The stretch out of that corner into Turn Five is like running through a huge soup ladle with curves in it. But Atlanta is now a superspeedway, so its results dont necessarily translate to other tracks. Sponsorship will be from Black Rifle Coffee Company. From 1980 to now, the top road course winners are Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart and Chase Elliott. This is bigger than anything Ive done. I limited the graph to drivers with average finishes of 20 or under to keep it readable. The participants wanted more and more NASCAR stats, so the site evolved into helping every visitor make their NASCAR fantasy driver selections. Grab This Top 10 Prop Bet For The NASCAR Race At Daytona 2 DraftKings NASCAR Fantasy Picks, Projections, & Strategy Breakdown (Coke Watkins Glen NASCAR Algorithm Predicted Finishing Order (Go Bowling At The Watkins Glen DraftKings NASCAR Fantasy Picks & Driver Projections (Go Bowling Richmond 2 DraftKings NASCAR Fantasy Picks & Driver Projections (Federated Auto Hamlin, Denny ($12,300) - #11 Toyota (Starts 25th), McDowell, Michael ($7,300) - #34 Ford (Starts 17th), Chastain, Ross ($7,700) - #42 Chevy (Starts 34th), Elliott, Chase ($11,700) - #9 Chevy (Starts 12th), Cindric, Austin ($7,200) - #33 Ford (Starts 39th), Dillon, Austin ($9,500) - #3 Chevy (Starts 4th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,900) - #4 Ford (Starts 8th), Preece, Ryan ($7,400) - #37 Chevy (Starts 11th), McMurray, Jamie ($6,300) - #77 Chevy (Starts 19th), Custer, Cole ($8,400) - #41 Ford (Starts 27th), Larson, Kyle ($10,700) - #5 Chevy (Starts 13th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,400) - #7 Chevy (Starts 16th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,500) - #2 Ford (Starts 24th), Ware, Cody ($5,900) - #51 Chevy (Starts 35th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,800) - #14 Ford (Starts 30th), McLeod, BJ ($6,000) - #78 Ford (Starts 38th), Logano, Joey ($12,200) - #22 Ford (Starts 9th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,700) - #52 Ford (Starts 37th), Gase, Joey ($5,600) - #53 Ford (Starts 28th), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($9,400) - #47 Chevy (Starts 21st), Grala, Kaz ($7,000) - #16 Chevrolet (Starts 40th), Busch, Kyle ($11,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 10th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,500) - #23 Toyota (Starts 6th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 26th), Busch, Kurt ($10,000) - #1 Chevy (Starts 20th), Bell, Christopher ($8,800) - #20 Toyota (Starts 5th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,900) - #8 Chevy (Starts 29th), Houff, Quin ($5,800) - #00 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,900) - #38 Ford (Starts 36th), Buescher, Chris ($8,000) - #17 Ford (Starts 22nd), Blaney, Ryan ($11,200) - #12 Ford (Starts 14th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($9,200) - #21 Ford (Starts 23rd), Byron, William ($10,200) - #24 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Jones, Erik ($8,200) - #43 Chevy (Starts 31st), Cope, Derrike ($5,300) - #15 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Ragan, David ($6,500) - #36 Ford (Starts 18th), Suarez, Daniel ($6,200) - #99 Chevy (Starts 15th), Almirola, Aric ($9,800) - #10 Ford (Starts 3rd), Bowman, Alex ($10,800) - #48 Chevy (Starts 1st), Newman, Ryan ($8,500) - #6 Ford (Starts 7th), Bell, Christopher ($8,500) - #20 Toyota (Starts 12th), Allmendinger, AJ ($8,700) - #16 Chevrolet (Starts 34th), Busch, Kurt ($10,200) - #1 Chevy (Starts 17th), Logano, Joey ($11,800) - #22 Ford (Starts 11th), Bowman, Alex ($11,000) - #48 Chevy (Starts 36th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,600) - #2 Ford (Starts 15th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,100) - #11 Toyota (Starts 4th), Jones, Erik ($9,200) - #43 Chevy (Starts 37th), Buescher, Chris ($8,000) - #17 Ford (Starts 30th), Suarez, Daniel ($6,200) - #99 Chevy (Starts 35th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 19th), Dillon, Ty ($7,200) - #96 Toyota (Starts 38th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,500) - #4 Ford (Starts 5th), Blaney, Ryan ($11,200) - #12 Ford (Starts 27th), Newman, Ryan ($8,100) - #6 Ford (Starts 33rd), Davison, James ($5,700) - #15 Chevy (Starts 39th), Almirola, Aric ($9,500) - #10 Ford (Starts 26th), Preece, Ryan ($6,000) - #37 Chevy (Starts 6th), McDowell, Michael ($7,300) - #34 Ford (Starts 2nd), Custer, Cole ($8,200) - #41 Ford (Starts 13th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,900) - #38 Ford (Starts 31st), Hill, Timmy ($5,000) - #66 Toyota (Starts 40th), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($7,700) - #47 Chevy (Starts 16th), Elliott, Chase ($12,500) - #9 Chevy (Starts 1st), Haley, Justin ($6,400) - #77 Chevy (Starts 20th), Heckert, Scott ($5,800) - #78 Ford (Starts 28th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,500) - #53 Ford (Starts 25th), Ware, Cody ($5,400) - #51 Chevy (Starts 21st), Wallace, Bubba ($7,800) - #23 Toyota (Starts 10th), Byron, William ($10,600) - #24 Chevy (Starts 22nd), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,900) - #21 Ford (Starts 32nd), Larson, Kyle ($10,800) - #5 Chevy (Starts 8th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,500) - #14 Ford (Starts 18th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 23rd), Houff, Quin ($5,600) - #00 Chevy (Starts 29th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,000) - #8 Chevy (Starts 24th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,500) - #7 Chevy (Starts 7th), Busch, Kyle ($11,100) - #18 Toyota (Starts 14th), Dillon, Austin ($7,900) - #3 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Chastain, Ross ($7,400) - #42 Chevy (Starts 9th), Byron, William ($10,500) - #24 Chevy (Starts 31st), Reddick, Tyler ($9,600) - #8 Chevy (Starts 35th), Larson, Kyle ($11,300) - #5 Chevy (Starts 17th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,400) - #19 Toyota (Starts 9th), Newman, Ryan ($7,800) - #6 Ford (Starts 23rd), Busch, Kyle ($11,800) - #18 Toyota (Starts 24th), Bowman, Alex ($10,600) - #48 Chevy (Starts 13th), Harvick, Kevin ($12,000) - #4 Ford (Starts 4th), Dillon, Austin ($8,300) - #3 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Busch, Kurt ($9,700) - #1 Chevy (Starts 5th), Chastain, Ross ($8,000) - #42 Chevy (Starts 32nd), McDowell, Michael ($7,000) - #34 Ford (Starts 6th), Briscoe, Chase ($8,100) - #14 Ford (Starts 30th), Suarez, Daniel ($6,900) - #99 Chevy (Starts 21st), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($7,700) - #47 Chevy (Starts 15th), Elliott, Chase ($12,500) - #9 Chevy (Starts 11th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,700) - #11 Toyota (Starts 1st), Buescher, Chris ($7,900) - #17 Ford (Starts 12th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,800) - #21 Ford (Starts 37th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,500) - #2 Ford (Starts 7th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,700) - #38 Ford (Starts 27th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,600) - #23 Toyota (Starts 19th), Haley, Justin ($6,200) - #77 Chevy (Starts 20th), Preece, Ryan ($6,800) - #37 Chevy (Starts 8th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 36th), Custer, Cole ($8,200) - #41 Ford (Starts 10th), Jones, Erik ($7,500) - #43 Chevy (Starts 18th), Bell, Christopher ($9,000) - #20 Toyota (Starts 3rd), Houff, Quin ($5,500) - #00 Chevy (Starts 38th), McLeod, BJ ($5,400) - #78 Ford (Starts 34th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,600) - #53 Ford (Starts 28th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,900) - #12 Ford (Starts 14th), Ware, Cody ($5,700) - #51 Chevy (Starts 26th), Almirola, Aric ($9,900) - #10 Ford (Starts 16th), Logano, Joey ($11,400) - #22 Ford (Starts 2nd), Hill, Timmy ($5,000) - #66 Toyota (Starts 33rd), Davison, James ($5,900) - #15 Chevy (Starts 29th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,400) - #7 Chevy (Starts 25th), Blaney, Ryan ($11,100) - #12 Ford (Starts 26th), Larson, Kyle ($10,700) - #5 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Keselowski, Brad ($11,400) - #2 Ford (Starts 10th), Busch, Kyle ($11,300) - #18 Toyota (Starts 14th), Jones, Erik ($8,000) - #43 Chevy (Starts 29th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,000) - #11 Toyota (Starts 6th), Bell, Christopher ($8,800) - #20 Toyota (Starts 16th), Logano, Joey ($11,600) - #22 Ford (Starts 15th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($9,100) - #21 Ford (Starts 30th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,400) - #19 Toyota (Starts 4th), Byron, William ($10,000) - #24 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($7,500) - #47 Chevy (Starts 17th), Buescher, Chris ($7,900) - #17 Ford (Starts 18th), Preece, Ryan ($6,700) - #37 Chevy (Starts 19th), Dillon, Austin ($8,300) - #3 Chevy (Starts 12th), Elliott, Chase ($12,500) - #9 Chevy (Starts 8th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,800) - #14 Ford (Starts 