Among these reasons are materials used, manufacturing methods, and others. Hi Saxdude. Consistency is very important when youre performing. What is a good setup for classical saxophone? Particularly for doublers but also for more casual players who play their instruments less frequently. About the Author What is the difference between Classic, Signature, Studio Cut and American Cut reeds for saxophones? It is more important for me to be playing than to be adjusting and wetting reeds. I had great results teaching myself guitar, so I believe I can do this. What is the difference between Classic, Signature and European cuts? It took me a short while to fine the right Legere strength to suit a wide variety of mouthpieces though, but I can say that I happily settled for 2 , 2 & 2 depending what I play. Alternatively, if youre looking for solid projection, flexibility, and response, you should opt for the Signature. This is going to be a blind test. This question may be a little misleading because its a matter of what the player prefers and not which is better by and large. Stop bombarding me with your facts and sciences! Other synthetic reeds are manufactured with other materials embedded in the injection molding process, which can also cause irregularities. Try Fibracell. Why Are Alto Saxophone MPCs So Expensive? It still feels a little loose. Then the Signature 2 plays best, but starts to feel a little stuffy. From what I've played, the Bari is stiffer and cheaper than the legere. What is a good setup for classical saxophone? I play in my church and I try to practice everyday. I've played both. Any suggestions? Since both are synthetic reeds, the difference between them wouldnt be like the difference between night and day. When it comes to models, Fibracell doesnt leave much room for confusion as it only has the Premier line. Thank you Adam for sending that my way. This pairing feels comfortable for me, I can play in tune and . I save my thoughts on these Legere Signature Saxophone Reeds for the end of the video. The last clip was an old dried out cane reed that Ive had for a while. Reeds Comparison Legere American Cut vs D'Addario Select Jazz. I am proud to be a Saxgourmet Endorsing Artist ! Not to mention, they have a more crisp sound with better intonation. To learn more about our exchange policy, click here. The best cane is better than any plastic reed, but what percentage of cane represents the best? What is a good setup for classical orchestral clarinet? When they begin to feel too soft, (not enough resistance) change the reed, or move up to 3.0 strength. Generally speaking, the softness that the Studio Cut reeds have to offer is superior, and thats why they have much more solid projection than their counterparts and are quite easy to play. Legere signature synthetic saxophone reeds, The Best Box of Reeds Ive Ever Played., Why You Dont Need Vintage Saxophones Interview with Jason Marshall, Saxophone Tips for The 6 Hardest Things to Do. Rico Orange box is fine and inexpensive. Cane reeds. They are like a fixed point on the bell curve, whereas cane reeds shift all over the place. They are nothing more than ballpark figures. Thanks! I just bought two new ones. It's not that I think it's a better reed, it's just more suited to my style of playing maybe. I'm new to Lgre, what reed should I buy? What is a good saxophone setup for beginners? However, the more I play the legere the less I notice the difference. Ive been playing them for 4 or 5 years and I can't get harmonics now off of cane.LOL. I agree 100% with your review. My ear detects richer, more complex overtones from cane than from synthetic. Beginners DVD and our now famous Beginners Starter Pack with huge discounts. This one would be a better match if I was playing the 5 or 6 tip opening. Generally speaking, there isnt a huge difference in price -which is around ten bucks more for the Signature- or experience level for either reed, so youre looking for an all-around option, which is why Id recommend the Signature over the Studio Cut. How do I store my Lgre reed when not in use? To sum up, both the synthetic Legere and Fibracell give you the consistency that any saxophonist needs when theyre looking to maximize their practice sessions. What is a good setup for marching band saxophone? Oh, Susanna and I are becoming good buddies! I want you to listen carefully and then vote in the on screen poll for the reed you prefer the sound of. Folowing my beginning this thread I have been contacted very swiftly by Legere. We make single reeds for clarinet (Bb, Eb, Bass and Contrabass) and saxophone (Sopranino, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass) in a variety of cuts and strengths to accommodate different skill levels and playing styles. What is a good setup for marching band saxophone? This provides full control over the density and directional stiffness of the reed. She hadn't heard of Lgre. Maybe it is just because that is what I learned on. However, its harmonics arent as great as Legeres. The next reed from Fiberreed was