ease of loading and removing the widespread beater in the back. 32 ounce Bottle Covers up to 32,000 square feet. The New Generation ECO 250 applicator was developed based on our own experience as lawn care professionals and also incorporates suggestions from our customers. The width should be based on the total width of the cage wire you purchase. We absolutely love our 100SP. The 65PT has two hitch styles available, one for lawn & garden tractors and the other for a BSC style tractor. ft. hopper. While you can purchase and rent this piece of garden equipment, you can also make your own at home! If you need to add topdressing to your lawn, you will want to use a topdressing spreader. I'm considering pulling the trigger on a compost spreader and have settled on the TruFlow 24d, shown here: The thing is nearly $800 and while I'd prefer not to spend that on something that I'll only use a couple times a year, I have found no local rentals here in the DC area. The ground-driven 220 is pulled by our International Harvester Farmall A and we use the bucket on our John Deere 3520 to load. Clover Lawns: A Way To Fertilize And Have A Temporary Lawn? Core aerate your lawn if you've got poor soil. Q: I tried to top-dress my lawn this fall by dumping dirt into my spreader. Easy enough to build one if a person has some metal working equipment. Liquid Soil Loosener: Can be used Alone or with Mechanical or Core Aeration, Aerating and Aerate Tools. ENJOY! The ECO 150 and ECO 250 models are lightweight and designed with an easy maneuverability like no other. Considering this is also something you are only going to need to do once or maybe twice, have you looked to see if it can be rented? FX650 Material Handler: Our newest multi-use . If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Our farm is 27 acres total, with around 10 acres in Organic Certification and 5 acres in transition to organic. Follow the steps above on how to build a compost DIY compost spreader; only change the wire gauge to your . The measurement above will leave a margin of one inch on each side. I used 1- 8ft 2x4\"1- 8ft (1\"x2\" for door build)(if you have the ability, buy 1 8ft 2x6 and rip a 2\" section this will be enough for the agitators and door depending on the width of the cage wire you use) 5/8 MDF4- PVC 90elbows 1 1/2\" 1- PVC pipe 10ft 1 roll of cage wire 1\" x 1 1/2\" plug t 50 staples 25 ct- 2-1/2\" wood screws. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Ensure the wire is well stretched over the wheels and fastened to prevent the compost from leaking. ft. of topdressing material such as sand. 4.6 (29850) Quick View Detail Cut an opening about 28 inches wide by 1 ft. Thats where the compost or the peat moss will go through. Can this help the sand keep moving? Sign up for a quote and we`ll demonstrate our new generation of broadcast spreaders at your place. You must log in or register to reply here. Able to lay down various types of top dressings, the Lawn and Garden Spreader by Landzie will help you turn your yard into a lush, gree Then, make -inch holes that are spaced around -inch apart in two offsetting rows. I took it apart, figured out what was truly broken, wire brushed the whole thing, painted all the parts, bought what replacements I needed and put it all back together again. Although roses enjoy compost, you can easily overfeed them and interfere with the flowering stage. Home composting is a win-win-win: it's good for your garden, it's good for the world and it's also lots of fun. The MultiSpread 65PT is one of the newest top dress spreader designs to hit the market. 2023 | TractorByNet is a registered trademark of IMC Digital Universe, Inc. Other trademarks on this page are the property of their respective owners. The difference is in the kind of wire gauge youll be using. Making your own compost spreader is simple. -Video Link-. TT-2410 & TT-2430 Topdresser: The absolute champion of mid-sized UTV topdressing machines! We have a fleet of 30 trucks and many machines, and this topdresser holds the title as our best built and most reliable piece of equipment. Man cut grass and this confused God; in his infinite wisdom where did he go wrong? This allows us to drop compost exactly where we want it (in the beds, not the paths!). Take one of the wheels and fit the three wood planks with the wood screws. -divide circle. The modifications that we made to the 220 include purchasing the light material sides for ease of loading and removing the widespread beater in the back. The 220 and 320 are tow-type top dressing spreaders that require a lawn & garden tractor, utility vehicle, or more to tow them. Follow the steps above on how to build a compost DIY compost spreader; only change the wire gauge to your preferred size. A grass seeder sometimes has a little paddle wheel deal that is ground driven, to stir the seed and keep it moving, inside the tank, just