I think you misunderstood the post- the piercings are meant to help prevent/lesson those symptoms. You should consult your licensed physician for any medical treatment before trying alternative medicine. It is important to understand which meridian point your potential piercing is located on, and what long-term effects that can have both physically and mentally. Whether its to express pride about your culture, rebel against your culture, or just for aesthetic value, your piercing will always be a huge statement that shows courage. However, a piercing in the left nostril is believed to increase the Pingala or masculine energy flowing through a person. That day still haunts me! But if your piercing is done over the location of your meridians, then your chakras will have an indirect disruption in energy. Many in-the-know acupuncture pros like Mona say trendy ear piercings could create a natural energetic draining point, but others argue that the body becomes desensitized to the shift in energy over time or that the body finds a way to flow around it. Meridian This does make me wonder what your thoughts are on tattoos. Not only were tattoos and piercings more common among those who reported any kind of childhood adversity, their prevalence rates also increased with greater severity of all kinds of abuse and neglect. I would be glad to read your answer. To understand the impact of the piercings we may have already (and the powers behind any potential new ones), we turned to our community of trusted acupuncturists who have a nuanced understanding of needles, metals, and how they might affect our bodies, as much of this goes untested by modern science. What is the safest metal for piercings? Learn more about cardiac coherence [], [] breathing exercises (to pamper your lungs), massaging your belly at the same time if you can (to help your, [] depend on each other). What kind of energetic effect do they have? The pathways correspond to different major organs, including the liver, heart, lungs, and so forth. The theory goes that when you get piercings along these meridian lines, you can disrupt the energy flow of the bodyand that can affect the specific body parts associated with that meridian line. , What do piercings and tattoos say about a person? , Why shouldn't you get pierced with a ring? Tragus Weight loss/appetite control. In 2014 I visited a Scandinavian healer for adenomyosis pain and she mentioned my tattoos as a possible cause of physical pain in my body because of the meridian points they affected. She placed mud packs on each tattoo to draw out the toxins. This has been studied by scientists and doctors. I never piece my daughters ears I didnt wanted to hurt nerves endings for what Ive learned then . This impacts both the said point, and the energy flow along the meridian where the piercing is located. If you are thinking about piercing this one and care about your meridians, look the other way! This is of great concern as the lymph nodes play an important role in regulating immune system health. Body Piercings Effects of Piercing the Nose, Ear and Other Parts | SSRF English.SSRF English. When our energy is imbalanced, we can experience low Think of these meridian lines as the body's energy network. These invisible pathways allow your physical body to connect to Nature and to the Universeto all invisible information. It is not uncommon to see Hindu women with nose or navel rings, and people of both genders often having their ears pierced early in childhood during a Karnavedha ceremony. "Some people seek out a piercing procedure as a form of self-therapy, allowing them to release stress.". Pigments give tattoos the vibrant colors. What effect does piercing have on the body? Piercing is a fashion that is not going anywhere. Lets look at 6 of these common points and whats happening: This is an extreme no-go. , What are 3 possible negative effects of getting a tattoo? Later on, Dr. Paul Nogier came up with a hypothesis of an inverted fetus in the ear. The piercing point of a chin is directly on the Ren Meridian and will affect point REN24. Im very interested in thoughts of cuffs instead of piercing.stretching and holistic ancient therapies piece the inner and outer areas where there are no actual acupoints for permanent health. The acupuncture points are mapped to 14 main meridian channels. Whatever kind of piercing you decide on, consider the intention behind it, which can have a personal psychological effect since the body art itself can be a lasting reminder. But if your piercing is done over the location of your meridians, then your chakras will have an indirect disruption in energy. Metal affects the energy flow of your body, especially if it is located near a meridian. Some piercing studios have noted auriculotherapy as the inspiration for clients interest in piercing as therapy. The most dangerous piercings are the ones that involve cartilage, like higher ear piercings, says Tracy Burton, a pediatric nurse practitioner in Ontario. (Or, it permanently stimulates the nerves and muscles at that point.). The placement of your piercing is the most important factor when considering the