24th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,600) - #38 Ford (Starts 27th), Newman, Ryan ($7,700) - #6 Ford (Starts 13th), Chastain, Ross ($7,600) - #42 Chevy (Starts 21st), McLeod, BJ ($5,500) - #78 Ford (Starts 34th), McDowell, Michael ($7,000) - #34 Ford (Starts 5th), Suarez, Daniel ($6,800) - #99 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Custer, Cole ($8,500) - #41 Ford (Starts 20th), Busch, Kurt ($10,200) - #1 Chevy (Starts 7th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,300) - #8 Chevy (Starts 11th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,300) - #23 Toyota (Starts 23rd), Haley, Justin ($6,400) - #77 Chevy (Starts 25th), Houff, Quin ($5,400) - #00 Chevy (Starts 36th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,600) - #53 Ford (Starts 31st), Gase, Joey ($5,800) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Ware, Cody ($5,700) - #51 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Harvick, Kevin ($12,300) - #4 Ford (Starts 1st), Hill, Timmy ($5,000) - #66 Toyota (Starts 38th), Bowman, Alex ($10,800) - #48 Chevy (Starts 9th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 35th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,500) - #7 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Almirola, Aric ($10,300) - #10 Ford (Starts 28th), Logano, Joey ($11,400) - #22 Ford (Starts 9th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,200) - #19 Toyota (Starts 5th), Harvick, Kevin ($12,500) - #4 Ford (Starts 18th), Almirola, Aric ($9,800) - #10 Ford (Starts 32nd), Hamlin, Denny ($11,800) - #11 Toyota (Starts 3rd), Keselowski, Brad ($11,200) - #2 Ford (Starts 1st), Elliott, Chase ($12,400) - #9 Chevy (Starts 6th), Byron, William ($10,400) - #24 Chevy (Starts 10th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,700) - #12 Ford (Starts 8th), Bowman, Alex ($10,800) - #48 Chevy (Starts 21st), Larson, Kyle ($11,000) - #5 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Wallace, Bubba ($7,500) - #23 Toyota (Starts 25th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($9,400) - #21 Ford (Starts 20th), Bell, Christopher ($8,800) - #20 Toyota (Starts 4th), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($7,200) - #47 Chevy (Starts 11th), Suarez, Daniel ($6,800) - #99 Chevy (Starts 27th), Chastain, Ross ($7,600) - #42 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Busch, Kurt ($10,200) - #1 Chevy (Starts 12th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,900) - #14 Ford (Starts 26th), Buescher, Chris ($7,800) - #17 Ford (Starts 17th), Haley, Justin ($6,100) - #77 Chevy (Starts 29th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,000) - #7 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Dillon, Austin ($8,300) - #3 Chevy (Starts 13th), Jones, Erik ($7,700) - #43 Chevy (Starts 14th), McDowell, Michael ($7,000) - #34 Ford (Starts 16th), McLeod, BJ ($5,200) - #78 Ford (Starts 30th), Davison, James ($5,700) - #15 Chevy (Starts 38th), Houff, Quin ($5,300) - #00 Chevy (Starts 35th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,100) - #8 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Newman, Ryan ($8,000) - #6 Ford (Starts 19th), Preece, Ryan ($6,700) - #37 Chevy (Starts 15th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,800) - #53 Ford (Starts 34th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,400) - #52 Ford (Starts 36th), Busch, Kyle ($12,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 7th), Custer, Cole ($8,200) - #41 Ford (Starts 24th), Hill, Timmy ($5,000) - #66 Toyota (Starts 37th), Ware, Cody ($5,600) - #51 Chevy (Starts 31st), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,600) - #38 Ford (Starts 28th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,900) - #12 Ford (Starts 10th), Larson, Kyle ($11,300) - #5 Chevy (Starts 6th), Busch, Kyle ($11,900) - #18 Toyota (Starts 19th), Bowman, Alex ($10,700) - #48 Chevy (Starts 14th), Buescher, Chris ($7,600) - #17 Ford (Starts 17th), Dillon, Austin ($8,400) - #3 Chevy (Starts 13th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,000) - #11 Toyota (Starts 1st), Newman, Ryan ($8,300) - #6 Ford (Starts 28th), Byron, William ($10,000) - #24 Chevy (Starts 9th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($9,300) - #21 Ford (Starts 20th), Cindric, Austin ($8,200) - #33 Ford (Starts 39th), Chastain, Ross ($7,700) - #42 Chevy (Starts 21st), Suarez, Daniel ($6,800) - #99 Chevy (Starts 25th), Harvick, Kevin ($12,600) - #4 Ford (Starts 7th), Custer, Cole ($8,600) - #41 Ford (Starts 27th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($7,300) - #47 Chevy (Starts 12th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,200) - #23 Toyota (Starts 15th), McDowell, Michael ($7,000) - #34 Ford (Starts 18th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,900) - #14 Ford (Starts 24th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,400) - #38 Ford (Starts 32nd), Reddick, Tyler ($9,600) - #8 Chevy (Starts 29th), Almirola, Aric ($9,700) - #10 Ford (Starts 16th), Jones, Erik ($8,100) - #43 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Logano, Joey ($11,100) - #22 Ford (Starts 3rd), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 23rd), LaJoie, Corey ($6,300) - #7 Chevy (Starts 30th), Bell, Christopher ($8,800) - #20 Toyota (Starts 8th), Haley, Justin ($6,100) - #77 Chevy (Starts 26th), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Davison, James ($5,600) - #15 Chevy (Starts 34th), Gase, Joey ($5,400) - #53 Ford (Starts 36th), McLeod, BJ ($5,700) - #78 Ford (Starts 31st), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 37th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,200) - #2 Ford (Starts 4th), Busch, Kurt ($10,200) - #1 Chevy (Starts 11th), Elliott, Chase ($12,200) - #9 Chevy (Starts 5th), Logano, Joey ($11,200) - #22 Ford (Starts 10th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,300) - #99 Chevy (Starts 18th), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($9,200) - #47 Chevy (Starts 13th), Reddick, Tyler ($10,500) - #8 Chevy (Starts 27th), Newman, Ryan ($7,800) - #6 Ford (Starts 14th), Jones, Erik ($7,900) - #43 Chevy (Starts 24th), Elliott, Chase ($11,900) - #9 Chevy (Starts 26th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,800) - #11 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Byron, William ($10,800) - #24 Chevy (Starts 8th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,000) - #2 Ford (Starts 20th), Busch, Kurt ($10,300) - #1 Chevy (Starts 28th), Blaney, Ryan ($11,300) - #12 Ford (Starts 3rd), McDowell, Michael ($6,500) - #34 Ford (Starts 16th), Dillon, Ty ($7,400) - #96 Toyota (Starts 39th), Friesen, Stewart ($8,600) - #77 Chevy (Starts 32nd), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,000) - #21 Ford (Starts 12th), Preece, Ryan ($7,200) - #37 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Briscoe, Chase ($9,500) - #14 Ford (Starts 25th), Buescher, Chris ($7,600) - #17 Ford (Starts 11th), Houff, Quin ($5,100) - #00 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,500) - #19 Toyota (Starts 5th), Yeley, JJ ($5,400) - #53 Ford (Starts 34th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,400) - #4 Ford (Starts 6th), Custer, Cole ($8,300) - #41 Ford (Starts 21st), Marlar, Mike ($5,000) - #66 Toyota (Starts 38th), Busch, Kyle ($12,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 4th), Wallace, Bubba ($8,800) - #23 Toyota (Starts 19th), Dillon, Austin ($10,000) - #3 Chevy (Starts 9th), Windom, Chris ($7,000) - #15 Chevy (Starts 36th), Bowman, Alex ($10,700) - #48 Chevy (Starts 7th), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 31st), Golobic, Shane ($7,100) - #78 Ford (Starts 35th), Almirola, Aric ($8,200) - #10 Ford (Starts 23rd), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,000) - #38 Ford (Starts 29th), Larson, Kyle ($13,000) - #5 Chevy (Starts 1st), Bell, Christopher ($11,700) - #20 Toyota (Starts 15th), Chastain, Ross ($7,700) - #42 Chevy (Starts 17th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,500) - #19 Toyota (Starts 7th), Larson, Kyle ($12,000) - #5 Chevy (Starts 19th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,100) - #11 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Elliott, Chase ($12,300) - #9 Chevy (Starts 5th), Bell, Christopher ($9,100) - #20 Toyota (Starts 23rd), Byron, William ($10,200) - #24 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Reddick, Tyler ($8,600) - #8 Chevy (Starts 13th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,800) - #21 Ford (Starts 22nd), Busch, Kyle ($11,100) - #18 Toyota (Starts 12th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,400) - #4 Ford (Starts 9th), Logano, Joey ($11,500) - #22 Ford (Starts 1st), Chastain, Ross ($7,700) - #42 Chevy (Starts 27th), Davison, James ($5,800) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Blaney, Ryan ($11,200) - #12 Ford (Starts 4th), Almirola, Aric ($9,900) - #10 Ford (Starts 31st), Dillon, Austin ($9,300) - #3 Chevy (Starts 18th), Custer, Cole ($8,700) - #41 Ford (Starts 