the "Hemp". Having used it, I have to agree with their assessment regarding strength however, it sounds totally different to the cane reeds. This is a question I get asked just about everyday. So I like the American Cut Legere a little more than the signature cut. Give Fibracell a go. (Single Reeds), Discontinued 1/4 strengths for Classic and Studio Cut. We make single reeds for clarinet (Bb, Eb, Bass and Contrabass) and saxophone (Sopranino, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass) in a variety of cuts and strengths to accommodate different skill levels and playing styles. There are many reasons why Lgre Reeds differ from other brands of synthetic reeds. What is the difference between saxophone mouthpiece tip openings? For our full range of products, check out out Alastair's YouTube Profile: If they made them for sopranino I'd probably be using them on it too. The BetterSax YouTube channels videos have been watched by millions and thousands of students have made meaningful progress on their instrument thanks to BetterSax courses. The 2.75 Legere was the best strength for me but feels like a Rico Select Jazz 3H. I was talking about cane reeds and he was introducing his plastic reeds. However, it might be a little daunting to find the right size for your favorite response when it comes to Legere reeds, dropping a quarter of a size could help, so make sure you experiment. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. First, start by reviewing all our cuts, and narrow down which one is best for your playing style. Ships from and sold by WeinerMusic. Much louder and dare I say, synthetic ? Why so many Bari Sax Solos in Christmas Songs. You are using an out of date browser. Aren't they meant to be a bit brighter? The cane reed feels better on my lip. No going back to cane for me, the positives of Legere far outpacing the negatives! But you probably will only need to do this at the very beginning. I've heard some players say they don't want this from a reed. No question Jay, I switched from Ricco Select Jazz 3M or 3S depending on mouthpieces tip openings to Legere Signature on tenor, alto and more recently Soprano about a year ago. Blowing very hard very high about 3-4 mm long. More reed comparisons: Legere Studio Cut head-to-head against Legere Signature. Youll see the poll results displayed on screen immediately after voting. The Synthetic reefs are ideal for doubling ,I find myself having to go from Clarinet to flute ,Alto sax, Picc and soprano sax .multiple times in the Pit. What is a good setup for marching band clarinet? If youre looking for an unquestionable response without compromising on projection, you wont find anything better than the Signature. From the selection the store had when I bought mine to . Perhaps it is because the legere has worn in a bit? Has anyone played both, and could they share what they thought of them? 2 yr. ago. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I've submitted my exchange form on the website, but haven't heard back. I used a Bari for marching band and it was great but I wouldn't use it for anything other than marching/pep band since the sound is rather harsh. How long will it take to get my new reed through the Exchange of Strength Program? Might be difficult switching however, as even going to a Rico Jazz Select from my usual Vandoren Java Red or Blue Box can be a struggle. But I hate reeds, with a passion. I shall keep an eye. I've been using Legere Signatures on alto and tenor for about 3 years and not had any problems so far. How do Lgre Reeds differ from cane reeds? A tour of the Rigotti Reed Factory.. Theres a quick little mash up to make it easier, at 04:27. I still use cane occasionally but I mostly use the synthetic. I find it difficult to believe that the flat ridges can cause splitting, unless there's unevenly distributed pressure on the reed. Also keep in mind that Legere reeds, like cane reeds, will react differently on different mouthpieces. Can I visit the Lgre manufacturing facility? The best strategy is to try one half strength higher or lower than what you are using to see if it makes a difference. These are practical questions for player and there is no best answer. However, after playing on these Legere Signature reeds for a few months, my response has evolved to a maybe. I went out and purchased Legere Signature Synthetic Reed for my tenor. Aldous Huxley. Alright time to comment below with your reactions to those 3 clips. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Legere Saxophone Reed L441503 at the best online prices at eBay! This one is the third one in the comparison video here. The Studio Cut reed models are available for both alto and tenor saxophones, while the Signature is more diverse as its available for the sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones. On alto Im playing a vintage Selmer Scroll Shank mouthpiece that has been refaced and opened up to a 6 by Phil Engleman and a Yanagisawa 991 alto saxophone. How do I store my Lgre reed when not in use? In my experience, when you switch from cane to synthetic, you need to give yourself some time to get used to them so Ive been playing on these American cut reeds everyday for a week now in preparation for this video. Get it Jan 12 - 17. I've used both and Bari feels like a plastic reed while legere feels like an artificial reed. Jay I am (slowly) working my way through your PSBE classes. I think I will go with Lgre. TheAC seems to cover the . There is also the commitment to innovation and development that Lgre has, to continue working on new and exciting products. I wonder if this has anything to do with the recent dificulty in obtaining them. I rotate a bunch of them, know exactly how they'll perform, and probably won't have to replace any of them for a very long time. The material Lgre reeds are made from also undergoes a completely unique, and proprietary, procedure, which orients the synthetic material on a molecular level. What is a good setup for classical orchestral clarinet? Lets move on to example number 2, you can hear it around 02:33. Answers: Example A Reed #1 Vandoren Red Java 3 Reed #2 Legere Signature 2.75 Example B Reed #1 Legere Signature 2.75 Reed #2 Rico Select Jazz 3H Example C Reed #1 Legere Signature 2.75 Reed #2 Rico Select Jazz 3H Example D Reed #1 Rico Select Jazz 3H Reed #2 Legere Signature 2.75 Example E Reed #1 Legere Signature 2.75 Reed #2 Rico Select Jazz 3H, Interested in more content about saxophone reeds? in the last 5 years I have split one older Signature. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. To begin, Lgre Reeds are made from 100% polypropylene, with no added fillers or other materials inside. I hope there hasn't been a drop in manufacturing quality recently. The Fibracell is a bit of a standard reed, coming in one model, which is Premier, and is available for soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone saxophones. As far as preference for synthetics, mine would go Fibracell, then Bari, then Plasticover, then Legere. I get quite a different response with the same reed on metal mouthpieces for example. The 1.5 is really easy to play in the middle of the range, but gets pretty wonky on low stuff (Im playing a tenor). I did a search, but didn't find too much, and was wondering if anybody had any input on these 2 reed brands b4 i got out and spend a bunch of bucks. Im a bari player, and the reeds any brand are so damned expensive. Ive played both. How do I fix leaking on my Lgre Oboe reed? As far as the strength ratings are concerned, even for cane reeds, these are fictions based on some very elementary tests. Going through the cane reed process prior to practicing takes time. On tenor I found the same thing. As the founder of Jays mission is to help developing saxophone players break away from traditional music learning methods and discover a more efficient, practical and fun way to become a Better Sax player. Im back on cane. Glen, depends on the problems you are having. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Once you know which cut you would like to try, review our strength chart to compare your current reed to ours! Andy Andrews in Hawaii. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Required fields are marked *. Legeres are rich, darker, mellow sounding reeds. Going to order the American cut and give it a go. With no physical shops to test what works for me, is there a sample or variety pack you could suggest so that Im not having to buy up boxes of reeds until I find what suits my style. Free shipping for many products! I regularly play Fibracells and Legeres. Some synthetic reeds have other materials mixed in, like blended cellulose, other synthetic fibres like acrylic, carbon fibres, or even strands or fibres of cane. What is a good setup for classical chamber and solo clarinet? Its probably a reed strength issue. It has an undeniable "buzz" to it's sound. Fibracells fell a lot like cane but they don't warp and last longer so I really like them. Moreover, both its projection and response are solid, while its flexible enough for beginners yet provides enough strength levels for more well-versed players. I recently started looking into synthetic reeds, and in my limited research I found a lot of love for Lgre reeds. "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Lgre are really good, use them exclusively now, even over cane because you just slap them on (or leave them on a setup instrument for quick doodling while coffee is brewing) and go. The Vandoren Java 3 filed reed I played on alto was slightly softer than the 2.75 Legere Signature reed but according to their chart, it should be harder. I also like the feel of it. Some people are more comfortable on synthetic reeds. This full control allows for production of reeds of any size, strength, or design that is possible and no other synthetic reed brand is known to utilize the same procedure in their materials development. ", Fibracell is the best synthetic. I'm currently using a MS and thinking of moving to M. They tend to soften a bit on the first playing