effect it will have on your energy flow and it should be a priority to choose the location carefully. Pick your piercings wisely. Tattoos go straight to this precious organ, so it's important to research the ink your artist is using. Mona mentioned that in Chinese medicine, we believe when areas of the ear are pierced it can be draining for the body, as the area is constantly stimulated. Dietary Changes to Get Rid of the Spare Tire Essentially, it's important to choose lower calorie options, skip processed foods, limit sugar and practice portion control. There ARE ink alternatives marketed as "non-toxic" that are definitely worth checking out if you're thinking about getting a tattoo. , Is there a correlation between tattoos and childhood trauma? Just go for the real thing: Skelly suggests trying ear seeds or regular acupuncture sessions from a trained professional instead. In many cultures, youre basically born with pierced earswell it basically feels like it when you get your ears pierced when you are just days old like in my case! These issues can lead to digestion problems. In acupuncture, thin needles are inserted into the body on acupuncture points to help the flow of qi, which is also known as vital force. One of the most common piercings and it starts very young, even infants, are ear piercings. In conclusion, piercings do affect your chakras, but deciding if they will be a positive or negative effect is completely up to you. This is particularly true for the ear piercings because the ears contain about 300 acupressure points and each of those connect to an organ. I checked out recent body piercing statistics and, sure enough, it says that 14% of Americans have a piercing somewhere other than their earlobes. Belly button piercings damage the entire central nervous system because they are on the Ren meridian channel. A study completed in 2007 in Germany evaluating tattooed and non-tattooed individuals using a Big Five Personality Inventory found that tattooed individuals scored higher on the subscale of extraversion, and lower on the subscale of neuroticism (Wohlrab, 2007). To demonstrate this, take a look at the following chart. If the piercings are constantly moving or being energised, maybe this would affect it. Metal conducts electricity, and just by being in our bodies can attract or dispel energies. Its actually more taboo to NOT have your ears pierced like Jena. Byrd, Sally. That said, the point is pierced, and that is not healthy. I disagree with this view because:1) Acupuncture needles (or finger pressure) only stimulate the points. - Acupressure Wellness Based on the principles of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, were examining how the ear can be seen as a tiny map for the whole body, and how piercings could hurt or help on a variety of issues, Above: Common Piercing Names + Acupuncture Pressure Points, Powerful Placements. Most tattoo ink manufacturers mix heavy metal pigments with lightening agents to make their production cost cheaper. Comment below if you found this article helpful and let us know if you are going to get a piercing! We are huge proponents of acupuncture and have experienced the potent influence of a strategic pin poke first hand. Tattoos are a way to express ourselves, our pain, our protection, our style or in my case it was a way to rebel. Each acupressure point is associated with an emotion, a mental state, and a metabolic function. But are there spiritual consequences on having a piercing? While in I never thought about how piercings affect our bodies until recently. Late teens might be a better time, but during the years when the body grows and evolves (and finds its form and its music), piercing seems really premature. For women, it displayed their ability to acquire a husband. The Chalkboard Mag and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The tattoo artist had a cigarette in one hand and a Zima in the other and told me to hold the F steady. This mainly has to do with the theories behind meridian lines. Trauma survivors may turn to body modification as a way to overcome past experiences. We must note, of course, that as of yet, there is no scientific evidence to back these claims up, however. For fun I decided to get an ear piercing on the lobe. Tongue piercings have the fastest healing duration of all piercings at only two weeks before you can downsize the bar. View our full disclaimer here, and terms & conditions here. So neat!". View our Privacy Policy here. In this blog post, you will learn the answer to all these questions and become more informed next time you decide to get a piercing. (I havent worn earrings for 15 years, but they still get buildup and things like that), Hmmm. There are pigments that are approved for cosmetic use, but there are also those that are approved for industrial use, such as car paint or printer ink used in tattoo inks! Susanne. There are several ways to detoxify heavy metals in our bodies and one of them is tattoo ink. For some, a perfectly placed piercing could be a wellness gamechanger, for others, it could cause a subtle shift in energy that proves to be more disruptive