26th), Buescher, Chris ($8,000) - #17 Ford (Starts 15th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 33rd), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,600) - #38 Ford (Starts 35th), Houff, Quin ($5,400) - #00 Chevy (Starts 29th), Busch, Kurt ($10,600) - #1 Chevy (Starts 21st), Yeley, JJ ($5,600) - #53 Ford (Starts 28th), McLeod, BJ ($5,500) - #78 Ford (Starts 36th), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($7,200) - #47 Chevy (Starts 6th), Newman, Ryan ($7,900) - #6 Ford (Starts 8th), Jones, Erik ($7,600) - #43 Chevy (Starts 16th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,500) - #7 Chevy (Starts 34th), Haley, Justin ($6,400) - #77 Chevy (Starts 30th), Bowman, Alex ($10,800) - #48 Chevy (Starts 20th), McDowell, Michael ($7,000) - #34 Ford (Starts 14th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,700) - #2 Ford (Starts 10th), Suarez, Daniel ($6,900) - #99 Chevy (Starts 11th), Preece, Ryan ($6,800) - #37 Chevy (Starts 17th), Bowman, Alex ($10,900) - #48 Chevy (Starts 24th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,300) - #11 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Almirola, Aric ($9,700) - #10 Ford (Starts 22nd), Logano, Joey ($11,300) - #22 Ford (Starts 5th), Bell, Christopher ($9,200) - #20 Toyota (Starts 8th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,200) - #19 Toyota (Starts 1st), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,200) - #21 Ford (Starts 16th), Busch, Kyle ($11,100) - #18 Toyota (Starts 10th), Byron, William ($10,200) - #24 Chevy (Starts 4th), Dillon, Austin ($8,800) - #3 Chevy (Starts 11th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,800) - #99 Chevy (Starts 27th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,300) - #7 Chevy (Starts 36th), Keselowski, Brad ($12,000) - #2 Ford (Starts 20th), Jones, Erik ($8,600) - #43 Chevy (Starts 30th), Busch, Kurt ($10,400) - #1 Chevy (Starts 17th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,700) - #12 Ford (Starts 7th), Chastain, Ross ($7,100) - #42 Chevy (Starts 18th), Cindric, Austin ($9,500) - #33 Ford (Starts 38th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,200) - #14 Ford (Starts 26th), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($7,700) - #47 Chevy (Starts 14th), Elliott, Chase ($11,800) - #9 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Custer, Cole ($7,500) - #41 Ford (Starts 21st), Reddick, Tyler ($9,000) - #8 Chevy (Starts 13th), Larson, Kyle ($12,500) - #5 Chevy (Starts 6th), McDowell, Michael ($6,900) - #34 Ford (Starts 23rd), Preece, Ryan ($6,800) - #37 Chevy (Starts 25th), McLeod, BJ ($5,600) - #78 Ford (Starts 35th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,000) - #4 Ford (Starts 9th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,000) - #23 Toyota (Starts 15th), Buescher, Chris ($7,600) - #17 Ford (Starts 12th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,400) - #38 Ford (Starts 29th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,500) - #53 Ford (Starts 37th), Newman, Ryan ($8,100) - #6 Ford (Starts 19th), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Davison, James ($5,700) - #15 Chevy (Starts 28th), Ware, Cody ($5,200) - #51 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Haley, Justin ($6,200) - #77 Chevy (Starts 34th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,400) - #52 Ford (Starts 31st), Grala, Kaz ($6,900) - #16 Chevy (Starts 38th), McDowell, Michael ($7,600) - #34 Ford (Starts 23rd), Harvick, Kevin ($11,800) - #4 Ford (Starts 16th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,600) - #21 Ford (Starts 13th), Custer, Cole ($9,600) - #41 Ford (Starts 27th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,200) - #8 Chevy (Starts 20th), Alfredo, Anthony ($7,300) - #38 Ford (Starts 30th), Preece, Ryan ($7,400) - #37 Chevy (Starts 29th), Briscoe, Chase ($9,400) - #14 Ford (Starts 25th), Newman, Ryan ($10,000) - #6 Ford (Starts 28th), Blaney, Ryan ($11,200) - #12 Ford (Starts 7th), Burton, Harrison ($7,500) - #96 Toyota (Starts 39th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,900) - #23 Toyota (Starts 24th), Chastain, Ross ($8,000) - #42 Chevy (Starts 18th), Yeley, JJ ($6,500) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Almirola, Aric ($10,600) - #10 Ford (Starts 14th), Buescher, Chris ($8,400) - #17 Ford (Starts 21st), LaJoie, Corey ($7,100) - #7 Chevy (Starts 26th), Hill, Timmy ($5,700) - #66 Toyota (Starts 40th), McLeod, BJ ($5,500) - #78 Ford (Starts 31st), Busch, Kyle ($11,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 9th), Ware, Cody ($5,900) - #51 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Bell, Christopher ($8,100) - #20 Toyota (Starts 6th), Haley, Justin ($7,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 34th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,700) - #99 Chevy (Starts 19th), Jones, Erik ($7,800) - #43 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Elliott, Chase ($12,000) - #9 Chevy (Starts 8th), Gase, Joey ($6,200) - #28 Ford (Starts 35th), Bilicki, Josh ($6,000) - #52 Ford (Starts 36th), Houff, Quin ($5,800) - #00 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($9,000) - #47 Chevy (Starts 17th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,500) - #11 Toyota (Starts 1st), Busch, Kurt ($10,400) - #1 Chevy (Starts 15th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 3rd), Larson, Kyle ($11,900) - #5 Chevy (Starts 12th), Bowman, Alex ($10,800) - #48 Chevy (Starts 5th), Elliott, Chase ($12,300) - #9 Chevy (Starts 17th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,500) - #19 Toyota (Starts 15th), Larson, Kyle ($12,200) - #5 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Harvick, Kevin ($11,100) - #4 Ford (Starts 4th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,800) - #8 Chevy (Starts 11th), Buescher, Chris ($7,300) - #17 Ford (Starts 16th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,200) - #21 Ford (Starts 5th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,800) - #11 Toyota (Starts 20th), Suarez, Daniel ($6,800) - #99 Chevy (Starts 21st), Chastain, Ross ($7,200) - #42 Chevy (Starts 24th), Logano, Joey ($12,000) - #22 Ford (Starts 29th), Cindric, Austin ($8,400) - #33 Ford (Starts 38th), Byron, William ($10,600) - #24 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Dillon, Austin ($8,500) - #3 Chevy (Starts 6th), Bowman, Alex ($10,800) - #48 Chevy (Starts 25th), Newman, Ryan ($7,600) - #6 Ford (Starts 14th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,500) - #14 Ford (Starts 19th), Jones, Erik ($8,100) - #43 Chevy (Starts 27th), McDowell, Michael ($6,500) - #34 Ford (Starts 3rd), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,200) - #38 Ford (Starts 22nd), LaJoie, Corey ($6,100) - #7 Chevy (Starts 26th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 31st), Blaney, Ryan ($10,900) - #12 Ford (Starts 7th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,600) - #53 Ford (Starts 36th), McLeod, BJ ($5,100) - #78 Ford (Starts 30th), Custer, Cole ($7,800) - #41 Ford (Starts 10th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,000) - #23 Toyota (Starts 13th), Almirola, Aric ($9,800) - #10 Ford (Starts 18th), Gase, Joey ($5,300) - #15 Chevy (Starts 35th), Mills, Matt ($5,400) - #55 Ford (Starts 39th), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 34th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,500) - #52 Ford (Starts 37th), Bell, Christopher ($9,000) - #20 Toyota (Starts 8th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($8,300) - #47 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Preece, Ryan ($6,300) - #37 Chevy (Starts 12th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 4th), Larson, Kyle ($12,400) - #5 Chevy (Starts 14th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,500) - #11 Toyota (Starts 7th), Busch, Kyle ($11,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 3rd), Byron, William ($10,500) - #24 Chevy (Starts 5th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,800) - #12 Ford (Starts 16th), Newman, Ryan ($8,100) - #6 Ford (Starts 20th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,500) - #14 Ford (Starts 22nd), Buescher, Chris ($7,300) - #17 Ford (Starts 11th), Elliott, Chase ($11,500) - #9 Chevy (Starts 6th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,300) - #4 Ford (Starts 2nd), Bell, Christopher ($9,200) - #20 Toyota (Starts 21st), Reddick, Tyler ($8,800) - #8 Chevy (Starts 10th), Logano, Joey ($11,900) - #22 Ford (Starts 12th), Jones, Erik ($8,200) - #43 Chevy (Starts 26th), Chastain, Ross ($7,200) - #42 Chevy (Starts 18th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($8,400) - #47 Chevy (Starts 28th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,100) - #7 Chevy (Starts 30th), Bowman, Alex ($10,700) - #48 Chevy (Starts 19th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,000) - #23 Toyota (Starts 23rd), Preece, Ryan ($6,300) - #37 Chevy (Starts 29th), Dillon, Austin ($8,600) - #3 Chevy (Starts 9th), Yeley, JJ ($5,600) - #53 