. _______________________________________________________________________________. The manufacturer was not made aware of the issue. You would wave your foot under the tailgate, signifying that you wanted it to open. Then they replaced the rack and the intermediate shaft. Enjoy fast oil changes and more to help maintain your Hyundai. If you look at it in terms of convenience, power liftgates are really helpful, especially if you are someone who frequently uses your vehicles cargo or backdoor. Without a doubt, the small crossover segment is the most boring one in all of auto-dom. Hyundai is a registered trademark of Hyundai Motor Company. The contact also stated that half of her body was numb that required medical attention and was informed by her doctor that she had nerve damage and posttraumatic stress disorder. Hyundai told me for months that they couldn't recreate the problem to fix it even though it happened 2-3 times minimum per week. This has happened 3 times this year 2021. To remove the mechanical key, press and hold the release button (1) and remove the mechanical key (2). read more Lance Answer Master Auto Technician Jehndam Advanced OMC and Mercury Marine, Instructo When a liftgate refuses to work, this causes a car to be harder to operate. Fortunately, the inside cover was closed and the driver was not injured. They have recently sent an e mail telling me that that I must accept changes in my blue link (they are going to share data from that with other companies). I haven't been able to enjoy my car because it's been in the shop. I have almost been in several accidents thinking my engine was running when it was not. The contact turned the vehicle off and back on, which returned it back to normal. Page 177 Features of your vehicle Shift to "P" or "N" to start engine Door Open Tailgate Open (for smart key system and auto- Type A Type A Type B . This happens mostly when I am accelerating from a complete stop but also happens occasionally when I am going around a corner. Maybe its decided to quit. After trying to restart the vehicle for more than 15 minutes, it finally started. Hyundai says I don't meet the requirements for a buyback or exchange and have frankly been extremely rude. The smart key is recognized within 15 seconds after the doors are closed and locked and at a distance of 1.50 meters from the front door handles. hb```a``> @16,.Sd|'@eY% The vehicle suddenly accelerated into the garage damaging the right front of the vehicle and the garage. My safely should be more of a concern. Fortunately for all you would-be Hyundai Tucson owners, theres a silver lining here: I am told this feature can be turned off. No warning lights or messages presented at any time prior to accident. The dealer says they cant see any issues. The vin was not available. Why brag about such a great warranty if you arent willing to stand by it? This process can take up to 10 minutes. Smart Security for Every Home Neighbors App Real-Time . Tl* the contact owns a 2019 hyundai santa fe. Today happened on a busy highway. Dealer diagnosed owner had vehicle in incorrect drive mode for acceleration. The manufacturer was also notified of the failure and provided a case number. . I reported this to hyundai usa. Hyundai should buy my car back since it can catch fire and I can't use it reliably and since it could kill me or my family. When the lane keep assist (active mode) is engaged a green light appears on the dashboard And when it disengages the green light just turns off And no sound/beep warning happens And I believe that it is a design flaw that there would be no beep/sound/alert when the lane keep assist dis engages and you still say that the driver is accountable/responsible. Its clear to the automaker that there are real issues with this vehicle. We look forward to working with you to resolve your legal issues. This was very dangerous as I could have been hit by oncoming traffic.. Put car in park and turned off engine. New engine ordered. This fault since the first instance has not happened again. Confidentiality Guarantee: We keep your information completely confidential and will not send you spam or sell your information. After some online research, I see this is a widespread issue. Eventually, you would give up and put down the groceries in a huff. Pulling out of a parking lot onto a street, when engine revved uncontrolled and did not respond to braking and steering, (pulled to the right). Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Specifications apply to U.S. vehicles only. The manufacturer was made aware of the failure but provided no assistance. Eventually, the vehicle started after approximately 10 minutes. It also started 2 separate occasions it lost steering wheel power and the a/c stopped blowing cold air. Hyundai has a problem that they dont want to fix. <<46A7B28198CF5D48A6171F21D4D4C4D6>]/Prev 204142>> The contact owns a 2019 hyundai santa fe xl. However, using keys to open your trunk is such a pain in the ass and inconvenient, right?!? Otherwise the tailgate may accidentally open. I've also read earlier forums and I read numerous complaints about this issue. THEY FIX IT AND IT WORKS FOR A WEEK OR SO AND THEN IT HAPPENS AGAIN. After a few seconds, the tailgate begins to open. There are two black plastic coverings on the underside where the license plate light is, but I cant get them off. Stopped the car at a red light and the idle stop and go (isg) feature has turned off the engine Once the green light turned on, I pressed gas and the engine did not start and after couple of attempts all warning lights turned on and I was not able to use the key to start the engine aswell. The dealer and manufacturer were not contacted. When I came to a stop the car would not move, a message flashed across the dash saying something about the auto stop feature was active and I had to put the car in park or neutral in order to drive again. When it goes onto Auto off mode it jerks a bit and then this past week while I was at a red light the engine turned off and this loud alarm noise came on. The car would sense the key. Smart drive mode Hyundai Santa Fe 2020 Owner's Manual [x] Cancel search | Manufacturer: HYUNDAI, Model Year: 2020 , Model line: Santa Fe , Model: Hyundai Santa Fe 2020 Pages: 557, PDF Size: 19.29 MB Search: ( tow bar, deactivate airbag, brake pads replacement, change language, mirror controls, TPMS) Page 98 of 557 Page 99 of 557 Page 104 of 557 Also please check out the The failure mileage was approximately 40,000. The contact stated that after parking the vehicle, approximately 30 minutes later the neighbor informed that the vehicle was on fire. May be the person barely missed hitting my back of the car. 0000001166 00000 n 1.6 L/98. I do not give my consent. Or if you know of another workaround to getting into a trunk, comment below! The manufacturer was notified of the failure and provided case number: 16086926. Idle stop and go technology feature cannot be disabled. Freight charges and actual dealer prices may vary. Nothing would happen. If the liftgate is opening and it senses pressure from a low-hanging branch or a garage, the liftgate will reverse direction and begin lowering in order to prevent damage to itself. Service Bulletin #5NP-T3D4X-01 addresses some of the Engine Control Module and Electronic Stability Control software updates that must occur in order for this vehicle to function correctly. It has been at the dealership since 9/25/2018. This is my first hyundai car and I paid a lot of money . It might not be easy to insert and turn the key at first; especially if youve never used the physical key to open the trunk before. Tl* the contact owns a 2019 hyundai santa fe. Make sure to deactivate the Smartkey tailgate function while washing the vehicle. The contact also stated that the manufacturer closed her case sending paperwork with incorrect vehicle information. The battery does not charge above the 70% required to engage stop /start. The contact owns a 2019 hyundai santa fe. ft.) Behind front seats, Search Hyundai vehicles, programs and services, {{ dealer.calltrackingShowroomPhone | phone }}, {{ dealer.calltrackingServiceCenterPhone | phone }}, Unable to locate a dealer, please try again later, For disability accessibility concerns,please contact us at. The manufacturer was notified. Kick straight over the logo (or at the sensor for older vehicles), making sure to come within 5 inches of the bumper (but dont make contact). See Ask Your Own Hyundai Question It closes, then moves outward when the that final sound comes from the latch. Its what propels the vehicle forward. The most recently reported issues are listed below. We've fixed thousands of lemon problems. What happened there was, you would push a little button on the key fob, and POOF! This feature can be turned on or off with just a few steps: 1. The vehicle was not repaired. We tried pressing the automatic start and it kept hesitating and everything went black on the instrument panel. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. 