than complementary. Thank you. Dear Karen, Tattoos and piercings trace back thousands of years. For example, the Luo meridians of the hand Taiyin, foot Taiyin, and foot Yangming directly connect to the ear. Or does gold stimulate the depression site and therefore lessen the depression and silver would increase the depression? With this background in mind, we can analyze the relationship between a piercing and the body. Because we know that the effects of a needle probably don't last very long, treating these acupressure points with a piercing might not be the wisest direction to go in to get an acupuncture benefit. While a few well-styled studs might add a level of delicate edginess to your look, does that constellation of cute jewelry come with energetic consequences? Piercings can interrupt the flow of energy, especially along the middle meridian, where the navel is located. If you are thinking of hiring Meridian Pool and Spa LLC, we (Solved)Continue, Read More Does Smoking Affect Your Chakras? , What does Chinese medicine say about piercings? , What meridians are belly button piercings? Then later soon in college she need it glasses. Since my correspondance with that reader, whom I thank, I removed my earrings, and I am patiently waiting for the holes to close naturally . The energy of our body flows through these lines. 8 Clean Summer Beauty Picks For The Backyard + The Beach, Give Open' 10 Minutes A Day To Transform Your New Year: Join the Free Challenge, The Ultimate Workshop For Wellness Lovers: Cosmic Herbalism with Adriana Ayales, TCM Editors Picks: 9 Cozy California Classics To Wear Into the New Year, Anne Hathaway's Trainer On Calorie Deficits, Emotional Health + Her Recent Glow Up, The Very Best Gifts Under $35 According To Us, The Ultimate Guide To Stress-Free Holiday Hosting with Cameron Diaz's Avaline. Its just an ear lobe piercing. 24 July 2016. He is said to have lived 5,300 years ago. Which piercings hurt the most (or the least)! I have a question related to this article how about metal inserted in clothes we wear zippers, buttons. From decades we use these designer earring, thanks for enhancing my knowledge. These problems can lead to digestive problems. But how much thought goes into the long term effects that tattoos and piercings can have on our bodies? Metal alters the flow of energy through the body. As long as you have skin above your belly button (and we're pretty sure you do), an experienced piercer should be able to pierce the belly button. Most commonly but not exclusively on women, Medusa tattoos have grown in popularity over the past several years for several reasons: Tattoos are more widely accepted in general, and the #MeToo movement helped to kill at least some of the stigma associated with sexual assault and abuse. By now its widely known that heavy metals in the body are toxic to us and can lead to a wide range of sicknesses and diseases. The same is true for themeridians. However, after your piercing is healed, silver is a good choice, as it promotes patience and clarity of intuition. I started having a lot of problems around the time I pierced my ears and those problems have never resolved. There are actually 5 parts to your tongue and they are connected to the most important and vital parts of your blood vessels. To prove this true, Spiritual Research Foundation crafted a graph that demonstrates the effects of having an eyebrow piercing: The idea behind the drawing is simply one all of the different effects, based on studies that eyebrow piercings have on a human. Now she were contacts. Nice post! The navel is located directly in line with the third chakra, the Manipura, which relates to self-esteem and personal power. Especially those in the face, such as the lip, nose, eyebrow, and tongue. I want to get my ear lobe pierced. Test your chakras: are your 7 chakras fine? EMRs affect the bodys tissues by inhibiting our DNA repair process and they can also interfere with our melatonin production. Navel Running down the main center line of the body, a piercing at the navel could affect a few different things, Some people believe that this piercing can help ease anxiety-related migraines and other symptoms. But how clever is it, really? For men, it presented the boy now as a man and his place is society with men. INK ME TORONTO, Migraines - Blog - Chicago Ink Tattoo & Body Piercing and Microdermals, Ear and nose cartilage piercings: pain and care, Everything you ever wanted to know about cartilage piercings, 21 cute little ear tattoos that every minimalist will love. But it would certainly be preferable to use a non-metallic material if such an alternative is available, and adorning your body with metal when there is no health reason to do so really makes no sense at all. Earlobes are connected to the eyes.Look at the diagram: You will see which organ is connected to your piercings. Bentonite clay and water create a negative electrical charge that attracts and binds with heavy metals and other toxins so that your body can get rid of them through urine and bowel movements. Body piercings and acupuncture meridians Body piercings are nearly always located in