Ford (Starts 34th), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 35th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,200) - #38 Ford (Starts 25th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,000) - #21 Ford (Starts 8th), Suarez, Daniel ($6,600) - #99 Chevy (Starts 15th), Davison, James ($5,100) - #15 Chevy (Starts 36th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,300) - #52 Ford (Starts 37th), McLeod, BJ ($5,400) - #78 Ford (Starts 32nd), McDowell, Michael ($6,400) - #34 Ford (Starts 13th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,100) - #2 Ford (Starts 1st), Almirola, Aric ($9,800) - #10 Ford (Starts 27th), Custer, Cole ($7,600) - #41 Ford (Starts 24th), Bowman, Alex ($10,800) - #48 Chevy (Starts 16th), Larson, Kyle ($12,400) - #5 Chevy (Starts 4th), Elliott, Chase ($11,800) - #9 Chevy (Starts 8th), Custer, Cole ($8,400) - #41 Ford (Starts 30th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,000) - #99 Chevy (Starts 24th), Byron, William ($10,400) - #24 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Logano, Joey ($11,200) - #22 Ford (Starts 9th), Busch, Kurt ($9,600) - #1 Chevy (Starts 28th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,000) - #4 Ford (Starts 5th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,800) - #8 Chevy (Starts 12th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,500) - #11 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Wallace, Bubba ($7,200) - #23 Toyota (Starts 22nd), Chastain, Ross ($7,300) - #42 Chevy (Starts 19th), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 25th), Dillon, Austin ($8,500) - #3 Chevy (Starts 14th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,900) - #47 Chevy (Starts 20th), Jones, Erik ($7,800) - #43 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Buescher, Chris ($7,400) - #17 Ford (Starts 10th), Houff, Quin ($5,100) - #00 Chevy (Starts 35th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,200) - #7 Chevy (Starts 26th), McDowell, Michael ($6,600) - #34 Ford (Starts 21st), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,300) - #38 Ford (Starts 27th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,200) - #21 Ford (Starts 18th), Bell, Christopher ($9,000) - #20 Toyota (Starts 11th), Berry, Josh ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 29th), Newman, Ryan ($8,000) - #6 Ford (Starts 13th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,500) - #53 Ford (Starts 36th), Ware, Cody ($5,000) - #51 Chevy (Starts 34th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 1st), Davison, James ($5,200) - #15 Chevy (Starts 33rd), McLeod, BJ ($5,400) - #78 Ford (Starts 31st), Busch, Kyle ($11,400) - #18 Toyota (Starts 6th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,100) - #14 Ford (Starts 17th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,900) - #14 Ford (Starts 27th), Chastain, Ross ($7,800) - #42 Chevy (Starts 20th), McDowell, Michael ($7,700) - #34 Ford (Starts 23rd), Logano, Joey ($11,500) - #22 Ford (Starts 6th), Larson, Kyle ($12,000) - #5 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Preece, Ryan ($7,000) - #37 Chevy (Starts 36th), Allmendinger, AJ ($9,200) - #16 Chevrolet (Starts 7th), Buescher, Chris ($8,100) - #17 Ford (Starts 28th), Bowman, Alex ($10,500) - #48 Chevy (Starts 12th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,700) - #38 Ford (Starts 37th), Jones, Erik ($8,500) - #43 Chevy (Starts 29th), Busch, Kyle ($11,300) - #18 Toyota (Starts 4th), Dillon, Austin ($8,200) - #3 Chevy (Starts 16th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,900) - #11 Toyota (Starts 19th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,800) - #8 Chevy (Starts 1st), Dillon, Ty ($7,100) - #96 Toyota (Starts 33rd), LaJoie, Corey ($6,600) - #7 Chevy (Starts 25th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,000) - #2 Ford (Starts 24th), Newman, Ryan ($7,300) - #6 Ford (Starts 34th), Byron, William ($10,800) - #24 Chevy (Starts 5th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,200) - #53 Ford (Starts 38th), Stenhouse, Jr., Ricky ($7,400) - #47 Chevy (Starts 21st), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,300) - #21 Ford (Starts 22nd), Blaney, Ryan ($11,400) - #12 Ford (Starts 9th), Almirola, Aric ($8,700) - #10 Ford (Starts 26th), Davison, James ($5,400) - #15 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Tilley, Kyle ($5,500) - #78 Ford (Starts 39th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,000) - #52 Ford (Starts 31st), Houff, Quin ($5,300) - #00 Chevy (Starts 40th), Ware, Cody ($5,100) - #51 Chevy (Starts 35th), Busch, Kurt ($9,400) - #1 Chevy (Starts 13th), Cindric, Austin ($8,400) - #33 Ford (Starts 3rd), Haley, Justin ($6,500) - #77 Chevy (Starts 30th), Suarez, Daniel ($8,000) - #99 Chevy (Starts 15th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 17th), Custer, Cole ($8,600) - #41 Ford (Starts 14th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,200) - #23 Toyota (Starts 18th), Harvick, Kevin ($10,700) - #4 Ford (Starts 11th), Bell, Christopher ($10,000) - #20 Toyota (Starts 10th), Larson, Kyle ($12,300) - #5 Chevy (Starts 1st), Busch, Kyle ($11,300) - #18 Toyota (Starts 20th), Buescher, Chris ($7,800) - #17 Ford (Starts 27th), Byron, William ($10,300) - #24 Chevy (Starts 4th), Bowman, Alex ($10,800) - #48 Chevy (Starts 7th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,100) - #8 Chevy (Starts 15th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,200) - #11 Toyota (Starts 14th), Dillon, Austin ($9,000) - #3 Chevy (Starts 6th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,400) - #4 Ford (Starts 5th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,600) - #2 Ford (Starts 13th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,600) - #23 Toyota (Starts 18th), Almirola, Aric ($8,600) - #10 Ford (Starts 31st), Jones, Erik ($6,800) - #43 Chevy (Starts 19th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,700) - #12 Ford (Starts 11th), McDowell, Michael ($6,600) - #34 Ford (Starts 24th), Logano, Joey ($11,100) - #22 Ford (Starts 16th), Custer, Cole ($8,100) - #41 Ford (Starts 23rd), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,300) - #38 Ford (Starts 29th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($8,000) - #47 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Suarez, Daniel ($7,100) - #99 Chevy (Starts 9th), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 28th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,000) - #14 Ford (Starts 21st), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 30th), Ware, Cody ($5,300) - #53 Ford (Starts 34th), Newman, Ryan ($7,500) - #6 Ford (Starts 25th), Bell, Christopher ($9,500) - #20 Toyota (Starts 17th), McLeod, BJ ($5,600) - #78 Ford (Starts 33rd), Davison, James ($5,100) - #15 Chevy (Starts 35th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 36th), Houff, Quin ($5,200) - #00 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Bilicki, Josh ($5,400) - #52 Ford (Starts 37th), Starr, David ($5,000) - #66 Ford (Starts 38th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,500) - #19 Toyota (Starts 8th), Busch, Kurt ($8,700) - #1 Chevy (Starts 12th), Chastain, Ross ($7,200) - #42 Chevy (Starts 10th), Larson, Kyle ($12,200) - #5 Chevy (Starts 1st), Busch, Kurt ($9,200) - #1 Chevy (Starts 30th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,700) - #19 Toyota (Starts 19th), Chastain, Ross ($7,800) - #42 Chevy (Starts 29th), Logano, Joey ($11,400) - #22 Ford (Starts 13th), Elliott, Chase ($12,800) - #9 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Busch, Kyle ($11,600) - #18 Toyota (Starts 5th), Bowman, Alex ($10,300) - #48 Chevy (Starts 7th), Jones, Erik ($6,900) - #43 Chevy (Starts 18th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,900) - #11 Toyota (Starts 4th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,400) - #99 Chevy (Starts 16th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,900) - #14 Ford (Starts 25th), Wallace, Bubba ($6,800) - #23 Toyota (Starts 15th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,300) - #7 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 27th), Custer, Cole ($8,300) - #41 Ford (Starts 23rd), Heckert, Scott ($5,400) - #78 Ford (Starts 35th), Dillon, Austin ($7,500) - #3 Chevy (Starts 6th), Davison, James ($5,500) - #15 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Keselowski, Brad ($11,000) - #2 Ford (Starts 9th), Buescher, Chris ($8,100) - #17 Ford (Starts 12th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,300) - #52 Ford (Starts 36th), Bell, Christopher ($9,700) - #20 Toyota (Starts 20th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,500) - #21 Ford (Starts 17th), Almirola, Aric ($8,200) - #10 Ford (Starts 26th), Rhodes, Ben ($6,600) - #77 Chevy (Starts 31st), McDowell, Michael ($7,000) - #34 Ford (Starts 21st), Smithley, Garrett ($5,000) - #53 Ford (Starts 34th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,100) - #4 Ford (Starts 8th), Ware, Cody ($5,200) - #51 Chevy (Starts 