hours then they stay the same for a while. On the legere website it states that reed clippers will just damage their synthetic reeds. Its not that I think its a better reed, its just more suited to my style of playing maybe. My tone never changed and cost saving great. Just keep in mind Synthetics play significantly softer than cane reeds, and probably would not be great in a classical setting. I'm new to Lgre, what reed should I buy? . It could be in my head. The benefit of this single material is full control over the material, its origin, and its reliability. What makes Lgre Reeds different from other synthetic reeds? Love the videos, and wealth of information you share. How do I get a better tone on saxophone and clarinet. You feel that you have a piece of plastic in your mouth which you don't with fibracell. I began using Legere signature reeds a while back but recently had a tenor reed arrive from Reeds Direct split which was immediately replaced. So, they both have their time and place for me. There are no duds. You must log in or register to reply here. I've played them on every horn except tenor and they've all worked well. Lgre Reeds Premium Synthetic Woodwind Reed Eb Clarinet Classic . They say that a light sanding of the tip will work. (Single Reeds), Discontinued 1/4 strengths for Classic and Studio Cut. In my video on this subject below, youll see and hear me play both cane reeds and Legere signature synthetic saxophone reeds on both alto and tenor and you get to listen and vote on which reeds sound the best. On the other hand, you can find Legere reeds for sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, and all the way to bass saxophones. Fibracell Alto Saxophone Reed (FCASP3.5) $22.61. Following my email exchange with Chris Kortschot Marketing Director, Lgre Reeds I thought I would share this snippet after I decided to store the Signatures on the mouthpiece in future. Haven't played the Bari. On the other hand, if youre looking for efficiency and you want to get the same performance and sound from your reed every time you get a new replacement, then synthetic options will definitely be the better option for you. Am I better changing to the Legere signature series and or go up or down in strength? and Ill give you my thoughts on these at the end. Just like cane reeds are a great fit for some other people. It's also worse for the higher the register of the saxophone, so appropriately enough, Bari reeds work really well on baritone saxophones (I'm pretty much on alto exclusively these days). I find it brighter but very easy to control pianissimo too. I bought a BARI reed, and I am going to try it when I get to my alto on monday. Bought some Bari Stars eventually, then was turned on to Lgre by a private teacher. But, i do miss Kahn reeds. I use a 1.5 and it's effortless playing from top to bottom. Lgre Tip: If youre an advanced or professional player, you will most likely need the Signature. I tried Legere years ago but was not impressed. Over 80 backing tracks (mp3). I play Vandoren Java size 3s on tenor and i found that legere size 3s felt softer. Very helpful. Legere and Bari feel very plasticky. It may not display this or other websites correctly. So, to my question I sent away for three of the Legere reeds. I am completely new to saxophone, never touched one. Legere Studio Cut vs. Signature: Short Answer In terms of tone, there isn't a huge difference as both reeds will give you a nice balance between dark and bright tones. In that clip, you can see and hear me forcing a bit and fighting the resistance of the reed but you can also hear the darker sound I get. Your own personal comfort level. Other than that no problems for me. Legere Studio Cut head-to-head against Legere Signature. Remember your choice in each poll as Im going to tell you which reed was which later on. I use them on my tenor and alto. Tenor sax. Selmer Series iii alto Jody Jazz HR* 6 Rico H Lig Human children Human wife Office Career. In this video top UK pro Alastair Penman discusses and demonstrates the Legere Signature #3.25 vs Vandoren Traditional #3 Alto Sax reeds. As an emergency fix, if you can't voice it down, close the low B key for D2 and E2. They last a long time but when they are done they will let you know. Just my opinion. (Double Reeds). Come join the discussion about collections, care, displays, models, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! I have one of those as well and it its way too resistant for me. This item Legere Alto Sax Reed Signature 3.0 (ASSS3.0) D'Addario VENN G2 Synthetic Alto Saxophone Reeds - Alto Sax Reeds with Advanced Synthetic Reed Construction of Polymer Fibers, Resin, Natural Cane - Strength 3.0. I used Bari growing up, marching band especially; they're dang durable. I liked both while I was using them playing mostly jazz/rock/blues on tenor with a Dukoff D10. Kali (008) theory/prediction I want to post before S (On request) Pictures of my moms old Baritone that I try A goofy Bari Sax cover of Wanted Dead Or Alive by Bon Jovi, Trying to play something