places that correlate to acupuncture points on the bodys meridians of energy. Oh yes, he said, It happens all the time!. That means most piercings are located in places that correlate to acupuncture points on the body's meridians of energy. Many people partake in them to express their personality or aesthetic. In many cultures, you're basically born with your ears pierced well, that's basically what it feels like to get your ears pierced when you're only a few days old, like in my case! Meridian lines, or pathways, are a teaching in TCM that stipulates everything in the body is connected, and energy in the body can move through these pathways. Aesthetics are usually the driving factor for most body art (and we could write a whole other article on the sexual motivations behind genital piercings), but some experts believe that choosing the location may have an impact. The heavy metals found in ink are lead, titanium, calcium, beryllium, sulfur, cobalt, chromium, nickel, iron, copper, arsenic and even mercury. Share the post "Are Your Trendy Ear Piercings Helping Or Hurting You On A Wellness Level?". And they've confirmed why with modern science. Whether you believe in acupuncture or not, the research continues to pile in. The benefits will usually far outweigh the EMR effects. Ear piercings are believed to help with emotional stability and ensure smooth menstrual cycles, which encourages fertility. This brings us to the next big question: The answer to this depends on the placement of the piercing, the material of the piercing, and the intention of why you got the piercing. By the time Cardi got to her labret piercing in her face, she made a loud pitch scream for most of the time as her piercer put the needle through her upper chin. It looked fine externally and was not giving me any pain but, sure enough, an X-ray revealed internal decay, and after dental surgery my in-growing toenail corrected itself. Many people suffer from illnesses and potentially long-term damage, which can in some cases be linked to piercings in certain body parts. As discussed earlier, nose piercings can have negative or positive effects depending on the location. Yin and yang meridians. Web. Now, according to a new study published in BMC Psychology, tattoos and piercings might be more common among people who endured child abuse and neglect serving as a means of coping with previous adversity and be an expression of autonomy.. EMRs affect body tissues by inhibiting our DNA repair process, and they can also affect our melatonin production. Don't Get a Tattoo on These Parts of Your Body, 4. I had no idea it was so widespread. Allergic reactions. The tattoo artist had a cigarette in one hand and a Zima in the other and told me to hold the F steady. Therefore, wearing metal around the earlobe might stop the spirits from entering the body. According to the study from Dr. Venessas Formulas, Piercings here can affect hormonal level burn-out, stress in the mouth (grinding of the teeth) infections in the mouth, and salivation. Through the piercing and blockage of the channels, the body is unable to process the energy that is needed, which ultimately results in problems of the beginning part of digestion. According to Sally Byrd, ND, a traditional Naturopath, massage therapist, reflexologist, Metal body piercings interfere with the natural energy flow in the body Acupuncture therapies are now recognized by NIH and the Global World Health Organization along with many medical doctors for health maintenanceWhen the bodys Qi is compromised due to diet, stress, anxiety, surgery, aging, hormonal reduction, medications, physical accidents, disease, and environmental toxins including metal insertions, the energy may become stagnant. In fact, with each year passing, more and more research is being done about the effects of acupuncture on the human body and the benefits that it can provide. , Can body piercings and tattoos pose a threat to your health? Body artbe it tattoos, piercings, or the likeare a tradition as old as time. Energy imbalances reduce our natural immunity and set the stage for chronic or long term diseases.. I do love my earrings. Much like the foot in reflexology, some You can use a bentonite clay drink or a zeolite supplement. When our energy is imbalanced, we can experience low immunity Body Piercings Hip or Health Risk.Dr. Venessa Formula. That means most piercings are located in places that correlate to acupuncture points on the bodys meridians of energy. if so how do I prevent it. Also, the covering of distressing energy around the individual's body increases by 1.5%. Piercings can also stop the flow of our energy through the meridians, which can cause pain and make us feel stagnant. Not only is the ink in our skin, but it's absorbed throughout the body, according to the British Journal of Dermatology, which also found that tattoo ink contains carcinogenic particles that can cause nerve damage and toxic effects in the brain. Many people get a tattoo in their teens or twenties, and the frequency of the image may feel compatible with their life at that time. 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