37th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,000) - #38 Ford (Starts 28th), Newman, Ryan ($7,100) - #6 Ford (Starts 24th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,200) - #47 Chevy (Starts 14th), Byron, William ($10,500) - #24 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Larson, Kyle ($12,500) - #5 Chevy (Starts 5th), Busch, Kurt ($8,800) - #1 Chevy (Starts 30th), Chastain, Ross ($7,600) - #42 Chevy (Starts 19th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,400) - #99 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Dillon, Austin ($8,900) - #3 Chevy (Starts 28th), Bell, Christopher ($9,200) - #20 Toyota (Starts 25th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($8,000) - #47 Chevy (Starts 14th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,000) - #4 Ford (Starts 12th), Byron, William ($10,800) - #24 Chevy (Starts 4th), Newman, Ryan ($8,100) - #6 Ford (Starts 29th), Almirola, Aric ($7,800) - #10 Ford (Starts 1st), LaJoie, Corey ($6,300) - #7 Chevy (Starts 24th), McDowell, Michael ($6,600) - #34 Ford (Starts 23rd), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,100) - #19 Toyota (Starts 35th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,500) - #8 Chevy (Starts 26th), Logano, Joey ($11,300) - #22 Ford (Starts 3rd), Busch, Kyle ($11,700) - #18 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Smithley, Garrett ($5,300) - #53 Ford (Starts 36th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,200) - #38 Ford (Starts 18th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,100) - #52 Ford (Starts 34th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,000) - #23 Toyota (Starts 21st), Bowman, Alex ($10,700) - #48 Chevy (Starts 8th), Gase, Joey ($5,200) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Yeley, JJ ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Hamlin, Denny ($11,900) - #11 Toyota (Starts 13th), Jones, Erik ($6,800) - #43 Chevy (Starts 9th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,200) - #2 Ford (Starts 15th), Starr, David ($4,700) - #13 Toyota (Starts 38th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,400) - #21 Ford (Starts 11th), Finchum, Chad ($4,800) - #66 Toyota (Starts 33rd), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 39th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,100) - #14 Ford (Starts 16th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 27th), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 20th), Custer, Cole ($7,200) - #41 Ford (Starts 7th), Buescher, Chris ($8,200) - #17 Ford (Starts 17th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,500) - #12 Ford (Starts 10th), Elliott, Chase ($12,200) - #9 Chevy (Starts 6th), Bowman, Alex ($10,300) - #48 Chevy (Starts 13th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,600) - #12 Ford (Starts 27th), Busch, Kyle ($12,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 5th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,800) - #11 Toyota (Starts 10th), Byron, William ($10,900) - #24 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Busch, Kurt ($8,900) - #1 Chevy (Starts 8th), Elliott, Chase ($12,200) - #9 Chevy (Starts 29th), Keselowski, Brad ($10,800) - #2 Ford (Starts 18th), Logano, Joey ($11,200) - #22 Ford (Starts 4th), Larson, Kyle ($12,700) - #5 Chevy (Starts 1st), Reddick, Tyler ($9,600) - #8 Chevy (Starts 16th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,300) - #4 Ford (Starts 3rd), Wallace, Bubba ($6,900) - #23 Toyota (Starts 20th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,400) - #99 Chevy (Starts 14th), Buescher, Chris ($7,900) - #17 Ford (Starts 25th), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 31st), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 35th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,600) - #19 Toyota (Starts 15th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,000) - #14 Ford (Starts 28th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 34th), McDowell, Michael ($6,600) - #34 Ford (Starts 17th), Almirola, Aric ($8,200) - #10 Ford (Starts 11th), Jones, Erik ($7,100) - #43 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,800) - #47 Chevy (Starts 7th), Bell, Christopher ($9,300) - #20 Toyota (Starts 9th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,200) - #38 Ford (Starts 24th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,300) - #53 Ford (Starts 30th), Dillon, Austin ($8,800) - #3 Chevy (Starts 12th), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 37th), Hill, Timmy ($4,800) - #66 Toyota (Starts 38th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,400) - #21 Ford (Starts 21st), LaJoie, Corey ($6,300) - #7 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Custer, Cole ($7,300) - #41 Ford (Starts 26th), Chastain, Ross ($7,600) - #42 Chevy (Starts 6th), Busch, Kyle ($12,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 19th), Keselowski, Brad ($10,800) - #2 Ford (Starts 11th), Larson, Kyle ($12,700) - #5 Chevy (Starts 12th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,300) - #4 Ford (Starts 13th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,600) - #12 Ford (Starts 16th), Bowman, Alex ($10,300) - #48 Chevy (Starts 20th), Wallace, Bubba ($6,900) - #23 Toyota (Starts 7th), Byron, William ($10,900) - #24 Chevy (Starts 18th), Logano, Joey ($11,200) - #22 Ford (Starts 14th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,600) - #8 Chevy (Starts 10th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,400) - #21 Ford (Starts 32nd), Dillon, Austin ($8,800) - #3 Chevy (Starts 21st), Hamlin, Denny ($11,800) - #11 Toyota (Starts 17th), Newman, Ryan ($8,000) - #6 Ford (Starts 37th), Custer, Cole ($7,300) - #41 Ford (Starts 38th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,600) - #19 Toyota (Starts 3rd), Briscoe, Chase ($7,000) - #14 Ford (Starts 24th), Chastain, Ross ($7,600) - #42 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Suarez, Daniel ($7,400) - #99 Chevy (Starts 8th), Almirola, Aric ($8,200) - #10 Ford (Starts 5th), Allgaier, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 27th), Busch, Kurt ($8,900) - #1 Chevy (Starts 15th), McLeod, BJ ($5,400) - #78 Ford (Starts 30th), McDowell, Michael ($6,600) - #34 Ford (Starts 2nd), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 25th), Davison, James ($5,100) - #15 Chevy (Starts 28th), Buescher, Chris ($7,900) - #17 Ford (Starts 1st), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 31st), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 34th), Elliott, Chase ($12,200) - #9 Chevy (Starts 9th), Hill, Timmy ($4,800) - #66 Toyota (Starts 35th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,200) - #38 Ford (Starts 26th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,300) - #53 Ford (Starts 29th), Bell, Christopher ($9,300) - #20 Toyota (Starts 4th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,800) - #47 Chevy (Starts 6th), Elliott, Chase ($12,600) - #9 Chevy (Starts 34th), Busch, Kyle ($12,100) - #18 Toyota (Starts 40th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,600) - #14 Ford (Starts 35th), Busch, Kurt ($9,200) - #1 Chevy (Starts 16th), Bell, Christopher ($9,100) - #20 Toyota (Starts 13th), Dillon, Austin ($8,500) - #3 Chevy (Starts 37th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,200) - #47 Chevy (Starts 38th), Chastain, Ross ($7,900) - #42 Chevy (Starts 8th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,900) - #11 Toyota (Starts 6th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,900) - #8 Chevy (Starts 4th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 9th), Keselowski, Brad ($10,700) - #2 Ford (Starts 20th), Almirola, Aric ($8,200) - #10 Ford (Starts 19th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,000) - #21 Ford (Starts 7th), Wallace, Bubba ($6,800) - #23 Toyota (Starts 36th), Dillon, Ty ($6,600) - #96 Toyota (Starts 39th), Logano, Joey ($11,300) - #22 Ford (Starts 14th), Jones, Erik ($6,900) - #43 Chevy (Starts 21st), Custer, Cole ($7,700) - #41 Ford (Starts 15th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 27th), Larson, Kyle ($12,700) - #5 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Blaney, Ryan ($10,400) - #12 Ford (Starts 17th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,600) - #4 Ford (Starts 25th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Davison, James ($5,600) - #15 Chevy (Starts 26th), Bowman, Alex ($10,900) - #48 Chevy (Starts 10th), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 29th), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Newman, Ryan ($7,300) - #6 Ford (Starts 28th), Tilley, Kyle ($5,300) - #78 Ford (Starts 30th), Allmendinger, AJ ($9,700) - #16 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Eversley, Ryan ($5,400) - #53 Chevy (Starts 31st), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 24th), Byron, William ($11,100) - #24 Chevy (Starts 1st), Suarez, Daniel ($7,500) - #99 Chevy (Starts 11th), Cindric, Austin ($9,500) - #33 Ford (Starts 5th), Busch, Kurt ($9,000) - #1 Chevy (Starts 8th), Bowman, Alex ($10,700) - #48 Chevy (Starts 17th), Busch, Kyle ($12,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Blaney, Ryan ($10,900) - #12 Ford (Starts 15th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,300) - #19 Toyota (Starts 5th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,500) - #8 Chevy (Starts 7th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,900) - #4 Ford (Starts 21st), Keselowski, Brad ($11,000) - #2 Ford (Starts 14th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,300) - #21 Ford (Starts 12th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,100) - #23 Toyota (Starts 24th), Bell, Christopher ($9,200) - #20 Toyota (Starts 4th), Elliott, Chase ($11,200) - #9 Chevy (Starts 1st), Dillon, Austin ($8,800) - #3 Chevy (Starts 13th), Custer, Cole ($7,300) - #41 Ford (Starts 23rd), Buescher, Chris ($8,000) - #17 Ford (Starts 18th), Preece, Ryan ($6,600) - #37 Chevy (Starts 34th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,400) - #7 Chevy (Starts 26th), Briscoe, Chase ($6,800) - #14 Ford (Starts 11th), Byron, William ($11,600) - #24 Chevy (Starts 19th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,200) - #38 Ford (Starts 32nd), Almirola, Aric ($8,500) - #10 Ford (Starts 20th), Logano, Joey ($11,100) - #22 Ford (Starts 10th), Jones, Erik ($7,000) - #43 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Newman, Ryan ($8,200) - #6 Ford (Starts 29th), McDowell, Michael ($6,700) - #34 Ford (Starts 25th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 28th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,600) - #53 Ford (Starts 37th), Chastain, Ross ($7,200) - #42 Chevy (Starts 9th), Currey, Bayley ($5,300) - #15 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Ware, Cody ($5,400) - #51 Chevy (Starts 31st), Houff, Quin ($5,200) - #00 Chevy (Starts 35th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,100) - #52 Ford (Starts 30th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,400) - #99 Chevy (Starts 27th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,800) - #47 Chevy (Starts 16th), Almirola, Aric ($8,300) - #10 Ford (Starts 22nd), Keselowski, Brad ($10,900) - #2 Ford (Starts 11th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,500) - #4 Ford (Starts 12th), Logano, Joey ($11,300) - #22 Ford (Starts 15th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,500) - #12 Ford (Starts 7th), Chastain, Ross ($8,000) - #42 Chevy (Starts 20th), Larson, Kyle ($12,500) - #5 Chevy (Starts 10th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,700) - #47 Chevy (Starts 29th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,200) - #11 Toyota (Starts 6th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,500) - #21 Ford (Starts 14th), Custer, Cole ($7,300) - #41 Ford (Starts 21st), Bowman, Alex ($10,300) - #48 Chevy (Starts 5th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,600) - #99 Chevy (Starts 31st), Reddick, Tyler ($9,500) - #8 Chevy (Starts 8th), Jones, Erik ($6,900) - #43 Chevy (Starts 24th), Preece, Ryan ($6,600) - #37 Chevy (Starts 25th), Newman, Ryan ($8,100) - #6 Ford (Starts 28th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,800) - #19 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Elliott, Chase ($11,200) - #9 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Byron, William ($11,000) - #24 Chevy (Starts 16th), Haley, Justin ($5,800) - #77 Chevy (Starts 30th), Busch, Kurt ($9,000) - #1 Chevy (Starts 4th), McDowell, Michael ($6,400) - #34 Ford (Starts 23rd), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 34th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,100) - #23 Toyota (Starts 18th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,000) - #14 Ford (Starts 19th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,300) - #53 Ford (Starts 33rd), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 36th), Davison, James ($5,100) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Buescher, Chris ($7,500) - #17 Ford (Starts 17th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,000) - #38 Ford (Starts 27th), Busch, Kyle ($11,900) - #18 Toyota (Starts 1st), Larson, Kyle ($12,200) - #5 Chevy (Starts 4th), Busch, Kyle ($12,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 20th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,500) - #14 Ford (Starts 27th), Byron, William ($10,800) - #24 Chevy (Starts 15th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,700) - #11 Toyota (Starts 6th), Bell, Christopher ($9,200) - #20 Toyota (Starts 7th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,800) - #8 Chevy (Starts 13th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,300) - #4 Ford (Starts 5th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($7,800) - #21 Ford (Starts 14th), Busch, Kurt ($9,500) - #1 Chevy (Starts 17th), Chastain, Ross ($8,000) - #42 Chevy (Starts 12th), Buescher, Chris ($8,400) - #17 Ford (Starts 24th), Custer, Cole ($7,400) - #41 Ford (Starts 19th), McDowell, Michael ($7,000) - #34 Ford (Starts 25th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,300) - #7 Chevy (Starts 29th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,100) - #47 Chevy (Starts 18th), Wallace, Bubba ($6,800) - #23 Toyota (Starts 26th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 31st), Newman, Ryan ($6,600) - #6 Ford (Starts 28th), Almirola, Aric ($8,300) - #10 Ford (Starts 8th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,600) - #12 Ford (Starts 3rd), Tilley, Kyle ($5,300) - #78 Ford (Starts 33rd), Bowman, Alex ($11,000) - #48 Chevy (Starts 10th), Jones, Erik ($6,900) - #43 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Logano, Joey ($11,100) - #22 Ford (Starts 2nd), Enerson, RC ($5,600) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Davison, James ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 36th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,400) - #53 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Suarez, Daniel ($7,200) - #99 Chevy (Starts 21st), Keselowski, Brad ($10,300) - #2 Ford (Starts 1st), Allmendinger, AJ ($9,000) - #16 Chevy (Starts 8th), Jones, Erik ($6,900) - #43 Chevy (Starts 28th), Haley, Justin ($5,800) - #77 Chevy (Starts 29th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,400) - #12 Ford (Starts 16th), Newman, Ryan ($6,600) - #6 Ford (Starts 32nd), DiBenedetto, Matt ($7,800) - #21 Ford (Starts 15th), Busch, Kurt ($9,200) - #1 Chevy (Starts 20th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,100) - #47 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Elliott, Chase ($12,500) - #9 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Wallace, Bubba ($6,800) - #23 Toyota (Starts 27th), Cindric, Austin ($8,800) - #33 Ford (Starts 13th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,300) - #4 Ford (Starts 25th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,300) - #7 Chevy (Starts 26th), Buescher, Chris ($8,100) - #17 Ford (Starts 19th), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 38th), Bowman, Alex ($10,200) - #48 Chevy (Starts 24th), Keselowski, Brad ($10,700) - #2 Ford (Starts 31st), Hill, Timmy ($4,800) - #66 Toyota (Starts 40th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,400) - #53 Chevy (Starts 39th), Busch, Kyle ($12,000) - #18 Toyota (Starts 21st), Almirola, Aric ($8,200) - #10 Ford (Starts 18th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,600) - #8 Chevy (Starts 11th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,200) - #19 Toyota (Starts 6th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,800) - #11 Toyota (Starts 14th), Dillon, Austin ($7,600) - #3 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 30th), Custer, Cole ($7,300) - #41 Ford (Starts 10th), McDowell, Michael ($7,000) - #34 Ford (Starts 12th), Lally, Andy ($5,300) - #78 Ford (Starts 35th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,000) - #38 Ford (Starts 33rd), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 37th), Briscoe, Chase ($8,000) - #14 Ford (Starts 2nd), Chastain, Ross ($8,300) - #42 Chevy (Starts 9th), Logano, Joey ($10,800) - #22 Ford (Starts 7th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,200) - #99 Chevy (Starts 5th), Byron, William ($11,300) - #24 Chevy (Starts 18th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,200) - #12 Ford (Starts 3rd), Larson, Kyle ($12,500) - #5 Chevy (Starts 1st), Hamlin, Denny ($12,200) - #11 Toyota (Starts 9th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,100) - #2 Ford (Starts 20th), Bell, Christopher ($9,500) - #20 Toyota (Starts 28th), Busch, Kurt ($8,500) - #1 Chevy (Starts 6th), Elliott, Chase ($11,800) - #9 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Briscoe, Chase ($7,100) - #14 Ford (Starts 21st), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,100) - #21 Ford (Starts 4th), Almirola, Aric ($8,300) - #10 Ford (Starts 23rd), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($8,000) - #47 Chevy (Starts 12th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,700) - #99 