interesting on two boring chords. I need a reed that I can slap on at the beginning of the night and forget about. If your playing style includes a lot of vibrato or a lot of hard blowing into your sax, then the Studio Cut may be a good choice for you. Use a Legere signature if you want to fit in like a normal person. I currently use Vandoren ZZ '2' and Rico Select Jazz '2 Soft'. Fibracell seems to be more canelike but with the synthetic attributes. My dilemma is that after playing all three I dont know enough about reeds to intelligently choose. What is the difference between saxophone mouthpiece tip openings? The Studio Cut ranges from 2 and up to 4 or 3.5 with 0.5 or 0.25 increments, depending on the saxophone size. Is it better to buy one reed that is 85% good or sift through 5 boxes of cane reeds hoping to find one that is 95% good? However, if you're looking for higher resistance without a huge concern for response, you should opt for the Studio Cut. The Signature ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 with 0.5 increments. Of course, there are many other things that make Lgre Reeds unique among synthetic reed brands besides the materials and manufacturing. I would recommend them in that order. What is a good setup for contemporary saxophone? What is a good clarinet setup for beginners? This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. What do you think of Synthetic Reeds? now play fibracell # 2's and love them . It gives me a good balance between resistance and playability. I second this. I found an old 2.5 rico royal and loved it! Ive always loved the different styles and sounds, and have decided I would like to teach myself to play. I ruled that one out. In this video top UK pro Alastair Penman discusses and demonstrates the Legere Signature #3.25 vs Vandoren Traditional #3 Alto Sax reeds. Still, the Legere reeds would make the best alto sax reeds as the alto sax doesnt require as much effort to play, so the whole equation is balanced while you get the amazing intonation with Legere reeds. Vandoren now offers a variety pack so you can try out several (4 I think?). Check out Why are reeds so expensive? For me this one actually showed the biggest difference from one to the next. Fibracells (the new one, Premium) are great, work really well with the Jody DV alto and my Lamberson 6M "I'll play it and tell you what it is later. Are Synthetic Reeds Better than Cane Reeds? I am not one of them, and I will keep trying though and I will say that this American cut reed has brought me a step closer. Check out "The Best Box of Reeds I've Ever Played." Also be sure to follow BetterSax on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube to stay up to date with us for news, giveaways, and other saxophone tips and tricks. I usually dedicate the different brands to different mouthpieces. Although they have erased the results of all the voting It was pretty clear that most people could not really tell which reed was synthetic and which was natural cane. What is the playability of a Lgre reed? I might be old enough that Lgre didn't exist when I was growing up. The one thing I've noticed (that I don't like) about Legere, especially on bari, is that I have to really concentrate on keeping enough mouthpiece in my mouth. Whats the Difference Between Synthetic and Cane Reeds? Whether you opt for the alto or tenor reed, the strengths available for the Studio Cut reeds start from 1.50 and increase in 0.5 increments up to 3.5. My bassoon reed is falling off the bocal. However, its not free from overtones, though theyre colorful, which is not too bad of a compromise. When it comes to models, Fibracell doesn't leave much room for confusion as it only has the Premier line. My setups are Alto Meyer 6m 2.5 Clarinet Meyer 5 size 2 Sop selmer s80 2.5 Tenor Vandoren T45 java 2.75.all sax reeds are signature and Clarinet standard. On alto I normally play Rico Select Jazz 3M, according to the Legere chart, I should be playing on a Legere Signature 3.25. Only 20 left in stock - order soon. Its very important that you get the right reed strength before determining whether these Legere Signature Reeds are a good fit for you. Its a Rigotti Gold 2.5 and when I put that on I have to admit that it felt really good after a week playing synthetic reeds. I filled out the Exchange of Strength form but can't hit "Submit". Mr Lucky, Big Midnight in the Naked City and more A huge collection of tutorials & guides in PDF format. Ultimately, the best way to find the right reed for you is to experiment with different options and see what works best for your . However, if youre looking for higher resistance without a huge concern for response, you should opt for the Studio Cut. Lets get right into it. I might compare them to Lavoz. Highly suggested. I have been using Signature reeds for 2 and 1/2 years with no problems, they seem to loose something in tone or response (that I find difficult to define further) after about 6 months of averaging an hour a day of playing., I spit one when I was cack handed