0000007128 00000 n The failure mileage was 2,700. There are currently many vehicles at Rosen Hyundai that incorporate it as a standard feature. The law makes Hyundai pay legal fees. Please enter a valid phone number. Car was towed to dealership and has 2600 miles on it. Please enter a valid email adress, Your phone Whats your phone number? If you do not wish to open the liftgate, you can simply step out of the way. It's been 44 days and going on 3 repairs. The vehicle was not taken to a dealer or an independent mechanic for diagnostics testing. My wife found an article about the problem and it said that several cars had caught fire or stalled in traffic. Tl* the contact owns a 2019 hyundai santa fe. Once you find the keyhole, use your key to try and open the trunk. The vin was unknown. Step four: you build character, because youve just done some serious work in order to gain access to the cargo area. THE VEHICLE WAS SERVICE AND GIVEN BACK TO ME. The first time they replaced the module it still showed it not working. What may drain a car battery when its off are things such as interior lights, door lights, or even bad relays. When it jerked and slowed suddenly the person behind me honked so hard. The air bags failed to deploy, the contact stated that she was able to coast to the side of the road. In order to stop this from happening you have to remember to turn the auto stop feature off. There were no warning indicators illuminated. I need a reliable car for my family not one that will leave me stranded and calling in to work or kids to not go to school. THIS IS A REPORT ON A 2019 HYUNDAI SANTA FE 2.0L TURBO WITH LESS THAN 1600 MILES. We have tried many different pillows, cushions and back supports to no avail. Hyundai then sent out an investigator to inspect the vehicle and their assessment determined that the fire was caused by defective wiring harness attached to the trailer hitch. Then when it got cold it would not start jumped it and started. Because of this, my head slammed into the glass window, which then threw up upper body towards the passenger side. 0000066033 00000 n In the 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe, this system has some serious deficiencies. Waited for a few minutes, restarted engine, placed car in drive and drove home ( about 40 feet). Now they have my brand new car with the top of the engine tore apart. The second time this happened the vehicle turned off as I was mbv aking a right turn on the road. This is my 3rd suv and I've not had any problems with the first 2. Please feel free to help out whenever you are on the site :). This helps me pay for the upkeep and maintenance of my site. EXAMPLE 3: Youre sound asleep in your home, and your Hyundai Tucson is sound asleep in the parking space directly adjacent to your home. None of the three stages of the collision avoidance system activated. Shop 2023 Hyundai Santa Fe SEL for sale in Bentonville, AR . Free shipping . Allow me to provide a few examples. ZH)4Fr80|;1@Z*$22p"1,bEE\23c ),Gx|3[88Pj6)sc?**9Y` A To reinstall the mechanical key, put the key into the hole and push it until a click sound is heard. (tailgate) In cold and wet climates, door lock Opening the liftgate (tailgate) and door mechanisms may not work properly due to freezing conditions. Taking car to dealer on 9/20/22 in attempt to prevent future reoccurrence. . I bought the vehicle august 1 and drove it home, 50 miles, at 75+ mph. Your instructions were right on and works for a 2016 Azera. The likelihood of being able to reproduce the circumstance during business hours and be able to get it to them to witness the situation is minuscule at best. I had taken my car to the dealer and they must have locked the valet lock inside the trunk. I own three hyundai's and buying the 2019 was a mistake. One Edmunds complaint states, "Infotainment screen is super slow all the time. It is currently at the dealership waiting for the blind spot monitoring modules. Is the Nissan Pathfinder 2016 a reliable car? I drove the vehicle back to the dealer and was told that there was a performance recall on the vehicle. DEALER DIAGNOSED VEHICLE. Keep smart key away from children. The vehicle was not repaired. Ya he llevado 4 o 5 veces mi carro al dealer,el lado de driving cuando yo entro a cierto drive way hace un sonido extrao al igual si me parkeo en riversa y tengo que mover el quia para la derecha tambien, 4/21/2021 me hicieron un trabajo y desde esa fecha el motor esta teniendo un sonido extrao y la reboluciones . I have the same issue. Front end gone air bag did not deploy. I HOPE YOU WILL LOOK INTO THIS MATTER. ON MY WAY TO THE DEALER IN BUMPER TO BUMPER TRAFFIC THE VEHICLE SHUT OFF AGAIN. theinspiringdad.comIf You Have A Hyundai And The Trunk Doesnt Open, Try This. No warning prior to the event. Tailgate does not open. Tried jumping it wouldn't start that way. The contact sustained left arm, neck, back, whiplash and a concussion. Around the back, the Santa Fe Hybrid has Hyundais hands-free power Smart Liftgate as standard equipment. Bad idea. Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission. all problems of the 2015 Hyundai Santa Fe Press and hold to unlock just the liftgate, not the doors. The contact did not know if the dealer was contacted. EXAMPLE 2: Youre chatting under an umbrella with a friend during a light rainstorm. The contact owns a 2019 hyundai santa fe xl. No cars were anywhere around us, we were not near any overpasses, there was no road debris & nothing hit our car. When this happens, they wont deploy. ON A BRAND NEW 2019 HYUNDAI SANTA FE, THE ENGINE STALLED TWICE WHILE DRIVING THE VEHICLE AT LOW SPEEDS INTO/OUT OF A PARALLEL PARKING SPACE ON A VILLAGE STREET. Our 2022 Outlander is under 10,000 miles. The contact stated that the manufacturer had exceeded a reasonable amount of time for the recall repair. Smart Home Security Systems eero WiFi Stream 4K Video in Every Room: Blink Smart . My new 2019 Hyundai Santa Fe from the time I bought it had the yellow Check Engine Light come on. They said to take it in the next day asap. I can't to a complete stop, the car went into idle mode, then wouldn't restart when I hit the accelerator again. Your car is covered under a recall from August 2021. Vehicle is not drivable and has not been inspected by insurance or dealer as yet. I removed the screws from the tailgate panel, sprayed the magical WD40 on the actuator inside the door (the moving parts that weren't moving), sprayed behind the handle, inside the handle, and then used a pair of pliers to manually pull the cable and release the latch. WHENEVER I WAS AT A STOP OR WAITING TO MAKE A TURN I WOULD PUT MY FOOT ON THE GAS PEDAL AND THE RPMS WOULD GO UP BUT THE CAR WOULDN?T MOVE. I would suggest a visible warning sticker be placed somewhere near the pull strap warning motorists when they lower their hatchback doors. These 2019 santa fe are not safe to be selling to the public with this known defect. Progressive insurance claim #[xxx], vin [xxx]. One of our staff members will call you shortly. When your hands are full you can use the hands-free smart liftgate system. The system turns itself on after I have turned off without warning. The vehicle was towedfolsom lake hyundai (12530 auto mall cir, folsom, ca 95630; (916) 293-4760) who were not able to duplicate the failure therefore were unable to diagnose the vehicle. P. S. I do have picture of the information that was displayed on the dashboard at the time of the incidence and my niece was with me on two of those occasions. Your actual mileage will vary with options, driving conditions, driving habits, and vehicle's condition. While driving at various speeds, the vehicle veered into oncoming traffic. I had to stop down to see it. Please follow up the issue with hyundai dealership, enterprise rental car and make sure the compensation make to people who suffer from incident not the enterprise rental car, and if they send a compensation to owner (rental car), they will forward it to me. With a smart key, you can lock or unlock a door (and Tailgate) and start the engine. Prasetyo | May 4, 2021 . Somehow I managed to drive to a nearest parking area and called for assistance. xref By doing that the air bag on the passenger sit will not activate. What Car Should You Buy: Fun, Funky i3 Replacement, The 2024 F-Type 75 Will House Jaguars Final V8. Problem solved. As the owner of a Hyundai Santa Fe, You may have discovered that the back door of Your vehicle refuses to open, no matter how hard You try. Painful low frequency cabin pressure when idling and driving at low speeds under 30mph. The result was a 12 x 8 inch hole and a spiderweb of cracks throughout the rest of the glass. With your key fob in your hand, pocket or bag, approach the liftgate. EXAMPLE 1: Youre waiting to meet a friend in a parking lot so you can partake in some outdoor activity, such as jogging, or tennis, or rounding up baby sheep so you can hold them between your arms. Virtual Appointments. THE CONTACT STATED THAT THE VEHICLES SMART SYSTEM CAUSED THE VEHICLE TO BRAKE ON ITS OWN. I was put at risk because I was actively driving and the cars around me were driving. THE APPROXIMATE FAILURE MILEAGE WAS 3,000. Thats unfortunate! This lemon is anything but functional and safe. The computer pulls at a hard level which makes it difficult to maintain the vehicle in the lane and it suddenly releases the pulling which jerks the car back into the driving lane much like an over correction. Your author Whats your name? The manufacturer was made aware of the failure and provided the contact with case number: 16693618 and a loaner vehicle. A door is not locked or closed. The Hyundai car brand is one of the leading car manufacturers in the world. We took the car home and it did run smoother but after 2 hrs later it wouldnt turn on and when it did it would turn the engine off whenever we came to a stop. To use the smart liftgate feature, first make sure the option is turned on. Suddenly, you stir, and you knock the keys to your Tucson on the floor, merely a foot away from the front door. The dealer turned the issue over to a case manager with the manufacturer who stated that they would call back within three to five days. I had pulled into a parking lot and was looking to park, coasting through the parking lot, I then backed up and found a parking spot. There has been no resolution with hyundai. 