Chevy (Starts 30th), McDowell, Michael ($6,600) - #34 Ford (Starts 25th), Buescher, Chris ($7,800) - #17 Ford (Starts 11th), Custer, Cole ($7,400) - #41 Ford (Starts 27th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,600) - #4 Ford (Starts 8th), McLeod, BJ ($5,400) - #78 Ford (Starts 36th), Bowman, Alex ($10,600) - #48 Chevy (Starts 10th), Wallace, Bubba ($6,900) - #23 Toyota (Starts 15th), Jones, Erik ($6,700) - #43 Chevy (Starts 13th), Berry, Josh ($6,200) - #7 Chevy (Starts 24th), Newman, Ryan ($7,300) - #6 Ford (Starts 16th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 17th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 35th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 29th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,000) - #8 Chevy (Starts 14th), Dillon, Austin ($8,800) - #3 Chevy (Starts 26th), Gase, Joey ($5,100) - #15 Chevy (Starts 34th), Logano, Joey ($11,200) - #22 Ford (Starts 19th), Newman, Ryan ($8,800) - #6 Ford (Starts 23rd), Wallace, Bubba ($7,200) - #23 Toyota (Starts 20th), Preece, Ryan ($7,000) - #37 Chevy (Starts 24th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,500) - #12 Ford (Starts 6th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,700) - #52 Ford (Starts 36th), Haley, Justin ($6,500) - #77 Chevy (Starts 28th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,100) - #8 Chevy (Starts 17th), McLeod, BJ ($5,900) - #78 Ford (Starts 30th), Bowman, Alex ($10,000) - #48 Chevy (Starts 15th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,900) - #7 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Dillon, Austin ($9,500) - #3 Chevy (Starts 27th), Jones, Erik ($7,400) - #43 Chevy (Starts 21st), Elliott, Chase ($11,500) - #9 Chevy (Starts 5th), Chastain, Ross ($8,200) - #42 Chevy (Starts 29th), Almirola, Aric ($8,600) - #10 Ford (Starts 19th), Logano, Joey ($12,500) - #22 Ford (Starts 22nd), Suarez, Daniel ($8,000) - #99 Chevy (Starts 26th), Starr, David ($5,000) - #66 Toyota (Starts 40th), Busch, Kurt ($7,500) - #1 Chevy (Starts 8th), Harvick, Kevin ($10,900) - #4 Ford (Starts 11th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,800) - #38 Ford (Starts 32nd), Custer, Cole ($8,100) - #41 Ford (Starts 25th), Ware, Cody ($6,000) - #51 Chevy (Starts 31st), Briscoe, Chase ($7,300) - #14 Ford (Starts 16th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,800) - #53 Chevy (Starts 34th), Gase, Joey ($5,600) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,600) - #47 Chevy (Starts 12th), Larson, Kyle ($11,300) - #5 Chevy (Starts 1st), Grala, Kaz ($7,900) - #16 Chevy (Starts 38th), Cassill, Landon ($7,800) - #96 Toyota (Starts 39th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,400) - #21 Ford (Starts 9th), Houff, Quin ($5,500) - #00 Chevy (Starts 35th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($10,200) - #19 Toyota (Starts 7th), Bell, Christopher ($9,300) - #20 Toyota (Starts 14th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,000) - #2 Ford (Starts 10th), Busch, Kyle ($10,700) - #18 Toyota (Starts 4th), McDowell, Michael ($7,100) - #34 Ford (Starts 18th), Buescher, Chris ($7,700) - #17 Ford (Starts 13th), Byron, William ($10,300) - #24 Chevy (Starts 2nd), Chastain, Ross ($8,000) - #42 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Hamlin, Denny ($12,200) - #11 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Buescher, Chris ($8,200) - #17 Ford (Starts 34th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,000) - #19 Toyota (Starts 10th), Custer, Cole ($7,500) - #41 Ford (Starts 31st), Keselowski, Brad ($11,300) - #2 Ford (Starts 16th), Busch, Kurt ($8,400) - #1 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Logano, Joey ($11,000) - #22 Ford (Starts 11th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,700) - #99 Chevy (Starts 26th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,800) - #47 Chevy (Starts 29th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,200) - #7 Chevy (Starts 25th), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 18th), Newman, Ryan ($7,300) - #6 Ford (Starts 19th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,200) - #14 Ford (Starts 24th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,300) - #21 Ford (Starts 30th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 32nd), Bell, Christopher ($9,500) - #20 Toyota (Starts 13th), Almirola, Aric ($8,100) - #10 Ford (Starts 8th), Gase, Joey ($5,100) - #15 Chevy (Starts 35th), Wallace, Bubba ($6,800) - #23 Toyota (Starts 17th), Reddick, Tyler ($9,000) - #8 Chevy (Starts 7th), McLeod, BJ ($5,400) - #78 Ford (Starts 27th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 28th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 20th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,300) - #12 Ford (Starts 1st), Davison, James ($5,300) - #53 Ford (Starts 36th), Bowman, Alex ($10,600) - #48 Chevy (Starts 5th), Byron, William ($11,200) - #24 Chevy (Starts 14th), Elliott, Chase ($11,600) - #9 Chevy (Starts 4th), Busch, Kyle ($11,800) - #18 Toyota (Starts 12th), McDowell, Michael ($6,900) - #34 Ford (Starts 15th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,200) - #19 Toyota (Starts 3rd), Hamlin, Denny ($12,400) - #11 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Elliott, Chase ($11,700) - #9 Chevy (Starts 13th), Bell, Christopher ($9,500) - #20 Toyota (Starts 10th), Chastain, Ross ($8,000) - #42 Chevy (Starts 17th), Logano, Joey ($11,100) - #22 Ford (Starts 6th), Busch, Kyle ($12,300) - #18 Toyota (Starts 15th), Larson, Kyle ($11,900) - #5 Chevy (Starts 1st), Dillon, Austin ($8,400) - #3 Chevy (Starts 19th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,000) - #12 Ford (Starts 8th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,400) - #14 Ford (Starts 26th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,200) - #21 Ford (Starts 28th), Bowman, Alex ($10,600) - #48 Chevy (Starts 12th), Jones, Erik ($6,700) - #43 Chevy (Starts 31st), Suarez, Daniel ($7,300) - #99 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Keselowski, Brad ($11,000) - #2 Ford (Starts 7th), Almirola, Aric ($8,500) - #10 Ford (Starts 9th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,700) - #8 Chevy (Starts 11th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 30th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,800) - #47 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Custer, Cole ($7,200) - #41 Ford (Starts 21st), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 29th), Buescher, Chris ($7,500) - #17 Ford (Starts 18th), Preece, Ryan ($6,300) - #37 Chevy (Starts 20th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,300) - #51 Chevy (Starts 36th), Yeley, JJ ($5,500) - #53 Ford (Starts 37th), Gase, Joey ($5,000) - #15 Chevy (Starts 34th), McDowell, Michael ($6,600) - #34 Ford (Starts 16th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,000) - #23 Toyota (Starts 27th), Byron, William ($10,800) - #24 Chevy (Starts 14th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,500) - #4 Ford (Starts 8th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,600) - #12 Ford (Starts 7th), Jones, Erik ($6,700) - #43 Chevy (Starts 22nd), Bowman, Alex ($10,400) - #48 Chevy (Starts 11th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,000) - #21 Ford (Starts 19th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,000) - #11 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Wallace, Bubba ($6,900) - #23 Toyota (Starts 28th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,200) - #14 Ford (Starts 20th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,200) - #19 Toyota (Starts 1st), Chastain, Ross ($8,400) - #42 Chevy (Starts 17th), Dillon, Austin ($8,800) - #3 Chevy (Starts 18th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,900) - #47 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Yeley, JJ ($5,700) - #51 Chevy (Starts 35th), Buescher, Chris ($7,800) - #17 Ford (Starts 25th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,200) - #7 Chevy (Starts 31st), Busch, Kurt ($9,500) - #1 Chevy (Starts 15th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,700) - #99 Chevy (Starts 21st), Almirola, Aric ($8,200) - #10 Ford (Starts 12th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,400) - #53 Ford (Starts 36th), Custer, Cole ($7,000) - #41 Ford (Starts 26th), Busch, Kyle ($12,300) - #18 Toyota (Starts 9th), Starr, David ($5,000) - #66 Toyota (Starts 38th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,300) - #52 Ford (Starts 33rd), Davison, James ($5,200) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Elliott, Chase ($11,800) - #9 Chevy (Starts 4th), Houff, Quin ($5,100) - #00 Chevy (Starts 34th), McLeod, BJ ($5,600) - #78 Ford (Starts 32nd), Bell, Christopher ($10,000) - #20 Toyota (Starts 6th), Newman, Ryan ($7,300) - #6 Ford (Starts 24th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,100) - #11 Toyota (Starts 6th), Busch, Kyle ($12,300) - #18 Toyota (Starts 10th), Elliott, Chase ($11,900) - #9 Chevy (Starts 