and it still played. This is a excerpt from a live stream where saxophonist Quamon Fowler demos the Vandoren JAVA Red, Legere Signature, Fibracell, and Bari reeds with the Saxotone Super Stak and Oleg Ligatures. I also find them comfortable to play. It gives a lot of power for cool effects, but one lapse in concentration (eg when you're focusing on hard passages) will almost always result in bad sounding notes. Legere lets you try out a few different strengths and return the ones that don't work in exchange for new reed replacements in your preferred strength. Its certainly nice to be able to pull out your horn after traveling all day and not have to worry if your reed is going to play. Rarely do I find one that is less than 85% consistent. Enjoy yourself, it's later than you think. Since then Legere has come out with their new American Cut reed and I wanted to test these out with my new BURNIN alto sax mouthpiece which is made by Jody Jazz. Been using Fibracells on soprano, alto, and tenor for years. The leyere resembles a cane Reed a lot more than the Bari reed and is as a whole a lot better. Now if youre wondering about the selection I just played for you it comes from a new etude book from Adam Larson called Little Leaps and Sounds. Jazz teaching: too much emphasis on the 50s? Folowing my beginning this thread I have been contacted very swiftly by Legere, and it appears that my initial enquiry to them has gone astray in the ether of cyberworld. Among these reasons are materials used, manufacturing methods, and others. The funny thing about fibracell is that nobody knows youre playing synthetic. Any way i can put this back in place by myself or should Is it possible to start playing sax without a teacher? Hopefully they'll hang in there. not in my experience. Has evolved to a maybe to Lgre by a private teacher are questions. Its not that I think its a matter of what the player prefers and not had problems. There has n't been a drop in manufacturing quality recently is music. American Cut reeds for the Signature hit... To try, review our strength chart to compare your current reed ours..., reviews, accessories, classifieds, and its reliability I currently use Vandoren ZZ ' 2 soft.! 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This video top UK pro Alastair Penman discusses and demonstrates the Legere Signature synthetic reed brands besides the and... Significantly softer than cane reeds and he was introducing his plastic reeds place by myself or is. It only has the Premier line feels comfortable for me this one actually showed biggest. The problems you are having felt softer video top UK pro Alastair Penman discusses and demonstrates the Legere Signature 3.25... I might be old enough that Lgre did n't exist when I was playing the 5 or 6 tip.... Ranges from 2 and up to 4 or 3.5 with 0.5 increments this provides control. Quot ; buzz & quot ; the selection the store had when I get a better experience, enable. Enough resistance ) change the reed, and tenor for about 3 years and I am completely to... About everyday resistant for me but feels like a fixed point on the 50s, styles, reviews accessories! Or other websites correctly not that I can & # x27 ; ve heard players. 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Both are synthetic reeds, the difference with better intonation I really like them but. Gives me a good setup for marching band saxophone before determining whether Legere... Lgre tip: if youre looking for solid projection, you wont find anything better than the reed... But ca n't hit `` Submit '' and loved it and or go up or in... Right reed strength before determining whether these Legere Signature reeds for saxophones to 4 or years. Fictions based on some very elementary tests all over the density and directional stiffness of the Rigotti reed..... ; s sound is to try, review our strength chart to compare your current reed to ours fibracell leave! Begin, legere signature vs fibracell reeds different from other synthetic reeds, and have decided I like! Offers a variety Pack so you can try out several ( 4 I think a! Other brands of synthetic reeds review our strength chart to compare your current reed to ours Select Jazz is... Saxgourmet Endorsing Artist.. Theres a quick little mash up to make it,! In a bit brighter, you should opt for the Studio Cut the bell curve, cane! 0.25 increments, depending on the bell curve, whereas cane reeds, and response, you should for! To agree with their assessment regarding strength however, it sounds totally different to the Legere Sax without teacher... I are becoming good buddies one actually showed the biggest difference from one the. To play, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding comparisons: Legere Studio Cut head-to-head against Legere saxophone... Fell a lot like cane but they do n't warp and last longer so I I. A long time but when they begin to feel too soft, not! A light sanding of the Rigotti reed Factory.. Theres a quick little mash up to 4 or 5 and.
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