1 month later, vehicle was disabled and delivered to dealer by rollback. This vehicle has fca + pedestrian, scc, lka. Liftgate locks again automatically when closed. If this method worked for you and you were able to get into your trunk, leave a comment below. Get back on the road and enjoy the ride. My vehicle only had 16000 miles when this issue began. I have had it in the shop multiple times and they keep telling me if they cant duplicate it they cant fix it. I hope you will look into this matter. So a few years ago, the hands-free tailgate was born. We do this to improve browsing experience and to show personalized ads. We are ranked A+ by the BBB. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. The rear hatch opens in the night, and thieves steal your second-row seats. These things happened while in motion and parked. Tl* the contact owns a 2019 hyundai santa fe. 2. Home Delivery. THE 5W/30 OIL HAS BEEN THINNED TO THE CONSISTENCY OF 20W OIL. No, instead I have to leave it at the dealer in hopes the issue is found quickly, so I don't run up a huge rental bill plus pay my monthly car note. Sit back and let the experts work out your lemon case at no cost to you. After 3rd time it started and we were able to get home. New engine recommended by dealer. The doctor recommends that you purchase a Ford Escape. At around 5014 miles, when I came to a stop light in dc, the vehicle shut off again and would restart. Sometimes you might hear a clicking sound like it wants to open, but it doesn't release. Manually pushing or pulling the liftgate may activate the systems obstacle detection feature and stop the power operation or reverse its direction, replicate a strut failure, or damage mechanical components. Contacted hyundai usa several times to get a run around or the response if its not recording there is nothing wrong with the car. The technician reported no dtc's found and suggested it might have been caused by the windshield mounted "dash cam", the "dashcam" was not in a position where it could possibly interfere with the vehicle camera, (it has been in the same position since vehicle purchase and remains in the same position today), possibly some critter that ran out in front of us and we did not notice it or maybe a big bug flew into the vehicle. The rear power gate also has started malfunctioning. You'll also notice advertisements on my site, which help contribute to the costs of running the site. The contact stated that while at a complete stop with the auto engine start/stop feature activated, the vehicle would intermittently shut off upon depression of the accelerator pedal with several warning lights illuminated on the instrument panel. This cost $492.91 Since the Within a short amount of time large pieces of glass began to fall out creating a very heavy load on the fabric sunshade. The failure recurred two weeks later. 0000000016 00000 n If youre receiving a lot of resistance or the key is not going into the keyhole all the way, you might have to add some lubricant to the keyhole to get everything moving again. The vehicle was towed to centennial hyundai (6200 centennial center blvd, las vegas, nv 89149 (702) 483-2200) where the contact was informed of an unknown safety warning bulletin. I HAD TO RESTART THE ENGINE IN ORDER TO CONTINUE MANEUVERING THE VEHICLE. The vehicle had been destroyed. After all, they are considered to be one of the most essential safety features. If this doesnt work, then you will have to get in touch with an auto electrician who can fix this issue for you quickly and efficiently. Tl* the contact leased a 2019 hyundai santa fe. NEW ENGINE RECOMMENDED BY DEALER. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. If for any reason you don't, return it within 3 days and exchange it for another new Hyundai. 0000048961 00000 n There is a recall related to the side curtain air bags being damaged by the mounting bolts. bJ_HfNh(Oo]L/$bO5abQ@M ,. The car is unusable till then. It has been close to 4 months that we have had to drive a vehicle that is considered unsafe. The manufacturer was not made aware of the failure. My complaints began with a "hard start" and a delayed turnover of the engine. 260 @ 5500. The vehicle was taken to stockton hyundai (2979 auto center cir, stockton, ca 95212, (209) 662-6400), but they were unable to replicate the issue. Several times to get into your trunk, leave a comment below have! Youre chatting under an umbrella with a `` hard start '' and a delayed of! This to improve browsing experience and to show personalized ads valet lock inside the trunk open. A clicking sound like it wants to open, try this for sale in Bentonville, AR from happening have! 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