11th), Busch, Kurt ($9,000) - #1 Chevy (Starts 20th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,600) - #19 Toyota (Starts 4th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,600) - #12 Ford (Starts 2nd), Keselowski, Brad ($10,500) - #2 Ford (Starts 8th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,600) - #99 Chevy (Starts 26th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,000) - #21 Ford (Starts 14th), Briscoe, Chase ($6,900) - #14 Ford (Starts 19th), Dillon, Austin ($8,500) - #3 Chevy (Starts 15th), Logano, Joey ($11,100) - #22 Ford (Starts 9th), Newman, Ryan ($7,200) - #6 Ford (Starts 29th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,700) - #47 Chevy (Starts 22nd), McDowell, Michael ($6,700) - #34 Ford (Starts 23rd), Almirola, Aric ($7,900) - #10 Ford (Starts 17th), Chastain, Ross ($8,200) - #42 Chevy (Starts 18th), Byron, William ($11,200) - #24 Chevy (Starts 3rd), Custer, Cole ($7,300) - #41 Ford (Starts 28th), Preece, Ryan ($6,500) - #37 Chevy (Starts 24th), LaJoie, Corey ($6,300) - #7 Chevy (Starts 27th), Bell, Christopher ($9,500) - #20 Toyota (Starts 12th), Jones, Erik ($6,600) - #43 Chevy (Starts 16th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Bowman, Alex ($10,900) - #48 Chevy (Starts 7th), Gase, Joey ($5,100) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Yeley, JJ ($4,800) - #66 Toyota (Starts 38th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 31st), Buescher, Chris ($8,300) - #17 Ford (Starts 24th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,200) - #2 Ford (Starts 7th), Logano, Joey ($12,500) - #22 Ford (Starts 8th), Busch, Kurt ($8,700) - #1 Chevy (Starts 14th), Alfredo, Anthony ($7,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 30th), Jones, Erik ($7,800) - #43 Chevy (Starts 26th), Bell, Christopher ($10,000) - #20 Toyota (Starts 12th), Custer, Cole ($8,000) - #41 Ford (Starts 28th), Haley, Justin ($7,500) - #16 Chevy (Starts 38th), Dillon, Austin ($9,000) - #3 Chevy (Starts 16th), Cassill, Landon ($7,900) - #96 Toyota (Starts 40th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($8,200) - #47 Chevy (Starts 21st), Briscoe, Chase ($7,700) - #14 Ford (Starts 17th), McDowell, Michael ($7,400) - #34 Ford (Starts 22nd), Gase, Joey ($5,800) - #53 Chevy (Starts 36th), LaJoie, Corey ($7,200) - #7 Chevy (Starts 29th), Newman, Ryan ($8,800) - #6 Ford (Starts 25th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($10,400) - #19 Toyota (Starts 6th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,600) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,600) - #12 Ford (Starts 4th), Suarez, Daniel ($8,100) - #99 Chevy (Starts 18th), McLeod, BJ ($5,900) - #78 Ford (Starts 32nd), Almirola, Aric ($8,400) - #10 Ford (Starts 20th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,700) - #52 Ford (Starts 34th), Davison, James ($5,000) - #66 Toyota (Starts 39th), Preece, Ryan ($7,300) - #37 Chevy (Starts 27th), Chastain, Ross ($8,500) - #42 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Busch, Kyle ($10,800) - #18 Toyota (Starts 2nd), Allgaier, Justin ($7,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 33rd), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,600) - #21 Ford (Starts 15th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,900) - #8 Chevy (Starts 13th), Byron, William ($11,400) - #24 Chevy (Starts 10th), Bowman, Alex ($10,200) - #48 Chevy (Starts 11th), Larson, Kyle ($11,600) - #5 Chevy (Starts 5th), Reddick, Tyler ($8,800) - #8 Chevy (Starts 29th), Larson, Kyle ($12,400) - #5 Chevy (Starts 10th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($8,400) - #21 Ford (Starts 30th), Buescher, Chris ($7,800) - #17 Ford (Starts 16th), Busch, Kyle ($11,600) - #18 Toyota (Starts 9th), Blaney, Ryan ($11,000) - #12 Ford (Starts 6th), Logano, Joey ($10,800) - #22 Ford (Starts 3rd), Suarez, Daniel ($7,600) - #99 Chevy (Starts 25th), Hamlin, Denny ($11,900) - #11 Toyota (Starts 1st), Byron, William ($11,200) - #24 Chevy (Starts 11th), Bell, Christopher ($10,000) - #20 Toyota (Starts 4th), McDowell, Michael ($7,100) - #34 Ford (Starts 19th), Custer, Cole ($7,000) - #41 Ford (Starts 23rd), Wallace, Bubba ($6,600) - #23 Toyota (Starts 15th), Dillon, Austin ($8,200) - #3 Chevy (Starts 14th), Jones, Erik ($6,900) - #43 Chevy (Starts 17th), Hand, Joey ($5,200) - #52 Ford (Starts 36th), Chastain, Ross ($8,600) - #42 Chevy (Starts 27th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,600) - #15 Chevy (Starts 37th), Briscoe, Chase ($8,000) - #14 Ford (Starts 22nd), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($7,300) - #47 Chevy (Starts 18th), Almirola, Aric ($7,700) - #10 Ford (Starts 21st), Hill, Timmy ($4,800) - #66 Toyota (Starts 39th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 20th), Heckert, Scott ($5,300) - #78 Ford (Starts 35th), Houff, Quin ($5,000) - #00 Chevy (Starts 28th), Busch, Kurt ($9,000) - #1 Chevy (Starts 13th), Keselowski, Brad ($10,200) - #2 Ford (Starts 2nd), Smithley, Garrett ($5,400) - #53 Chevy (Starts 34th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 38th), Allmendinger, AJ ($12,200) - #16 Chevy (Starts 33rd), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,000) - #19 Toyota (Starts 5th), Newman, Ryan ($6,800) - #6 Ford (Starts 24th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,300) - #4 Ford (Starts 7th), Harvick, Kevin ($12,200) - #4 Ford (Starts 24th), Byron, William ($11,300) - #24 Chevy (Starts 12th), Bell, Christopher ($9,500) - #20 Toyota (Starts 11th), Keselowski, Brad ($11,100) - #2 Ford (Starts 7th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,700) - #12 Ford (Starts 4th), Suarez, Daniel ($7,400) - #99 Chevy (Starts 19th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,700) - #14 Ford (Starts 26th), Elliott, Chase ($11,900) - #9 Chevy (Starts 6th), Busch, Kyle ($11,800) - #18 Toyota (Starts 3rd), Reddick, Tyler ($9,000) - #8 Chevy (Starts 9th), Jones, Erik ($6,800) - #43 Chevy (Starts 21st), Starr, David ($4,800) - #66 Ford (Starts 38th), Busch, Kurt ($8,400) - #1 Chevy (Starts 17th), Smithley, Garrett ($5,300) - #15 Chevy (Starts 36th), Dillon, Austin ($8,600) - #3 Chevy (Starts 15th), DiBenedetto, Matt ($7,900) - #21 Ford (Starts 13th), Almirola, Aric ($7,500) - #10 Ford (Starts 22nd), Hill, Timmy ($5,000) - #13 Toyota (Starts 39th), Custer, Cole ($7,000) - #41 Ford (Starts 20th), McDowell, Michael ($6,700) - #34 Ford (Starts 16th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 28th), Chastain, Ross ($8,800) - #42 Chevy (Starts 25th), Buescher, Chris ($7,800) - #17 Ford (Starts 10th), Houff, Quin ($5,100) - #00 Chevy (Starts 30th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($12,000) - #19 Toyota (Starts 8th), Newman, Ryan ($6,200) - #6 Ford (Starts 31st), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($8,000) - #47 Chevy (Starts 27th), Gase, Joey ($5,400) - #53 Ford (Starts 37th), Haley, Justin ($6,000) - #77 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Preece, Ryan ($6,600) - #37 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Logano, Joey ($10,500) - #22 Ford (Starts 5th), Bowman, Alex ($10,900) - #48 Chevy (Starts 14th), Busch, Kurt ($8,600) - #1 Chevy (Starts 13th), Harvick, Kevin ($11,300) - #4 Ford (Starts 11th), Elliott, Chase ($12,000) - #9 Chevy (Starts 5th), Byron, William ($11,500) - #24 Chevy (Starts 9th), Bowman, Alex ($10,400) - #48 Chevy (Starts 25th), Hamlin, Denny ($12,400) - #11 Toyota (Starts 6th), Chastain, Ross ($8,400) - #42 Chevy (Starts 24th), Kligerman, Parker ($8,200) - #96 Toyota (Starts 40th), Wallace, Bubba ($7,200) - #23 Toyota (Starts 27th), Bell, Christopher ($9,400) - #20 Toyota (Starts 10th), Dillon, Austin ($8,800) - #3 Chevy (Starts 14th), Truex, Jr., Martin ($11,700) - #19 Toyota (Starts 7th), Buescher, Chris ($7,800) - #17 Ford (Starts 21st), Logano, Joey ($11,200) - #22 Ford (Starts 8th), Preece, Ryan ($6,800) - #37 Chevy (Starts 32nd), Suarez, Daniel ($7,500) - #99 Chevy (Starts 16th), Custer, Cole ($7,000) - #41 Ford (Starts 22nd), McDowell, Michael ($6,500) - #34 Ford (Starts 18th), Briscoe, Chase ($7,300) - #14 Ford (Starts 19th), Stenhouse, Jr. Ricky ($8,000) - #47 Chevy (Starts 28th), Newman, Ryan ($7,100) - #6 Ford (Starts 31st), LaJoie, Corey ($6,200) - #7 Chevy (Starts 23rd), Reddick, Tyler ($9,200) - #8 Chevy (Starts 12th), Gase, Joey ($5,200) - #53 Ford (Starts 39th), Keselowski, Brad ($10,700) - #2 Ford (Starts 3rd), DiBenedetto, Matt ($7,900) - #21 Ford (Starts 15th), Ware, Cody ($5,500) - #51 Chevy (Starts 36th), Almirola, Aric ($7,600) - #10 Ford (Starts 20th), McLeod, BJ ($5,400) - #78 Ford (Starts 26th), Starr, David ($4,900) - #13 Ford (Starts 38th), Jones, Erik ($6,600) - #43 Chevy (Starts 17th), Bilicki, Josh ($5,300) - #52 Ford (Starts 30th), Ellis, Ryan ($5,000) - #15 Chevy (Starts 34th), Finchum, Chad ($4,800) - #66 Toyota (Starts 37th), Busch, Kyle ($12,200) - #18 Toyota (Starts 4th), Alfredo, Anthony ($6,100) - #38 Ford (Starts 29th), Blaney, Ryan ($10,900) - #12 Ford (Starts 2nd).
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