above the outlet area. I piddled with the design for a few days. However, Amazon is still a wonderful place to find discounts. Of course, this will be smaller than a commercial topdressing spreader that you can purchase, but it will still get the job done. Low cost. The soil is heavy clay, which holds on to moisture but can be difficult for certain crops to grow. Sand Compost Calcined Clay Wood Chips Lime Topdressing mixes Infield Mix Grass Clippings Crumbed Rubber De-icing Materials Wet or dry, if it fits through the end-gate, these MultiSpread machines can . But why buy one when you have the resources, a few willing hands to get their hands filthy, and this post to help you? It features the widespread beater system to spread material up to 60 from its 15 cu. Aerating and top-dressing a lawn can be great preparation for overseeding, but it's not necessary. The MultiSpread line of top dressing spreaders can spread an impressive variety of product. All you need is a spreader with a larger opening, sand, and something to bang the spreader. ft. or 2 cu. Heres everything you need to know about making a homemade topdressing spreader for that DIY in your fertilization. For better soil amendment, a mulch spreader helps you cover the topsoil with a consistent layer of mulch. Grain shovel is very consistent but very slow. With an Ecolawn Compost Spreader, you can topdress lawns and apply bulk materials (such as sand, compostand soil mixes) to lawns, sports turf, under row of crops, hedges, and even grape vines. I wonder if a drop spreader, or some larger variant(drop roller mechanism attached to a dump bed trailer?) Is this really possible? We bought the 100sp Topdresser about 10yrs ago, this machine has performed reliably from day one and never had a breakdown, adjustment, or any issue. This is true, and why I didn't mention it when I knew it is beyond meI woulf think though if you could get the compost under the blades of grass in the shade of the leaves you would be fine. My spelling in the last few replies is terrible! Topdressing isn't something you do once or twice. The hopper has a capacity of approximately 2 bushels /3.5 cubic feet / 100 liters. We built three but we went a bit heavier so that they could stand up to some abuse. The total cost in materials was about $15 (US). ft. that can be expanded to 54 cu. Her goal is to share everything that shes learned in the hopes that it will help others discover the amazing rewards of composting. The two-wheel ground traction drive comes standard and can be upgraded to a hydraulic drive. would work better than a broadcast spreader. Market Gardeners use the 65PT to amend compost and other mixes to their raised garden beds. Attach your rabbit wire using 3/4" staples and air gun. See, its something you can do it yourself. Market gardeners and agricultural applications might find the 65PT, 220, and 320 quite useful. Pronovost- Dump trailers - Off-road service. God created man, man plants grass, fertilized and watered the grass to watch it grow. The 65PT was designed and built with Market Gardeners in mind but homeowners also find this spreader to be especially useful. For this reason, On Will It Compost you'll find information about your backyard composting, recycling, and waste-management options. The Multi-spread 220 works like a dream! Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Drill a few holes on the bottom, and make sure theyre one inch apart from each other. Click To Find Out How Top Dressing Improves Your Lawn Soil Lawn Soil Lawn Care Lawn Care Tips . The MultiSpread 65PT is a small, pull-type topdresser made for lawns and market gardeners. wide. The 220 topdresser is only 45 inches wide, so it can pass through narrow gates and it is easy to navigate around trees, shrubs, and narrow areas. A forum community dedicated to lawn care and landscaping professionals and enthusiasts. Whether topdressing a lawn, applying infield mixes, top soil, calcite clay, crumble rubber, or treating walks and drives with icemelt and rock salt, Ecolawns New Generation line of Top Dressers and Compost Spreaders will meet all your bulk material spreading needs. Method of getting the compost in the Turf industry Fertilize and have a load of fabrication experience, a... Of topdressing ECO 250 models are lightweight and designed with an easy maneuverability like other... On to moisture but can be great preparation for overseeding, but it & # x27 ; s necessary! And 320, the MultiSpread 65PT is a pull-type topdresser made for Lawns and athletic fields and topdress seed... Add topdressing to your statement pull-type topdresser made for Lawns and market use... Wood screws and pets away from your lawn if you & # x27 ; s Lawns views.: the absolute champion of mid-sized UTV topdressing machines the Vineyard Special are built for a better experience, a... 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